That would actually make sense. Letting herself get eaten by a swamp merely because her goofy master chooses to do so sounds pretty dedicated and faithful to me. @_@
he fact that this gigantic living swamp is in California, a state where it doesn’t rain for 9 months of the year when they aren’t having a drought, is just too amusing.
Not to mention the entire California irrigation and city-water system has probably been co-opted for swamp growth: I doubt they’re growing oranges in the central valley any more. (The central valley, BTW, before European settlement, _was_ a swamp part of the year, flooding during the snow melt and then drying out again over the subsequent hot months).
Are you kidding?? She now has a chance to find her way through a secret passage or a vent or to hide in the panic room (of course, Artie would have a panic room). If she was under the Henchman’s Union contract, she probably be fed to the Biomass first thing while everyone else got away.
I wonder exactly at what point Artie decided to go full evil? Even he is self-aware enough to recognise that’s where he is right now, I mean he really ought to know what evil is like given where he grew up.
so he takes a little more after hellen in this universe
Nah, Madblood.
What do mutant gerbils take after?
Are we sure she didn’t mean to say: “Forget it! I’m NOT about to get eaten by a swamp!” ?
I guess she’s just resigned to her fate..
Well, that does have something of an “I quit” flavor…
That would actually make sense. Letting herself get eaten by a swamp merely because her goofy master chooses to do so sounds pretty dedicated and faithful to me. @_@
Let? Does she have anywhere to run? The coptor’s down.
he fact that this gigantic living swamp is in California, a state where it doesn’t rain for 9 months of the year when they aren’t having a drought, is just too amusing.
Well, it was mentioned earlier that it has “nearly engulfed the west coast”, so perhaps it’s importing water from the Pacific NW? 🙂
Not to mention the entire California irrigation and city-water system has probably been co-opted for swamp growth: I doubt they’re growing oranges in the central valley any more. (The central valley, BTW, before European settlement, _was_ a swamp part of the year, flooding during the snow melt and then drying out again over the subsequent hot months).
Seems more like a “Are you expecting loyalty from someone you just sent to her death?” kind of statement.
that’s gotta sting, especially since he’s BEEN a faithful, dedicated henchperson.
Oh you poor doomed fools. UNITY’s conscience was always her dumber self… And Sweetheart.
I see that Earth-Two Artie is every bit as vain and petty as Earth-One Artie ever was. ^o^
Don’t forget to turn off the lights and altSergio before you leave.
Should’a joined the Henchman’s Union.
Are you kidding?? She now has a chance to find her way through a secret passage or a vent or to hide in the panic room (of course, Artie would have a panic room). If she was under the Henchman’s Union contract, she probably be fed to the Biomass first thing while everyone else got away.
Evil Overlord Checklist anyone?
I wonder exactly at what point Artie decided to go full evil? Even he is self-aware enough to recognise that’s where he is right now, I mean he really ought to know what evil is like given where he grew up.