Sheritty? Let me extrapolate some more names. Shweetheart, Ship, Shavotte, Shoustacio, Shannick, Shalee, Shartie…. Shargio? Some of those ain’t quite there yet, I guess.
If she really was thinking of that before he did, that’s pretty good for Unity. Though she’s never really been stupid so much as failing to pay attention. And a bunch of the “stupid” things have been “haha Unity injures herself”, which for an indestructible girl doesn’t really mean “stupid”.
pdp15, you had to say it
Jar Jar, you’re a genius!
No, it’s true that even her ‘dumb’ side is pretty smart. She’s just got a completely different approach than Sheritty.
Sheritty? Let me extrapolate some more names. Shweetheart, Ship, Shavotte, Shoustacio, Shannick, Shalee, Shartie…. Shargio? Some of those ain’t quite there yet, I guess.
Sweetlock, Ship, Gavcroft, Moustachilock, Shnick, Shirginia (from Dr Lee’s first name), Shargio, and Artie :p
(I hope you don’t mind me breaking theme to set Gavotte as Mycroft, it just seems to work somehow).
Anasigma, of course, is led by Mr Greeniarty. No relation to the other Artie of course, never…
Sherrity isn’t a portmanteau of SHaenon GaRRITY?
I had a feeling underground would be literal.
I didn’t expect St. Charlie!
i love trains
Who doesn’t?
The spanish inquisition
Called it.
Behold the power of chicken!
So Unity didn’t just have to ingest brains to get smart. A pair of glasses would do as well.
But is this Smart Unity as tactless as the one we know?
Are you nuts? Unity is always tactless. Sherity is just mean about it
Yeah, but Unity-the-less-than-smart doesn’t drop deep personal insights on unsuspecting friends.
There’s a fine line between genius and madness. Where U.N.I.T.Y. stands depends on the number of brains she’s ingested recently.
Y’know, actually, declaring that Unity is the smartest person on the team really doesn’t give one a very high bar of achievement level.
Maybe self-awareness is more the missing element.
“Is that another cryptic clue, or are you hungry now?”
“What do you mean, ‘or’?”
Joe 90 flashbacks.
So… it has come to this
Hmm. All those tasty skin oils and dead skin crust.
And oh so crunchy!
“Unity, you’re the smartest person on this team!”
True, and simultaneously, horrifying.
The truth is, Unity is always smart.
Eating brains just gives her anxiety.
If she really was thinking of that before he did, that’s pretty good for Unity. Though she’s never really been stupid so much as failing to pay attention. And a bunch of the “stupid” things have been “haha Unity injures herself”, which for an indestructible girl doesn’t really mean “stupid”.