Nah, the gerbils were (a) hopeless at disguise, and (b) not entirely coordinated.
I prefer the theory of a male soldier’s brain somehow being implanted in a female android (gyenoid, if you will) body. Which, if true, would mean Virginia had competition (after all, she’s already implanted a video gamer’s brain in a V-22 Osprey and used a DNA sample from Mell Kelly to clone a brain for a certain nanite-powered zombie…)
Alternatively, after reading the relevant page in Narbonic, multiple DNA samples were taken and sold – so maybe another (as yet unnamed) lab / agency got hold of a sample…
We could probably make a shortlist if we found a really creepy biologist who can work out what a lifeform is purely by its sleep/activity patterns…
(I was going to say “zoologist”, but given we’ve already seen zombies stuffed full of sentient plant matter, Gavotte, and the opera-loving silverfish….that would unfairly limiting the options.)
Although if we’re gonna have massively wild guesses, I’d want her to be a secret axolotl. Just because those guys were awesome, even if the chronology doesn’t really work out.
Can’t be the Narbonic strain of super intelligent gerbils as Arty is the only one of his kind left. Could be Hamsters, tho. Not sure what happened to them after the island crashed into the artic but they WERE last seen running around in robot bodies…
Didn’t Virginia say that the brain-implant process was being abandoned in favor of remote-controlled drones? I’m betting that’s what she is – a robot body being remote-piloted by someone in a full-immersion VR system somewhere else.
Don’t be silly. That’s a Hingaby. A quorum is much more sleek, has canine teeth like any other tunnel hunter, and has the armour-plated rear end of a wombat. Oh, and they turned out to be about as friendly and restrained as a six-month-old puppy. Not great for tunnel warfare, and not very safe for the handlers either.
Keep in mind when doing the wild guessing: Violet is a lying lier that lies and the author (any good author, which I count Jeffrey as) is a deceiving deceiver that deceives.
So what we know just now…
1) Violet tried to sleep with Tip more than once. She wouldn’t do that if she didn’t have functional female anatomy, or even if she had anything he would find strange; he might tattle afterwards.
2) Nick’s sensors told him that Violet is a machine, so it’s a fair bet that her body is mostly mechanical. His comment about nipples was probably a taunt, for reasons specified in (1).
3) crap gotta go back to work
Tip may not want Vi for her body, but Virginia wants her for her brains.
Dr. Lee has more in common with Unity than I had thought.
if thats sane, then were all fine! why are people worried when i ask that??
I’ve got $5 on “Autonomous Gerbil Driven Vehicle” for what sort of not-a-robot Virginia ends up being revealed as.
Nah, the gerbils were (a) hopeless at disguise, and (b) not entirely coordinated.
I prefer the theory of a male soldier’s brain somehow being implanted in a female android (gyenoid, if you will) body. Which, if true, would mean Virginia had competition (after all, she’s already implanted a video gamer’s brain in a V-22 Osprey and used a DNA sample from Mell Kelly to clone a brain for a certain nanite-powered zombie…)
Alternatively, after reading the relevant page in Narbonic, multiple DNA samples were taken and sold – so maybe another (as yet unnamed) lab / agency got hold of a sample…
I thought we already knew that she was a clone / mind-rip / emulation / alternate reality version / sanity defying unspecified reproduction of Tip.
“(gyenoid, if you will)” perhaps ‘guynoid’ would be a better misspelling?
The word “gynoid” keeps making me wonder about anatomical correctness.
We could probably make a shortlist if we found a really creepy biologist who can work out what a lifeform is purely by its sleep/activity patterns…
(I was going to say “zoologist”, but given we’ve already seen zombies stuffed full of sentient plant matter, Gavotte, and the opera-loving silverfish….that would unfairly limiting the options.)
Although if we’re gonna have massively wild guesses, I’d want her to be a secret axolotl. Just because those guys were awesome, even if the chronology doesn’t really work out.
Maybe some scorpion DNA – just be careful she doesn’t whip you with the end of her braid…
Massively wild guesses? Well, we haven’t met any aliens yet. Or Precambrians. (Or indeed sentient shades of the colour blue.)
Cats sleep a lot.
Why would that be creepy? Cataloging lifeforms based on sleep/activity patters sounds like a pretty normal activity for a biologist.
Can’t be the Narbonic strain of super intelligent gerbils as Arty is the only one of his kind left. Could be Hamsters, tho. Not sure what happened to them after the island crashed into the artic but they WERE last seen running around in robot bodies…
“…see me as I am inside.” Not something to say to a mad scientist, or even a nominally sane one like dear Ginny.
Just what I was thinking. Now that Violet has expressed the desire I wonder if Ginny will necessarily take no for an answer? o_O
The pilot of the drone is ashamed of the appearance of the real body, and want to bang her like Tip does.
Didn’t Virginia say that the brain-implant process was being abandoned in favor of remote-controlled drones? I’m betting that’s what she is – a robot body being remote-piloted by someone in a full-immersion VR system somewhere else.
Going to have to agree, here.
Thirded. Do we have a quorum yet?
Forgot where I was writing. I ask for a quorum, I’m going to get something fuzzy with shark teeth and acid spit.
Don’t be silly. That’s a Hingaby. A quorum is much more sleek, has canine teeth like any other tunnel hunter, and has the armour-plated rear end of a wombat. Oh, and they turned out to be about as friendly and restrained as a six-month-old puppy. Not great for tunnel warfare, and not very safe for the handlers either.
Oooh, that’s the best theory I’ve heard so far.
The VR feedback must be very good if she still wants to have sex with Tip.
Keep in mind when doing the wild guessing: Violet is a lying lier that lies and the author (any good author, which I count Jeffrey as) is a deceiving deceiver that deceives.
Liar. I need to remember to use spellcheck.
Violet’s REAL secret… She’s not a machine. She’s a transhumanist who thinks she’s a machine, or weirder, a machine brain in a human body.
Except that Nick is the one who identified her as a robot using his advanced imaging systems.
My guess was going to be close to Ryushikaze’s.
She’s a “Tinny”, or a human with a robot identity.
I don’t think that’s what Nick’s are detecting. Guess again.
Nick’s SENSORS. I hate not being able to edit.
So what we know just now…
1) Violet tried to sleep with Tip more than once. She wouldn’t do that if she didn’t have functional female anatomy, or even if she had anything he would find strange; he might tattle afterwards.
2) Nick’s sensors told him that Violet is a machine, so it’s a fair bet that her body is mostly mechanical. His comment about nipples was probably a taunt, for reasons specified in (1).
3) crap gotta go back to work
Why do I suspect that Nick would find Virginia working on Violet’s head kinda hot?
To the tune “I Feel Pretty” from Westside Story
I feel gitty, oh so gitty
I feel gitty and witty and keen
Since I finally
Told someone, I’m a machine.
I am scheming, oh such scheming
I’ve been planning and scheming in bed
And Virginia
Now wants to open my head
How can one get to GODOT here?
What could the secret be?
Try an acronym
Try an explosive
Try a mad genuis
Try puppet therapy!
That would be “giddy”, not “gitty”… but what we’ve seen of Violet so far DOES indicate a great amount of gittiness.
Dr. Lee wants to get inside Violet’s head…