Babay eating huh? Looks like this has taken a darker turn. I notice that they talk about unity doing those things but never actually show her doing it.
Since he’s implying that they used money, the lambs or eggs in question were legally acquired. It’s acceptable to assume that those items didn’t come from sapient beings, so he’s not necessarily speciesist, just sapientist (is there such a word?).
So, PSH stopped being useful when they decided to visit Whimsy Corp.
This means that there’s either some service they didn’t give before, or PSH was only supposed to take clients that promoted his needs.
Oh god… you mean they’re gonna bring in the Project Skin Horse from another universe or something? Like one where the government is evil or som—oh, right
Mirror Tip is a cross-dressing woman (hard to describe since “woman in a suit” conjures up 80s outfits and power-shoulders, but it can be done even in modern somewhat-gender-inclusive dress society).
Mirror Unity is a ghost (un-alive instead of undead)
Mirror Sweetheart is a cat.
Further note for those visiting from the future, or doing another Archive Trawl if you want to be boring , Leftover Soup concluded on 1000 strips (plus a few) as did 1/0, and Tailsteak aka Mason Williams has gone on to create Forward. This latest of his is set in a future with several features in common with the meta-fictional world created by one of the characters of LS, but without the misandry.
Just how many babies DOES the average shadow-government bureaucracy eat, anyway?
Unity’s comment does suggest that she has either witnessed or participated in the eating of eat least two babies, one or more oiled and one or more un-oiled. Now, bearing in mind the fact that she is, in fact, a zombie, and has been known to hang around with folks of the previously-living persuasion, this may be perfectly normal social behavior.
I can almost see it now. Unity at an upscale gathering of the undead. A quiet gathering of gourmets, having a baby tasting.
By the way, in response to Bruceski, the woman clearly would have to be wearing a tuxedo, or white tie and tails, preferably from a major designer. Or, if the personality was reversed as well as the gender, a cross-dressing woman who’s a total slob.
My best guess, Evil!Tip would have to be a woman with short hair or shaved bald, dressed in grungy flannel and jeans, who rather than puppets uses the power of con-artistry and Neuro Linguistic Programming. (I just gave myself a little shiver.)
I think Bruceski’s got it spot on for Unity and Sweetheart though.
Babay eating huh? Looks like this has taken a darker turn. I notice that they talk about unity doing those things but never actually show her doing it.
I’m sure they were very evil babies.
well, a dark joke usually isn’t that funny if you show all the implications.
Or perhaps kittens
>O.O< Nyaa?!? What is it with webcomics and kitens, nya? What did we kitties ever do to you, anyway?
I… I don’t like to talk about it *sobs quietly*
Putting “nya” in every other sentence, maybe?
He doesn’t specify baby humans. Maybe they blew their per diem on lamb chops or eggs.
You are pre-assuming that nonhuman babies have less value, you are a speciesist.
Since he’s implying that they used money, the lambs or eggs in question were legally acquired. It’s acceptable to assume that those items didn’t come from sapient beings, so he’s not necessarily speciesist, just sapientist (is there such a word?).
It was tip
So, PSH stopped being useful when they decided to visit Whimsy Corp.
This means that there’s either some service they didn’t give before, or PSH was only supposed to take clients that promoted his needs.
Thought it was budget cuts…besides, which one among Our Heroes ate babies?
Unity implied she eats babies in the strip of 2008-11-08 (
Ah. She didn’t do it on camera, alas.
I’m with barking monkey: she’s talking veal and eggs. Or it was in her pre-reformation days, and her inability to angst means she doesn’t feel guilty.
“In our universe?” Thaaat needs some ‘splaining…
That explanation will require a dozen mice, a bottle of olive oil, and a basket of figs.
Oh god… you mean they’re gonna bring in the Project Skin Horse from another universe or something? Like one where the government is evil or som—oh, right
I’m trying to imagine a mirror version of the team. But I genuinely can’t picture Tip with a goatee.
Mirror Tip of course is dressed like the scruffiest of he-men.
You kidding? Mirror Tip is totally the evil homme fatale.
That’s the trouble with evil opposites: you’re never sure which factors are reversed (well, aside the evil).
I was picturing Sweetheart with a goatee, actually. Admittedly, this doesn’t make much sense, but it makes me chuckle.
Schnauzer Sweetheart
Mirror Tip is a cross-dressing woman (hard to describe since “woman in a suit” conjures up 80s outfits and power-shoulders, but it can be done even in modern somewhat-gender-inclusive dress society).
Mirror Unity is a ghost (un-alive instead of undead)
Mirror Sweetheart is a cat.
Mirror gavotte, meanwhile, is a termite mound. Which means they’ve got a better excuse for their ‘furniture’ budget.
Oh, and Mirror!Nick is Skynet
The other way around – it’s a military AI inside a human suit.
But that sounds quite close to Violet Bee… and then Nick was at one point a human inside a military human-suit…
This is getting a bit confusing.
A living human body. Not a robot.
Is Robin still not letting you get enough sleep, then?
I’m glad someone else brought up that subject.
I can’t think of baby-eating among “good guys” without then thinking of this Leftover Soup strip.
BTW, it’s by the guy who did 1/0 and is really good.
Hey, thanks, maarvarq! I didn’t know about Leftover Soup, but now I’m reading through the archive.
Valid board recommendation – I’m now almost 1/6th of the way thru the archive of 600.
Good read thus far – no RSS so it’ll go on my weekend binge list.
Thanks. Now binging on Leftover Soup.
Further note for those visiting from the future, or doing another Archive Trawl if you want to be boring , Leftover Soup concluded on 1000 strips (plus a few) as did 1/0, and Tailsteak aka Mason Williams has gone on to create Forward. This latest of his is set in a future with several features in common with the meta-fictional world created by one of the characters of LS, but without the misandry.
Oh for an Edit function…
Pfft, those babies would never have amounted to anything anyway.
Social justice warriors? And I didn’t even know PSH had a Tumblr account.
Just how many babies DOES the average shadow-government bureaucracy eat, anyway?
Unity’s comment does suggest that she has either witnessed or participated in the eating of eat least two babies, one or more oiled and one or more un-oiled. Now, bearing in mind the fact that she is, in fact, a zombie, and has been known to hang around with folks of the previously-living persuasion, this may be perfectly normal social behavior.
I can almost see it now. Unity at an upscale gathering of the undead. A quiet gathering of gourmets, having a baby tasting.
By the way, in response to Bruceski, the woman clearly would have to be wearing a tuxedo, or white tie and tails, preferably from a major designer. Or, if the personality was reversed as well as the gender, a cross-dressing woman who’s a total slob.
Not necessarily. She could just have tried an unoiled baby, decided that it wouldn’t do, then oiled the same baby.
I think there’s just enough babies, thank you very much. It’s when they become Sullen teens that they need to be weeded out.
Now now, they went from petty bureaucrats to *SJWs*.
Gotta stay TLA compliant, you know. They’re from the government.
“The babies were already dead when she found them, your Honor.”
Hey Shaenon, today in Amy Dallen’s YouTube vlog for Geek and Sundry, she gave ‘Narbonic’ a huge plug!
My best guess, Evil!Tip would have to be a woman with short hair or shaved bald, dressed in grungy flannel and jeans, who rather than puppets uses the power of con-artistry and Neuro Linguistic Programming. (I just gave myself a little shiver.)
I think Bruceski’s got it spot on for Unity and Sweetheart though.
Wait, you mean there’s a government agency that doesn’t participate in mass destruction of buildings and babyeating?
Boy, have I been working in the wrong departments.
Guys, the baby-eating refers to UNITY
“I can’t find my baby oil. You all tried eating unoiled babies?”
“I love babies!”
“Not with ketchup, UNITY”