Some parrots are completely horrified by hats, people wearing certain colors, etc. They can either totally freak out and attack, or flee. I guess it’s especially known with hats because it changes the shape of your head and they don’t understand that you’re a people anymore. That being said… between my family and I we have 9 large parrots including 3 macaws, most of them rescues as adults, and not a single one has a hat issue. Ours DO always think hats are interesting and want to nibble them (Why do you have a beak now? Come here and let me chew it.), but they get what they are.
My uncle had a cockatoo. I visited for a week or so, wearing a hat pretty much all the time (it was winter). The bird got used to me, and things were okay. But then when I took the hat OFF, the bird freaked out. I was no longer the person he had become acquainted with, and he was convinced I was responsible for destroying that person!
My budgie used to. She loved my dad – he was her favourite human, but whenever he put on his baseball cap because he was doing garden work in the sun, that was it. She’d do threat displays and try and get as far away from him as was possible in her cage. And budgies are technically parrots, so… maybe macaws as well?
“It used to be a world where any sentient could be imprisoned indefinitely, and without recourse, by a self appointed body. A body, what’s more, willing to condemn a being as irredeemably evil for the simple joys of haberdashery. This is a glorious day as we move forward…”
So he sets himself as the reasonable, progressive, prohuman figure who is even more convincing when he finally is forced to concede that the humans must be defeated. It lets him bring along the progressives and moderates while siding with the radicals (who he already secretly controls).
In Niue’s defense, jester hats, even when on jesters, are usually an affront to taste and should be removed as soon as possible. There is a reason why that particular dress code died out centuries ago.
A pet hobby of mine is making up hypothesis and/or academic questions contrary to popular perception which I have utterly no knowledge in being able to verify. My two current favorites are: 1) do we really know anything about jesters are did Shakespeare just make up the entire “the only one who dares tell the king the truth” and we all went along with it because it satisfies our need for the irony of the “holy fool” and
2) Who invented Mrs. Claus (Santa’s cookie-baking wife) and when? My theory is that she was invented in the fifies or early sixties (possibly for the TV version of Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer) because during the cold war the thought of an elderly bachelor as a sympathetic character for children would have been considered anti-nuclear family and American way of life which we we utterly invested in up to our teeth at the time.
[ A *big* pet-peeve of mine is the trivia question “What was the only 20th-century addition to the Santa Claus canon?” The answer is, of course, supposed to be Rudolph but I think in actuality nearly everything is *especially* Mrs. Claus. In 1900 Santa had his reindeer and his red suit but nothing else. He wasn’t specifically in the North Pole (although that came *very* early in the 20th century) and his toy factory with Candy Canes and the costume of his elves (and even that they were agreed upon to *be* elves) weren’t as iconic as they are now. And he was definitely a bachelor then.]
…Why am I not surprised that the hippy is too stupid to see this is an obvious demonstration of how transgenics have serious issues, hence the necessity of not simply letting them run amok?
He’s definitely doing it on purpose…
The first time was a convenient coincidence. Then second one was just too hard to resist pulling.
Because he keeps so many hats on his person, stowed in his pockets?
He pulled the other one, and it had bells on.
yes! xD
Niue’s attempt at character growth was a good one, but it really is a shame that she didn’t have enough experience points to buy off her berserk. 🙁
Push all the buttons! ALL. OF. THEM.
Is this what Charlie Sheen meant by drinking tigers blood?
Funnily enough, I find it easy to imagine this guy being voiced by Charlie Sheen.
So she bought her Berserkely down from a 14-minus to an 11-minus … but then he had to go and apply a +2 modifier and force a reroll….
The question remains… how did he get the hats?
Out of Hatspace, of course. It’s like Hammerspace, but more fashionable.
So wait… do macaws really hate hats?
Some parrots are completely horrified by hats, people wearing certain colors, etc. They can either totally freak out and attack, or flee. I guess it’s especially known with hats because it changes the shape of your head and they don’t understand that you’re a people anymore. That being said… between my family and I we have 9 large parrots including 3 macaws, most of them rescues as adults, and not a single one has a hat issue. Ours DO always think hats are interesting and want to nibble them (Why do you have a beak now? Come here and let me chew it.), but they get what they are.
Huh… learn something new every day.
Animals are weird.
My uncle had a cockatoo. I visited for a week or so, wearing a hat pretty much all the time (it was winter). The bird got used to me, and things were okay. But then when I took the hat OFF, the bird freaked out. I was no longer the person he had become acquainted with, and he was convinced I was responsible for destroying that person!
My budgie used to. She loved my dad – he was her favourite human, but whenever he put on his baseball cap because he was doing garden work in the sun, that was it. She’d do threat displays and try and get as far away from him as was possible in her cage. And budgies are technically parrots, so… maybe macaws as well?
(TUNE: “Fool On The Hill”, The Beatles)
He was in jail …
Now he is free!
The cat in the hat is taunting us
The lady macaw is ready
To attack and destroy and kill!
Her friend tries to hold her steady,
But the ca-at in the hat
Drives Niue insane,
‘Cause those small, evil bells
Throw a switch in her brain!
I’d like to think the hippie can tell that he’s deliberately trying to antagonize her. I’d like to, but I don’t.
i’m sure this is fun for ht, but i’m also sure it should persuade the hippies that transgenics are unready for prime time.
No, he’s gearing up for ‘the transgenic governing body isn’t ready for governing itself, thank you SO MUCH for stopping the tyranny!’
“It used to be a world where any sentient could be imprisoned indefinitely, and without recourse, by a self appointed body. A body, what’s more, willing to condemn a being as irredeemably evil for the simple joys of haberdashery. This is a glorious day as we move forward…”
So he sets himself as the reasonable, progressive, prohuman figure who is even more convincing when he finally is forced to concede that the humans must be defeated. It lets him bring along the progressives and moderates while siding with the radicals (who he already secretly controls).
And anyone as stupid as the hippies will fall for it.
Yeah, the hat has to go.
In Niue’s defense, jester hats, even when on jesters, are usually an affront to taste and should be removed as soon as possible. There is a reason why that particular dress code died out centuries ago.
If they ever really existed in great number…
A pet hobby of mine is making up hypothesis and/or academic questions contrary to popular perception which I have utterly no knowledge in being able to verify. My two current favorites are: 1) do we really know anything about jesters are did Shakespeare just make up the entire “the only one who dares tell the king the truth” and we all went along with it because it satisfies our need for the irony of the “holy fool” and
2) Who invented Mrs. Claus (Santa’s cookie-baking wife) and when? My theory is that she was invented in the fifies or early sixties (possibly for the TV version of Rudolph the Red-Nose Reindeer) because during the cold war the thought of an elderly bachelor as a sympathetic character for children would have been considered anti-nuclear family and American way of life which we we utterly invested in up to our teeth at the time.
[ A *big* pet-peeve of mine is the trivia question “What was the only 20th-century addition to the Santa Claus canon?” The answer is, of course, supposed to be Rudolph but I think in actuality nearly everything is *especially* Mrs. Claus. In 1900 Santa had his reindeer and his red suit but nothing else. He wasn’t specifically in the North Pole (although that came *very* early in the 20th century) and his toy factory with Candy Canes and the costume of his elves (and even that they were agreed upon to *be* elves) weren’t as iconic as they are now. And he was definitely a bachelor then.]
[But I digress…]
…Why am I not surprised that the hippy is too stupid to see this is an obvious demonstration of how transgenics have serious issues, hence the necessity of not simply letting them run amok?