Depends on the Prime Minister and those he appoints, the last one was a bit of an ass (Example: He tried to make taking in Syrian refuges contingent on him remaining PM), waiting to see what the new one is like.
That reminds me, there’s some scandal involving the RCMP (The Mounties) right now/recently, isn’t there? I forget what it was. Possibly an excessive use of force charge, or was it supplying domestic terrorists with funds and materials FBI style during a sting operation (or was that the one in Britain/Austalia)?
… would that actually work? If we conquered Canada would natural-born Canadian citizens be retroactively counted as natural-born American citizens? The only similar precedent I can find is the case of Barry Goldwater, born in the Arizona Territory prior to its statehood, who ran against Johnson. There was apparently only minor controversy over that, but that was someone born in an incorporated territory, not a foreign country later conquered. But it could be used as precedent that changes to the territorial status can retroactively grant natural-born status.
Of course, the real issue is the age requirement. I really doubt even the Genetically-Engineered Super Battle Dog breed lives to be thirty-five. Has Sweetheart even resided in the United States for fourteen years?
Per the Insular cases, people born in incorporated territories are automatically citizens for having been born in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof under the 14th Amendment; those born in unincorporated territories are not unless Congress has specifically extended birthright citizenship to the territory (now applying to all unincorporated territories except American Samoa).
Um, no. Natural-born-ness isn’t retroactive; the Constitution instead has a specific clause allowing “a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution” to become President.
So the original plan was to invade the U.S. from Canada, but finding herself in charge of the U.S., clearly the only option is to invade Canada instead.
Y’know, you need two thirds of the states to approve amendments, too. Or have they stopped asking for the approval of what’s outside the Beltway? (Oh, wait a minute, haven’t they already?)
Invade a friendly neighboring country [1] just to correct a niggling worry about strict legality? Yeah, she’s the acting President all right…
[1] As far as she knows, anyway. I suppose Canada might be an poutine-fueled Evil Empire in this reality.
Would any government which wasn’t a poutine-fuelled Evil Empire want to be friendly with a USA run by Sweetheart and the Cypress?
Isn’t “friendly” Canada’s default mode?
Depends on the Prime Minister and those he appoints, the last one was a bit of an ass (Example: He tried to make taking in Syrian refuges contingent on him remaining PM), waiting to see what the new one is like.
That reminds me, there’s some scandal involving the RCMP (The Mounties) right now/recently, isn’t there? I forget what it was. Possibly an excessive use of force charge, or was it supplying domestic terrorists with funds and materials FBI style during a sting operation (or was that the one in Britain/Austalia)?
… would that actually work? If we conquered Canada would natural-born Canadian citizens be retroactively counted as natural-born American citizens? The only similar precedent I can find is the case of Barry Goldwater, born in the Arizona Territory prior to its statehood, who ran against Johnson. There was apparently only minor controversy over that, but that was someone born in an incorporated territory, not a foreign country later conquered. But it could be used as precedent that changes to the territorial status can retroactively grant natural-born status.
Of course, the real issue is the age requirement. I really doubt even the Genetically-Engineered Super Battle Dog breed lives to be thirty-five. Has Sweetheart even resided in the United States for fourteen years?
Haven’t you ever heard of Dog Years?
Anyone living in territory at the time it becomes a State is treated as a natural-born citizen.
Thus, as a resident of the Oregon Territory, Optimus Prime is eligible to be elected President.
There were millions of Filipinos who were thus eligible when the Phillipines were US territory…probably still many elderly ones who still are.
Er, no. Where’d you get that idea?
Per the Insular cases, people born in incorporated territories are automatically citizens for having been born in the United States and subject to the jurisdiction thereof under the 14th Amendment; those born in unincorporated territories are not unless Congress has specifically extended birthright citizenship to the territory (now applying to all unincorporated territories except American Samoa).
If natural-bornness weren’t retroactive, nobody whatsoever would’ve been qualified to stand for the first nine presidential elections…
Um, no. Natural-born-ness isn’t retroactive; the Constitution instead has a specific clause allowing “a Citizen of the United States, at the time of the Adoption of this Constitution” to become President.
Otherwise there’d have been no presidents!
Two elections ago, one of the candidates was born in the Panama Canal Zone.
And, strangely, he’s not the one people are still insisting isn’t really an American citizen.
Hillary Clinton has a lot to answer for.
So the original plan was to invade the U.S. from Canada, but finding herself in charge of the U.S., clearly the only option is to invade Canada instead.
This. ^
Huh. I didn’t even realize that this Sweetheart actually fulfilled her purpose.
Ha! She is designed to conquer isn’t she. I always forget this too.
XD Thank whatever deity you worship that I wasn’t the only one who thought the biggest problem was she was born in Canada.
Does annexation involve more brib… I mean, throwing down goat carcases?
By now, they may need only tell Unity what they want Congress to do.
Ah, but will that work on the Canadian congresss?
The goat carcasses were a bribe? I assumed they were voting members of Congress.
Remember this congresss is “friends” with a tiger and goes “aroo”
Bribing your supporters with the carcasses of your opponents is just efficiency.
“I don’t like it. We should annex Canada just to be sure”
Oh, if I had a nickel for every time I’ve said that …
Every time they’ve tried it ended in a draw. Though Canadians flock to southern climes, it appears they want to remain Canadian…
Shouldn’t we be annexed by Canada instead? Their system seems to work better.
Ooh. I can just feel the romantic tension. Why don’t they just get a room?
So I’m not the only one thinking that? Good.
“Oh, we already did that!”
Y’know, you need two thirds of the states to approve amendments, too. Or have they stopped asking for the approval of what’s outside the Beltway? (Oh, wait a minute, haven’t they already?)
The only approval they need nowadays is from corporate boardrooms.
I doubt you‘d find anything resembling a state government anywhere outside the walls of DC. Two thirds of zero is zero.
So lobbyist prefer goat to sheep? Good to know.
They tried sheep. But Congress thought they were trying to pull the wool over their eyes.
The congressional supermajority is one thing; they’re all in DC.
How on earth did she get the states to ratify it?