However, if you lie, stretch the truth, or exploit some other misinformation or misunderstanding to get them to say yes, then it’s also evil. Sorry to be a wet blanket.
She is a saint! Look at it rationally. First, she can probably gain greater happiness from operating on his brain than he would gain by living a normal life, due to her heightened emotional awareness. Second, as the last step of the operation, she can rewire his brain to make him happy. Third, even if she fails to rewire his brain to make him happy, she will have learned valuable skills she can use to make future patients happy. It will be a humanitarian disaster if she doesn’t operate!
When you’re that bored, I recommend either a: compiling a list of movies you want to watch or b: random google searches regarding topics that interest you.
Does look like her. If this is the same coffee shop we’ve seen Skin Horse in previously, some suspiciously Mell-and-Caliban-like individuals have been hanging around in the background before.
I am picturing Don Martin’s text bubbles from his “very special drink for our special friend” page- I think the story was “The Letter”? Shaenon is my favorite living cartoonist- he’s my favorite post-living one…
Y’know, of all the triggers for Science-Related Memetic Disorder, I don’t think boredom even made it on the list. Dr. Lee should take notes on her experience, she might get her name on the next research paper on this.
After (of course) she finishes making a horde of grell out of the brains of the coffee-shop patrons and unleashing them on the city to see what they would do.
You mean the mad doctor/scientist isn’t interested in your brains (per se)? You probably have other interesting qualities for their next creation, though. I’m sure they’d skip my mind, too
Somewhere off-panel, “the dog” is typing a response, but she’s constitutionally incapable of not correcting her typos, and physically incapable of not making them, because she’s typing on a touchscreen with her nose, so it’s taking her a while.
By which I mean “more than 30 seconds”, which is approximately how long it takes Virginia to get bored enough to start trying to wheedle strangers into letting her perform brain surgery on them.
“C’mon!! I mean, your head is *perfect!*
It even comes pre-shaved!!”
It’s only evil if they say no and you do it anyway. If they say yes, it’s perfectly non-evil. And SANE. TOTALLY SANE I TELL YOU.
It’s only evil if they say no, and it’s not genius unless you can get them to say yes.
However, if you lie, stretch the truth, or exploit some other misinformation or misunderstanding to get them to say yes, then it’s also evil. Sorry to be a wet blanket.
So, she’s suddenly willfully evil?
I think she’s just bored.
She should try texting “the dog” some more.
She is a saint! Look at it rationally. First, she can probably gain greater happiness from operating on his brain than he would gain by living a normal life, due to her heightened emotional awareness. Second, as the last step of the operation, she can rewire his brain to make him happy. Third, even if she fails to rewire his brain to make him happy, she will have learned valuable skills she can use to make future patients happy. It will be a humanitarian disaster if she doesn’t operate!
She’s not willfully EVIL, she’s wilfully half-mad. As the above folks so wisely pointed out, it’s only evil if you have to strap them to the table.
That said, I file her on the misguided and pleasant side of evil anyway because of what she did to Nick. She’s trying to get better.
Evilness is habit forming.
When you’re that bored, I recommend either a: compiling a list of movies you want to watch or b: random google searches regarding topics that interest you.
The topics that interest her are operating on brains, operating on brains, and the movie “Commando.”
I worry about what would happen if she slept over with Nick.
I mean, you can only protect your brain with “Commando” and “Punisher: War Zone” for so long before the cure becomes worse than the disease…
Unwarranted bragging by Nick?
What about fungus? There’s more than enough brain-fungi to go around. And a remarkable number of movies about them.
Sounds like it’s time for a marathon of medical dramas and war movies
I want to see her mom, especially if she’s usually on the same mail list as Unity et al.
Dr Narbon made a clone; did Ginny’s mother do the same?
Yes. I LOLed at “mom.”
This comic was published 900 years in the future!
So this is what the Legion of Super-Heroes reads…
This is the fan-fic Brainac 5 writes in his lab when he is bored.
First dimension portals, now time portals. Trippy.
So near, and yet so far from a proper Mad Scientist.
That’s some pretty wild hair on the woman in the last panel background.
How can he say no? She’s making puppy dog eyes.
Do I maybe see Mel in the background of panel 2?
No such luck.
Does look like her. If this is the same coffee shop we’ve seen Skin Horse in previously, some suspiciously Mell-and-Caliban-like individuals have been hanging around in the background before.
By the bye, looks like Dr. Lee’s text friendships outside Anasigma (and her mother) are all at Skin Horse. Not very social, is she?
I like that the first name she typed was “Nick” – that says a lot about her priorities. Tip would have been higher on my list
Also “water cooler”…but she might not have gotten either of her names yet.
Is this Shaenon on a off day?
(would explain a lot)
…I would really like to see the accessability options on “the dog”s phone. Is there such a thing as speech-to-text-message?
Yes, a RL friend of mine with clumsy fingers uses it all the time to send text messages. I think that it comes with Android.
It does, very handy (so to speak)
(I’ve NEVER had my hands full and pushed smartphone buttons with my nose…)
I can confirm that on an iPhone it is possible to unlock the phone, access messages, and activate voice-typing software with only an elbow.
Is it just me, or does something look…different…since last week? Brighter colors? The shading?
Where is Philip R Kennedy when you need him? (It’s a shout out to a brave and possibly mad Dr).
God damn it Ginny.
Mom: Who is this “the dog” you put in my email? Are all the others your boyfirends?
Also relating to Pygar’s comment below, her mom might draw more conclusions from a contact named ‘Sweetheart’ than one named ‘the dog’.
Dunno why she’s having so much trouble putting in the time- after all, it’s not brain surgery?!
And I think “the dog” has a name!
Keep in mind the apology for inconsistent capitalization.
That should read THE Dog.
I am picturing Don Martin’s text bubbles from his “very special drink for our special friend” page- I think the story was “The Letter”? Shaenon is my favorite living cartoonist- he’s my favorite post-living one…
Y’know, of all the triggers for Science-Related Memetic Disorder, I don’t think boredom even made it on the list. Dr. Lee should take notes on her experience, she might get her name on the next research paper on this.
After (of course) she finishes making a horde of grell out of the brains of the coffee-shop patrons and unleashing them on the city to see what they would do.
I have *totally* had SO MANY days just like this. Well….. not regarding brains, per se, but similar.
You mean the mad doctor/scientist isn’t interested in your brains (per se)? You probably have other interesting qualities for their next creation, though. I’m sure they’d skip my mind, too
Somewhere off-panel, “the dog” is typing a response, but she’s constitutionally incapable of not correcting her typos, and physically incapable of not making them, because she’s typing on a touchscreen with her nose, so it’s taking her a while.
By which I mean “more than 30 seconds”, which is approximately how long it takes Virginia to get bored enough to start trying to wheedle strangers into letting her perform brain surgery on them.
Dr. Lee needs one of those brain generators from St. Charlie.
She made one of those brain generators from St. Charlie. They presumably only make food-grade brains though, not medical-grade.
I feel like she and mid-Narbonic Dave would get along. They don’t *intend* to be evil, really, but…
She said “please.” That’s a step up for her. Progress!