I’m starting to think Sweetheart is actually doing a very good job of appearing to be mad, just by being herself. The science part needs a little work, but fortunately that hasn’t been too much of an issue yet.
This isn’t even the most ominous thing in this storyline. Nick’s VR apartment was removed and rebuilt by Unity into a mind-to-text generator, remember? So how exactly did he get it back?
Also, “But I ate him myself!” is even funnier a line than “I’ll build my own, sensible brain vending machine.”
Did she really mean it when she said?
Well, there she is, let’s ask her.
Sweetheart, did you really eat your creator?
Wow, it must be good knowing you did.
Is there any part left over right now?
By the way, where’d you do it?
I ate him when his back was turned
I jumped him when he spoke to me
You get the picture (yes, we do)
That’s when I dined on the maker of the pack.
I ate the Captain!
Yes, you heard me, that is what I said! I ate the Captain!
It’s OK, he was already dead …
On a date, here I am,
Dining with the handsome doc …
Then he mentions Captain Bram,
And the news he gave was quite a shock!
Yes, the news he gave would shock a rock!
I ate the Captain!
He expired from a heart attack! I ate the Captain!
Well, I shared him with the others in the pack …
Electrocutions of love
To me, the Captain would give!
Those memories, I’m fond of …
Now you’re telling me, he does still live …
But I’m asking you, how can he live?
I ate the Captain!
Yes, we ate him up ’til we were done! I ate the Captain!
He was carrion, my wayward son …
So good to see you back! By the way, in your absence I discovered “Everyday Heroes” and I must say that I’m quite hooked! Once you get through this rough stretch I look forward to you bringing delight to my days!
That last line brought a groan to my lips. If I could honestly say something better about my singing voice than “it doesn’t make ears bleed” I’d be seriously tempted to record myself singing some of your filks.
Clone or previously unknown offspring?
Or was the one eaten the clone?
The old “grow a brain-dead clone, then leave it where someone can find it and disappear” trick.
That’s the second time I’ve fallen for that this week!
I’m going with offspring here. Put me down for $20.
So the rank is hereditary?
Well, that would depend on what he’s captain of
That begs the questions, “Is anyone back in the Pack in on the deception? Or is one of them a drone similar to Violet?”
A wife that is also in the service?
I’m going for the simpler answer: they know it’s sweetheart, but they had an intelligence failing in the manipulation attempt
Oh god, OH GOD, Panel 3.
I died laughing.
Gee, I hope not.
Relax, it was just Dave. He’s easy to fix.
I’m starting to think Sweetheart is actually doing a very good job of appearing to be mad, just by being herself. The science part needs a little work, but fortunately that hasn’t been too much of an issue yet.
The same could be said for any member of Project Skin-Horse, who all live the definition of the word “crazy”.
It’s the “scientist” part of “mad scientist” that gives her trouble, not the “mad” part.
It would be, too bad it’s painfully obvious that they already know it’s her.
One of the few places in the world she can’t blow her cover.
Dangerous. You die, Sweetheart eats you. Though she shares.
This isn’t even the most ominous thing in this storyline. Nick’s VR apartment was removed and rebuilt by Unity into a mind-to-text generator, remember? So how exactly did he get it back?
Also, “But I ate him myself!” is even funnier a line than “I’ll build my own, sensible brain vending machine.”
That was just the hardware. The actual digital environment was deleted ages ago: http://zerhakker.livejournal.com/5579.html
I’d forgotten Nick had a blog going…or at least did have a blog going, ’cause I guess he hasn’t posted anything lately…
Nick’s pretty busy right now.
Doesn’t change my point. And in fact, that just makes it even weirder. He appears in his old VR room, which was deleted years ago.
It doesn’t seem complicated to me. Goldbug made a copy.
From “Leader of the Pack,” the Shangri-Las.
Did she really mean it when she said?
Well, there she is, let’s ask her.
Sweetheart, did you really eat your creator?
Wow, it must be good knowing you did.
Is there any part left over right now?
By the way, where’d you do it?
I ate him when his back was turned
I jumped him when he spoke to me
You get the picture (yes, we do)
That’s when I dined on the maker of the pack.
(TUNE: “I Shot The Sheriff”, Bob Marley)
I ate the Captain!
Yes, you heard me, that is what I said!
I ate the Captain!
It’s OK, he was already dead …
On a date, here I am,
Dining with the handsome doc …
Then he mentions Captain Bram,
And the news he gave was quite a shock!
Yes, the news he gave would shock a rock!
I ate the Captain!
He expired from a heart attack!
I ate the Captain!
Well, I shared him with the others in the pack …
Electrocutions of love
To me, the Captain would give!
Those memories, I’m fond of …
Now you’re telling me, he does still live …
But I’m asking you, how can he live?
I ate the Captain!
Yes, we ate him up ’til we were done!
I ate the Captain!
He was carrion, my wayward son …
So good to see you back! By the way, in your absence I discovered “Everyday Heroes” and I must say that I’m quite hooked! Once you get through this rough stretch I look forward to you bringing delight to my days!
That last line brought a groan to my lips. If I could honestly say something better about my singing voice than “it doesn’t make ears bleed” I’d be seriously tempted to record myself singing some of your filks.
He of the many footnotes has passed.
I assume you are speaking of Lord Terry.
He has left a lasting mark on the literary landscape. I think my favorite characters will be Granny, Nanny, and Greebo.
Mine is probably Goth Mary Poppins/Goth Ms Frizzle
Though Death, Death of Rats, Tiffany Aching, and Lu Tze are right up there too.
Mine were Ridcully the Brown and Carrot. Though the Burser, Ponder and the Librarian were all pretty special to me as well.