Monster of the Week: Limited Engagement
Shaenon: As long as I’m plugging my other projects, here’s a big one. As a bonus in my recent Narbonic Kickstarter campaign, I promised to bring back my on-hiatus comic Monster of the Week for another season. And here it is! Over the next few months I’ll be drawing every episode of Season 5 of the “The X-Files,” because that’s a thing I do sometimes. Enjoy!
And I’ll bring Monster of the Week back full-time if Jeff’s and my Patreon reaches a certain point, so if you enjoy it, consider contributing and/or encouraging other comic fans to do the same. Thank you all!
Channing: Shaenon’s summaries are often vastly more entertaining than the show itself, at least when it comes to the drudgery of the Conspiracy Episodes. Man, does anyone actually like the Conspiracy Episodes? I think “Red Museum” was the last one I actually liked.
Don’t stretch yourself too thin.
Man, I ordered me up a Narbonic Perfect Collection book and within just a couple of days it came, complete with a gerbil sketch on the package. Now I can binge read any time I want to – how cool is that? Thank you Shaenon.
YES Monster of the Week!
Certainly more entertaining for me than the show: I studiously never watched it. Love MotW, was thrilled a couple of days ago to see the new strip.
I never forgave them for killing the Lone Gunmen.
They later reversed that decision in the licensed comic books. Licensed comic books do that a lot (see: Muldoon, the Jurassic Park series) because they are desperate to keep you involved by telling stories about characters you know, most of whose story arcs are already mined out by A-canon.
This is frustrating when the death was perfect and character appropriate but both of the above cases felt a little like bullcrap, so I’m glad fans don’t always have to do their own fixficcing.
No one I know likes the Conspiracy Episodes, and personally, I have seen more than I want to know about Scully’s reproductive system. But the standalone episodes? Best things ever on TV. Go figure.