A Kitten Named Tigerlily Jones
Shaenon: Meet alert reader Artaban’s new kitten, Tigerlily Jones. So cute and funky!
Channing: You can just see her wanting to stick it to The Man.
Shaenon: Meet alert reader Artaban’s new kitten, Tigerlily Jones. So cute and funky!
Channing: You can just see her wanting to stick it to The Man.
Yes, yes I can. She’s obviously ready to stick it to The Man any moment now, and will continue to do so as often as possible.
She’s a cat. “Sticking it to the man” is pretty much inevitable. XD
OMG looks exactly like my baby girl Xena when she was several years younger too much cute /brainmush/
I suppose there has to be some reason when this cat starts giving you that “I’m going to kill you” stare…I mean, besides the usual “I’m going to kill you” stare all cats do…
I could tell you, but then I’d have to give you The Look, nyao.
Besides, you wouldn’t understand. It’s a cat thing, nyao…
A terrific name, although she’ll never come when called by it… I don’t know if cats don’t know words or simply ignore them.
My cats definitely know their names, they just choose not to respond half the time. They know my name too, probably because I’m the one that feeds them and my mom often calls me down to do so.
I’ve had many that knew their names, and one that learned to respond to whistling like a dog (he also taught himself to use the toilet. I had nothing to do with it– he just decided that if we used it then he should too, and one day I heard a very distinctive whizzing sound and… there he was, crouching on the seat and looking at me like “Do you MIND?”)
Our cat Merlyn fairly consistently comes when called. When he was much younger, we had to be careful about speaking his name casually in conversation if we didn’t want him to come, because he would pretty much come to the sound of his name whether you were specifically calling for him or not.
Dogs have masters, cats have servants.
So true. Cats are nature’s way of letting humans know their place in the universe.
The problem is not that we kitties were once worshiped as divine in Ancient Egypt, nyao. The problem is that you two-leggers seem to have forgotten WHY we were once worshiped as divine, and stopped worshiping us…
… and then we had plagues and prejudice and war, all because we forgot to worship kitties. They’re still warm and cuddly though.
There actually is someone, specifically a filker named Leslie Fish, who is breeding cats for intelligence and paw dexterity. With unnervingly successful results. (Bringing Mad Science to the Real World….)
That is both terrifying and awesome.
Glad to hear Leslie Fish is still alive. Not so glad to hear she is breeding a new master race for the Earth. Planet of the Cats, coming to us soon.
Glad to see the gerbils will have to put in some effort.
I’ve met Leslie many times; this doesn’t surprise me at all.
You have no idea HOW successful, two-legs… {evil kitty grin}
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Corporate resources are intended for officially approved or officially nonexistent projects only. Ordinary misuse is grounds for extirpation. Behavior showing contempt for corporate values is grounds for referral to Involuntary Communications.
1) Do not reheat food using the death ray.
2) The brainwashing equipment shall not be used with self-improvement or language tapes.
3) The chemtrail equipment shall not be used for aromatherapy.
4) Except to the extent necessary to maintain cover, devices with concealed lethal capability should not be used for their ordinary purpose. Please show patience as we work with Requisitions to address the shortage of nonlethal toilet paper in the upcoming fiscal year.
5) Cutting devices approved for use on living tissue shall not be used for any other purpose. If in doubt, consult with machine shop personnel.
Now get out there and don’t have fun!