Shaenon: Sometimes I spend a lot of time coming up with clever art styles and visual references for the Skin Horse wallpapers, and sometimes I say, “Forget it, Mucha pastiches always look good.”  I figured the water cooler deserved her own illustration.

If you make a donation in any amount to the Skin Horse Tip Jar, or contribute any amount to our Patreon, we’ll send you a link to the wallpaper.  Patreon contributors will continue to receive new wallpaper for the length of their contribution.

As a bonus, you’ll get this Whimsy manga wallpaper, starring Nikko-Hime and his unicorn pal:


Channing: Man, I never realized it until now, but Bubbles was totally born in the wrong era, because she could have been like a world-famous advertising icon had she been born in Art Nouveau days. And before someone calls me on it, I know she is only loosely applicable to the word “born.”

Something that working with Shaenon has done for my artistic taste is that I now appreciate Art Nouveau as much as I do its hip, widely-popular cousin Deco. I like to delude myself that it makes me more culturally savvy.