I smell a new merch opportunity for Shaenon and Jeff. “Home is where the [unity’s head] is” – makes a great t-shirt, bumper sticker, cross-stitch pattern, etc.
It was a rhetorical question
Everyone knows that UNITY is the beloved pet (still working on house breaking her though, without her literally breaking the house :P)
After all, Home is where the [I] Heart [Zombie] is.
I smell a new merch opportunity for Shaenon and Jeff. “Home is where the [unity’s head] is” – makes a great t-shirt, bumper sticker, cross-stitch pattern, etc.
Shouldn’t that be “smell all the stuff I rolled in?”
I guess zombies are just more visual people than talking dogs.
Presumably most of her organs are more or less human, normal humans devote about 70% of their information processing power to sight, so *shrug*
That, doesn’t make any sense, at all
She didn’t ask, “What did you get me?”
This is the perfect reversal of the normal dog greeting ritual.
Awwww! Who’s an adorable zombie? You Are! Yes You Are!
Does “the stuff I rolled in” include Bubbles?
They haven’t had their date yet, have they?
Come on Sweetheart, real dogs feel no shame. Dog up!
Aww, Sweetheart’s tail’s between her legs.
This is ridiculously adorable
OT: “Two tables over, a toddler gave them a deeply suspicious look, while slowly inserting a French fry into twenty-fifteen dash oh-five twenty-five…”
The file-name story has taken a weird turn.
Have to ask: which one is the pet and which one is the owner?
The one who has the toy octopus we’ve never seen (?) is the owner… The one who has ordnance for toys, is the pet.
It was a rhetorical question
(still working on house breaking her though, without her literally breaking the house :P)
Everyone knows that UNITY is the beloved pet
Awww, it’s good to see how Unity actually treats Sweetheart after so much unhappiness in her own mind.
It really is!