Art for today brought to you by Dazhbug! You may check out a higher-resolution version of this strip over on the GoComics mirror!
Art for today brought to you by Dazhbug! You may check out a higher-resolution version of this strip over on the GoComics mirror!
Shazam! The origin of “Mighty Mouse Man”!
Oh wait… nothing there about it being radioactive.
It’s the Narbonicverse, EVERYTHING is radioactive.
Only when the DOI has it’s way.
Why does he say “bare hand” rather than just hand? It’s like he’s conscious of being stupid or something.
Perhaps he lives in a world where gloves are a given when poking around in strange holes.
Well, shouldn’t everyone use protection?
When poking around in strange holes?
This hotel is significantly shabbier than their last one.
And now the mouse is in the wall, talking to a female (escaped lab) mouse tapping on a miniature laptop (probably salvaged from some mad scientist’s lab somewhere) saying “I was assaulted by a giant hand! I managed to bite it, but it nearly grabbed hold of me! Things are getting weirder around here!”
I dunno. Is Hugey P an American citizen? Or even a resident alien? I suppose maybe ’cause he hangs out around the continental shelf…
Citizenship and the place where the song is recorded don’t affect intellectual property rights. If he’s sapient and he can prove that he came up with it, he holds the copyright on the song in general, even if he doesn’t necessarily have the distribution rights to St. John’s recording of it. It’s similar to the situation a lot of folk singers ran into during the early years of recorded music, like Lead Belly.
Me and my pod, riding wit’ the crew
they flew, they drew another full boat like you
watchin’ recordin’ listenin’ boardin’
then they start hoardin’ make like Randy Orton
droppin’ RKO down on whale pride
’cause we flow like the tide
ignorin’ your ride
now we gotta hide
or subside
’cause you jackin’ our stride
makin’ fat stacks on tracks
while you relax collect gold plaques
and whales get jack
thinkin’ humpbacks
won’t strike back.
I got news for you
an’ your whole whale watchin’ crew
we’re through, it’s true, sperm through blue
Have fun sellin’ a cruise
to watch no whales near you.
It does, as it affects whose law the case can be heard under. If (say) Hugey is considered a person under Canadian law but as property under US law, this could be a very big deal.
Except that he is a person under US law, or else Skin Horse wouldn’t have existed in the first place. That’s why I said he needs to show that he’s sapient.
His hand is bate without wrenchie in it.
I meant bare, and that was supposed to be in reply to BMunro. Double failure.