Propeller-Head Nick, by Windy Wanderings!
Channing: Straight from the lawless unregulated frontier town that is the daily comments section, where justice is swift and brutal and meted out with a gun, we have this cute little picture of Original!Nick sporting the virtual reality headset we first saw him wearing, with the added bonus of a whirly propeller thing! It has not made him appreciably happier to have a whirly propeller thing on his head, which is perfectly apropos as sometimes it seems to me that nothing really makes Nick happy; like many nerds, he has two sliders, one labeled “rage” and the other labeled “awesome.”
Interestingly enough, the virtual reality headset does not literally exist, as it was all a fabrication of the elaborate virtual reality that Nick was already inside. So basically, it’s a virtual virtual reality headset. I just blew your mind.
Anyway. This art brought to you by poster Windy Wanderings, who has a Tumblr that does not revolve around pretending to be a My Little Pony character, which distinguishes it from 99% of all other Tumblr accounts I am typically exposed to.
(TUNE: “Bibbidi Bobbidi Boo”, Hoffman, David & Livingston)
Fan art by Windy
Wanderings, in the
Slot for a filler-type pic!
Wearing a helmet that doesn’t exist …
Virtual virtual Nick!
Looking at him, see
Nick with a Whimsy
T-shirt that’s looking so slick!
Video-gaming but still looking pissed …
Virtual virtual Nick!
While testing the gaming gear,
He found it was all a trick!
Until Mr. Gold Bug
Was pulling the plug
On virtual virtual Nick!
Oh, fan art by Windy
Wanderings, and she
Did it so clever and quick!
Spinning the prop with the flick of a wrist …
Virtual virtual
Wanting to hurt you all
Virtual virtual Nick!
You wrote a filk about my fanart. That’s it, my life is complete.
Woo, I’m so happy to see this up here~!~ It’s the perfect thing to cheer me up after getting my wisdom teeth removed.
Very nice piece of art, and here’s wishing you a quick recovery. Wisdom teeth are no fun.
Nick probably doesn’t show any improvement in mood because he figures that hat is simply the level of awesome he deserves.
You had your wisdom removed, nyaa? {puzzled look} But wouldn’t that mean that you don’t like this webcomic any more?
Hmm. So the purpose of the headset was to provide Nick with an interface to his new helicopter body that fit his outdated morphic self-image in order to train him to be a helicopter, right? So rather than being a real interface to a virtual universe, it’s a virtual interface to the real universe. So… it’s not a virtual-reality headset, it’s a virtual reality headset?
That is, if anything, even cooler than the virtual-squared description.