I think we *all* predicted she wasn’t human. For me it was her awkward syntax. She said referred to her blouse as “this blouse” rather than “my blouse”.
As for woman Tip wasn’t interested in… well, it’s not the women Tip isn’t interested in that are a rarity. It’s the women not interested in Tip.
Hm. It appears that Nick’s earlier mention of having the Skin Horse files might not have been the slip up we had thought! I wonder where he’s going with this? >_>
BTW, is it just me, or is Violet’s dress just like the one Helen wore at the Narbonic Labs Valentine’s party? (p.s. Helen looked better)
(TUNE: “I Just Can’t Wait To Be King”, Elton John & Tim Rice)
Well, Nick the Chopper wants to talk,
I really have to run!
But then he stops me in my tracks,
I’m looking rather stunned!
I try to be a normal girl,
But still he somehow knows!
I should have guessed that naughty boy
Was looking through my clothes!
His e-lec-tron-ic senses are so keen …
Well, now Nick knows I’m a machine!
All I have is smooth skin,
All I have are bare boobs,
Nothing in my armpits,
Nothing but the smooth pubes!
Got no extra de-tails at all …
Looking like a Bar-bie doll!
With motors in my arms and legs,
And circuits in my head,
Well, could this be the reason why
I can’t get Tip in bed?
I got to Sweetheart easily,
And Unity as well …
I brushed off Nick so breezily,
But, scanning, he can tell!
This complication was so unforeseen …
Now, if I get him drunk on gasoline,
Will he forget the secret he has seen?
’Cause now Nick knows I’m a machine!
Yes, now Nick knows I’m …
A machine!
“Look, I don’t want any toast, and he doesn’t want any toast. In fact, no one around here wants any toast. Not now, not ever. No toast.”
“How ’bout a muffin?”
“Or muffins. Or muffins. We don’t like muffins around here. We want no muffins, no toast, no teacakes, no buns, baps, baguettes or bagels, no croissants, no crumpets, no pancakes, no potato cakes and no hot-cross buns and definitely no smegging flapjacks.”
Did anyone have even the remotest suspicion of this, back in “Brave Little Toasters” when she first appeared alongside a whole bunch of AIs? Well played indeed…..
All y’all’s need to work on your excuse-creativity before you decide to become fembots.
However; personally, I think Nick switched from “all-knowing” to “snarky and deliberately provocative without regard for facts” without missing a beat. He does that. I bet Violet actually has nipples.
I also would have assumed she has nipples. I mean, why bother making a fembot that can’t pass for human in a wet t-shirt or a cold room?
Also, I know I knew Miss Bee was an android already, but I can’t remember when and how that info gristle was dropped. To the archives!
Many of us guessed it back during Brave Little Toasters. I don’t remember what the tip-off (no pun intended) was, other than her being with the Machine Union, but it was a theory definitely bandied about at the time.
Late comment: I guess it bothered me that she doesn’t have nipples, altho’ it’s good for humor and the plot. She seems to be an android and looks humyn with clothes on. If parts of her body look and move like a live persyn, why couldn’t her maker, have some smaller parts of her body, nipples and maybe genitalia, look and function like a womyn’s? Maybe her privates are humyn like, so Tip could flick her!
I’m going to say that the nipples are detachable.
She puts them on when she needs to dress up for special occasions, like when she thought she was going to manipulate Tip.
This time around she knew that wouldn’t work, so she didn’t bother.
I was thinking more like big fancy earrings.
You put them on when you’re getting spiffed up, but you replace them with simpler place holders when you’re going to be getting your hands dirty.
I feel like it says something important about Nick here that even though he’s definitely letting Violet know he’s onto her shit, he doesn’t actually out her in front of Sergio and Dr. Lee.
And did she think Tip wouldn’t notice that? My crackpot theory was that her braid was a separate sentient being. Maybe it’s just a solar charger.
…and heeeeeeeerrre’s…. passive-aggressive!
Yeah, maybe that’s why she hasn’t ended up in bed with Tip…
….he might ask awkward questions about missing nipples…
Yah, that is pretty P.A. Nick already knows the answer to that last question from personal experience.
actually, for him, being a VTOL aircraft, having nipples would be even *more* awkward.
Grease nipples ftw. Gotta get lubed up.
Missing Nipples would make a great indie band name.
I think I prefer Awkward Nipples, maybe Miss Bee and the Awkward Nipples.
That would be an awesome band. There’s a real band called Witch’s Tit, which would explain where the missing nipples went. Best double-bill, ever!
Pretty good code name for a government op too.
Operation Missing Nipples. That one’s going to go on a gravely serious, fairly conservative by-the-book op.
Seriously though, if they can have an Operation Giant Lance…
Well, didn’t see that one coming.
Really? She’s an intermediary for the Machine Union, and also Tip isn’t interested in her? That suggests a particular type of non-human to me.
I think we *all* predicted she wasn’t human. For me it was her awkward syntax. She said referred to her blouse as “this blouse” rather than “my blouse”.
As for woman Tip wasn’t interested in… well, it’s not the women Tip isn’t interested in that are a rarity. It’s the women not interested in Tip.
Hm. It appears that Nick’s earlier mention of having the Skin Horse files might not have been the slip up we had thought! I wonder where he’s going with this? >_>
BTW, is it just me, or is Violet’s dress just like the one Helen wore at the Narbonic Labs Valentine’s party? (p.s. Helen looked better)
(TUNE: “I Just Can’t Wait To Be King”, Elton John & Tim Rice)
Well, Nick the Chopper wants to talk,
I really have to run!
But then he stops me in my tracks,
I’m looking rather stunned!
I try to be a normal girl,
But still he somehow knows!
I should have guessed that naughty boy
Was looking through my clothes!
His e-lec-tron-ic senses are so keen …
Well, now Nick knows I’m a machine!
All I have is smooth skin,
All I have are bare boobs,
Nothing in my armpits,
Nothing but the smooth pubes!
Got no extra de-tails at all …
Looking like a Bar-bie doll!
With motors in my arms and legs,
And circuits in my head,
Well, could this be the reason why
I can’t get Tip in bed?
I got to Sweetheart easily,
And Unity as well …
I brushed off Nick so breezily,
But, scanning, he can tell!
This complication was so unforeseen …
Now, if I get him drunk on gasoline,
Will he forget the secret he has seen?
’Cause now Nick knows I’m a machine!
Yes, now Nick knows I’m …
A machine!
Ed, I had the same thought about the outfit, although I recall Helen’s as a 1-piece rather than a 2-piece. But yeah, Helen rocked it harder.
And here I thought you’d go with Barbie Girl by Aqua. I really need to let Pandora open up more often.
At least she’s not “Crush, Kill, Destroy, Swag!!!!” Or Paranoid morose like Marvin, Or worse than the other two. Over friendly toaster.
“Anyone like any toast?”
“Look, I don’t want any toast, and he doesn’t want any toast. In fact, no one around here wants any toast. Not now, not ever. No toast.”
“How ’bout a muffin?”
“Or muffins. Or muffins. We don’t like muffins around here. We want no muffins, no toast, no teacakes, no buns, baps, baguettes or bagels, no croissants, no crumpets, no pancakes, no potato cakes and no hot-cross buns and definitely no smegging flapjacks.”
“Aah, so you’re a waffle man!”
Anyone else shipping Violet and Moustachio now? Think of all the free perfect popcorn she could get out of that relationship.
Hmm. No pheromones, Artie would notice, and Tip picked up on that subconsciously.
Shades of Jason X….
Violet / Nick OTP
Ahh, the plot thickens.
Maybe she and Nick will get together?
Did anyone have even the remotest suspicion of this, back in “Brave Little Toasters” when she first appeared alongside a whole bunch of AIs? Well played indeed…..
Not from the way she climbed into Tip’s lap, no. How would she have explained the missing nipples? The mind reels …
She left them in another bra?
All y’all’s need to work on your excuse-creativity before you decide to become fembots.
However; personally, I think Nick switched from “all-knowing” to “snarky and deliberately provocative without regard for facts” without missing a beat. He does that. I bet Violet actually has nipples.
a mad scientist cut them off. why? because they were a mad scientist.
>>Did anyone have even the remotest suspicion of this, back in “Brave Little Toasters”
Uh, my memory is that we *all* suspected it. Are the comments still available?
I also would have assumed she has nipples. I mean, why bother making a fembot that can’t pass for human in a wet t-shirt or a cold room?
Also, I know I knew Miss Bee was an android already, but I can’t remember when and how that info gristle was dropped. To the archives!
Many of us guessed it back during Brave Little Toasters. I don’t remember what the tip-off (no pun intended) was, other than her being with the Machine Union, but it was a theory definitely bandied about at the time.
Wonder if she knows Ruby
Violet Bee – fembot. Gives new meaning to the term “heartless”.
This opens up a whole new, and dangerous, world of possiblities.
Someone had been playing Kingdom Hearts way too much lately.
Wonder why Ms. Bee is being so patronizing to Nick here? Is that just the way she – or other “pure” machines – react to cyborgs like Nick?
Well, now we see another line item in Nick’s $55 Billion pricetag…
Nick Zerhakker, come on down. You’re the next contestant on The Price is Right!
Late comment: I guess it bothered me that she doesn’t have nipples, altho’ it’s good for humor and the plot. She seems to be an android and looks humyn with clothes on. If parts of her body look and move like a live persyn, why couldn’t her maker, have some smaller parts of her body, nipples and maybe genitalia, look and function like a womyn’s? Maybe her privates are humyn like, so Tip could flick her!
All they’d have to do is stick the android frame inside a RealDoll shell.
Well, I guess that explains the articulate braid seen at various points (notably when ‘recruiting’ Sergio).
I’m going to say that the nipples are detachable.
She puts them on when she needs to dress up for special occasions, like when she thought she was going to manipulate Tip.
This time around she knew that wouldn’t work, so she didn’t bother.
So, kind of like pasties, only in reverse? Instead of obscuring the nipples, they make the nipples visible.
I was thinking more like big fancy earrings.
You put them on when you’re getting spiffed up, but you replace them with simpler place holders when you’re going to be getting your hands dirty.
I feel like it says something important about Nick here that even though he’s definitely letting Violet know he’s onto her shit, he doesn’t actually out her in front of Sergio and Dr. Lee.