You know, this may be the first time I’ve felt sympathetic towards Panoptica. We normally just see her being crooked and/or shady, but here she’s being the only person in the room who is both sane and non-evil.
Dang brackets rendering as invisible html AND dang invalid tokens when I try to use actual html. For the fifth time: I didn’t mean just “girl”. I meant [mammal I forget which species] girl. Let’s see if this fifth attempt to post a correction works.
I meant Tarsier Girl, of course. Wasn’t that obvious? I wished to put it in blank html tags “[bracket] mammal I can’t remember the name of [close bracket] Girl. Instead it just came out “girl”.
Regarding Pan’s personality, don’t forget we’ve only really seen her dealing with *Nick*, and in a supervisor-giving-coaching mode. I’ve not seen any real evidence of her being evil I can recall. Red Knight is a dick, but she basically agrees with Nick on that.
Lack of remorse over damage to robots =/= callous. Especially for a superhero.
I agree that the guy does look a lot like Mr Green/Dr Ao. “Ao” is Japanese for green, by the way
Her attitude towards the Devils seemed pretty callous to me as well. She was happy for them to undergo a painful death in pursuit of a “training exercise”. It’s a bit different when you’re standing right next to someone, though.
I think what today’s strip demonstrates, though, is why it’s a good idea to meet visitors in your office rather than a public part of the office.
Say what you want, Director Doggggy’s dental hygiene is second to none.
You know, this may be the first time I’ve felt sympathetic towards Panoptica. We normally just see her being crooked and/or shady, but here she’s being the only person in the room who is both sane and non-evil.
I ‘unno that I’d call her crooked or shady. She seems on the up-and-up, just with poor ideas about self-image and, uh, “mental space”, I guess.
Well-meaning-but-ignorant, is how I generally have her classed.
Yeah, ditto. You’d figure a psychic, of all people, would have a handle on that.
She seems to be sincere about “doing good in the world”, but has a seriously deficient moral compass.
Awwww poor Sweetheart
leave Director Doggggy alone 
So the green guy. If I’d been paying attention I’d be able to remember who was named I doubt he/she is girl.
Hey, this is the first time we’ve ever seen panoptica outside a mental projection.
Dang brackets rendering as invisible html AND dang invalid tokens when I try to use actual html. For the fifth time: I didn’t mean just “girl”. I meant [mammal I forget which species] girl. Let’s see if this fifth attempt to post a correction works.
The green one looks like Dr. Ao/”Mr. Green” to me.
I still don’t understand your comment, even with the correction.
I meant Tarsier Girl, of course. Wasn’t that obvious? I wished to put it in blank html tags “[bracket] mammal I can’t remember the name of [close bracket] Girl. Instead it just came out “girl”.
Who needs mind control when a little kindness is all it takes to do the job? ^_^
The better to eat you with, my dear.
Starts out as a routine bureaucratic meeting, devolves into a Warner Brothers cartoon.
Insert your own joke about business as usual here. G’night folks!
Hai Doggie.
I laughed at that way harder than I should have!
Her logo says AG, others say AGI. No idea of the acronym. Suspect it was just too small for three letters?
Her “AG” is inside an eye shape.
Oh, and should be noted it’s “AG-I”. No idea why the hyphen is there, but it may be importnant.
Regarding Pan’s personality, don’t forget we’ve only really seen her dealing with *Nick*, and in a supervisor-giving-coaching mode. I’ve not seen any real evidence of her being evil I can recall. Red Knight is a dick, but she basically agrees with Nick on that.
Lack of remorse over damage to robots =/= callous. Especially for a superhero.
I agree that the guy does look a lot like Mr Green/Dr Ao. “Ao” is Japanese for green, by the way
Her attitude towards the Devils seemed pretty callous to me as well. She was happy for them to undergo a painful death in pursuit of a “training exercise”. It’s a bit different when you’re standing right next to someone, though.
I think what today’s strip demonstrates, though, is why it’s a good idea to meet visitors in your office rather than a public part of the office.
Hadn’t noticed before that Moustachio has resumed his place at the reception desk…
Sweetheart has clearly rolled a crit fail on the intimidate check.