March 2020 Wallpaper: In Like a Lion
Shaenon: I started this wallpaper illustration at the beginning of the month, and now it’s a nostalgic image of the days when people could gather in groups. Ha ha, the world’s gone mad and we’re all going to die. But at least I have plenty of time to draw while the Bay Area is on lockdown. And at least you have nice desktop/phone wallpaper to look at!
As usual, if you make a donation in any amount to the Skin Horse Tip Jar, or contribute any amount to our Patreon, we’ll give you a link to this wallpaper, designed for two computer desktop sizes and cell phones. Patreon contributors will continue to receive new wallpaper for the length of their contribution.
As a bonus, you’ll get this puppy-tastic March wallpaper from the archives:
Stay safe, everyone!
Channing: I’m eight kinds of preoccupied myself, so it was honestly a relief to see the title of this post before I viewed it and think “Eee, it’s gonna have Leo!” Was not disappointed.
Very nice. But where’s Hitty?
Hitty is in disguise as the ornament Tip is carrying.
At least the world’s gone mad and not Mad.
Wait, which one would be worse?
Anyway, best of luck! I hope everyone you know manages to stay safe.
In the current case, mad is definitely worse than Mad.
Although, people who are Mad also can incite panic in those around them. But at least then, the panic is justified.
Who is riding Leo?
Marcy, I think
We had (before the crisis), prepared a venitian parade in the popular suburbs of my town. It won’t take place, but at least we have these!
…and Unity as the Patchwork Girl as Harlequin…
I had the same thought (but I said it over on Patreon instead of here).
Well, Dr. Lee and Nick might be the innamorati…
I always feel a bit ‘let down’ about Unity. She has never yet justified her abilities.
Do you mean “demonstrated”? She can’t justify anything, since she wasn’t the one who gave herself those abilities. I’m sure Virginia and the rest of the team who created Unity had some rationale for giving her her abilities – after all, she was created as a weapon.
And as for demonstrating, she did single-handedly successfully fight an entire platoon until they surrendered. It was at that point that Virginia saw Unity as a success. And Unity successfully fought the swamp thing in Colma using only gardening supplies. And she drove around a bunch of animals out in Idaho.
My multi-picture screensaver just dished up an axolotl.