Getting rid of Mad Science abilities is a success for the Institute. I was assuming this also resulted in the former Mad Scientist becoming sane, and that this was the main purpose of giving them the Cure, but I don’t recall anyone specifically saying that.
So long as the Voices of Reason keep up a dialog, we’re all good. It’s only after they stop talking to you and begin muttering amongst themselves you have to grow concerned!
A friend of mine once said that talking to yourself is not a sign of insanity, it’s when you lose the argument that you have to worry. I’ve considered that words of wisdom.
My wife used to have a quote around the house that read:
“The 4 stages of crazy:
1. You talk to yourself
2. You argue with yourself
3. You argue with yourself and lose
4. You are no longer on speaking terms with yourself.”
On occasion she has gotten as far as stage 3.
More or less. A person can’t be relieved from duty unless they ask to be removed for reasons of mental unfitness. If a person asks to be removed from duty, they clearly aren’t mentally unfit, because no sane man would want to fly those missions in the first place.
“Local Board No. 1: Dear Sirs: I do not think I should be drafted because I am teaching future scientists, and it is partly on the strength of her future scientists that the national welfare lies. If you do not consider this sufficient reason to defer me, you may still wish to defer me because of my medical examination, in which I was found to be psychiatrically unfit. I do not believe that any weight whatsoever should be attached to this examination as I consider it to be a gross error. I am calling this error to your attention because I am insane enough not to wish to take advantage of it.” – Richard Feynman
That’s denying the antecedant though: just because only a crazy person would want to fly more missions doesn’t mean that someone who _doesn’t_ want to fly them is necessarily sane.
True, but the Cypress is a friend, and Tip will do quite a lot to help a friend in need. If he would have known before this that there was a problem, and free, he would have probably already been there.
Shoulder angels colonizing what… other shoulders? Living in harmony (and, perhaps, melody)? Interbreeding and who knows what else… what do second generation shoulder angles look like? OH.. it is too early in the morning to be thinking…
Melody had only two shoulder angels, each chanting “kill, kill, kill…” I wish I could show them to you. If they ever started filibusterin’ with Dave OR his shoulder imps, they’d be dead now…
Haaaaaang on. An expedition with a suspiciously high number, lead by a psychologist, into a runaway biological assimilation event that drives people insane? I’m getting “Southern Reach Trilogy” vibes here, but I never realised Jeff VanderMeer wrote children’s books!
Haaaaaang on #2: “Annihilation” was only published in 2014, and these scripts must go back long before then. Spooky.
IIRC, the Southern Reach phenomenon killed most of the people sent in, and of those few who got out, some turned out to be imperfect copies created by the zone.
Then the Institute *was* co-ed…
…But since he doesn’t seem to have any Mad Science abilities I assume he wasn’t one of the successful ones. >_>
Getting rid of Mad Science abilities is a success for the Institute. I was assuming this also resulted in the former Mad Scientist becoming sane, and that this was the main purpose of giving them the Cure, but I don’t recall anyone specifically saying that.
You guys do know what “co-ed” means, don’t you?
So long as the Voices of Reason keep up a dialog, we’re all good. It’s only after they stop talking to you and begin muttering amongst themselves you have to grow concerned!
A friend of mine once said that talking to yourself is not a sign of insanity, it’s when you lose the argument that you have to worry. I’ve considered that words of wisdom.
My wife used to have a quote around the house that read:
“The 4 stages of crazy:
1. You talk to yourself
2. You argue with yourself
3. You argue with yourself and lose
4. You are no longer on speaking terms with yourself.”
On occasion she has gotten as far as stage 3.
Wasn’t that question the core of Catch-22?
More or less. A person can’t be relieved from duty unless they ask to be removed for reasons of mental unfitness. If a person asks to be removed from duty, they clearly aren’t mentally unfit, because no sane man would want to fly those missions in the first place.
Yeah, that was more or less what I remembered.
“Local Board No. 1: Dear Sirs: I do not think I should be drafted because I am teaching future scientists, and it is partly on the strength of her future scientists that the national welfare lies. If you do not consider this sufficient reason to defer me, you may still wish to defer me because of my medical examination, in which I was found to be psychiatrically unfit. I do not believe that any weight whatsoever should be attached to this examination as I consider it to be a gross error. I am calling this error to your attention because I am insane enough not to wish to take advantage of it.” – Richard Feynman
That’s denying the antecedant though: just because only a crazy person would want to fly more missions doesn’t mean that someone who _doesn’t_ want to fly them is necessarily sane.
Well yes, because Catch-22 was a work of fiction, not a documentary.
By the by, you can get anything you want at Alice’s restaurant.
Excepting Alice.
Ouch! Your timezone difference makes me look like a pathetic loser. I AM NOT AN
ANIM . . .LOSER!Except Alice!
AND soon to be a major motion picture (or series, I forget) starring and produced by George Clooney!)
Miniseries. It premiered on Hulu in May. Clooney has an executive producer credit and appeared in a few episodes.
Shows how in touch with reality I am. Hopefully we’ll get Hulu again some day and I can see it.
So Tip, does that mean you’v followed Tigerlilly into madness?
Who says he’s volunteering for this job? He seems to have been volentold.
True, but the Cypress is a friend, and Tip will do quite a lot to help a friend in need. If he would have known before this that there was a problem, and free, he would have probably already been there.
And considering that the Cypress is a friend, that means you have to less mad to be willing to go.
It doesn’t sound like it’s the *Cypress* (or her daughter?) in need here. A-Sig aren’t negotating for *her* benefit…
Maybe he’s talking to his shoulder angels
Good thought! I wonder if he has as many of them as Dave did? ^_^
I don’t think even Helen had as many as Dave did. Dave had so many, they could have started their own colony… and maybe did!
Shoulder angels colonizing what… other shoulders? Living in harmony (and, perhaps, melody)? Interbreeding and who knows what else… what do second generation shoulder angles look like? OH.. it is too early in the morning to be thinking…
Haha, love it!
Melody had only two shoulder angels, each chanting “kill, kill, kill…” I wish I could show them to you. If they ever started filibusterin’ with Dave OR his shoulder imps, they’d be dead now…
Helen did. Shannon drew them. They just never made an in strip appearance.
One of Sweetheart’s once popped up. And Imogene had two as well, but she came over from “Narbonic,” so she was probably already infected.
Haaaaaang on. An expedition with a suspiciously high number, lead by a psychologist, into a runaway biological assimilation event that drives people insane? I’m getting “Southern Reach Trilogy” vibes here, but I never realised Jeff VanderMeer wrote children’s books!
Haaaaaang on #2: “Annihilation” was only published in 2014, and these scripts must go back long before then. Spooky.
“An expedition with a suspiciously high number”? Ira said they already sent a dozen teams in. That makes this number 13.
“Drives people insane”? No, she’s killing the people A-Sig has sent in.
IIRC, the Southern Reach phenomenon killed most of the people sent in, and of those few who got out, some turned out to be imperfect copies created by the zone.