Wait, what if that’s one of the things they’ve been working on that VR for? Put a latent mad in, drive them completely mad and they have their breakthrough venting the worst of their destructiveness in an environment where they can’t actually hurt anyone?
Trust a Mad breakthrough to hack the sim constraints—which are, after all, the local version of reality’s laws, bent by the Mad—and take over the machine from the inside.
I feel fairly confident that if the VR machine was self-contained and not networked that it would be beyond even the abilities of the Mad to break loose. The only reason Dave was so dangerous is because Lovelace’s systems had control of everything in the base, including the forcefields. If he had just had the supercomputer without any of those hookups, exactly what havoc could he have wreaked?
So, when she tries to leave and gets caught, will she be stopped by a giant beachball instead of a remote-controlled weather balloon? And is the Mayor Number 2?
There will be storm above and sharks below. They will chew up the raft, and to a lesser degree the passengers, and then Ginny and Melanie will drag themselves back to the beach, bleeding, drenched, and extremely discouraged from trying to leave again.
OK, i’m back to being uncertain as to whether this is VR Hell or The Village. VR Hell doesn’t need a Mayor imposing rules: the beach is inescapable because that is its nature. Of course, there always might be bugs in the program…
I wonder if our blonde friend might be related to Gilligan? o_O
Well if anyone can go full Professor and coconut up a -working- escape vehicle…
Wait, what if that’s one of the things they’ve been working on that VR for? Put a latent mad in, drive them completely mad and they have their breakthrough venting the worst of their destructiveness in an environment where they can’t actually hurt anyone?
That’s actually a pretty good idea. Here’s hoping Dr. Lee doesn’t slam too hard into the VR’s limitations if that’s the case.
That’s freaking CLEVER.
Trust a Mad breakthrough to hack the sim constraints—which are, after all, the local version of reality’s laws, bent by the Mad—and take over the machine from the inside.
Let’s see… Dave took over a supercomputer, and thereby an entire Mad scientist’s lair, by transferring his mind into the computer.
So, yeah… no way anything could possibly go wrong by putting them into a VR environment.
I feel fairly confident that if the VR machine was self-contained and not networked that it would be beyond even the abilities of the Mad to break loose. The only reason Dave was so dangerous is because Lovelace’s systems had control of everything in the base, including the forcefields. If he had just had the supercomputer without any of those hookups, exactly what havoc could he have wreaked?
You know, that DOES neatly explain half of the premise behind The Matrix…
Wood, brass, and coconut oil? I didn’t know Dr Lee was a Spark! Should’ve been obvious.
I think walnuts would be involved here, wouldn’d they?
She actually keeps reminding me of Zonker’s uncle Duke from Doonsbury for some reason; I have no clue why.
So, when she tries to leave and gets caught, will she be stopped by a giant beachball instead of a remote-controlled weather balloon? And is the Mayor Number 2?
I’m waiting for a short butler to appear.
There will be storm above and sharks below. They will chew up the raft, and to a lesser degree the passengers, and then Ginny and Melanie will drag themselves back to the beach, bleeding, drenched, and extremely discouraged from trying to leave again.
Wait. Is it Gilligan’s Island?
Does that mean that Dr. Lee is not a number, she is a free woman?
Oh, wait, never mind–I forgot that questions are a burden to others, and answers are a prison for ourselves.
I’m getting more of a “Truman Show” vibe.
Papillon had less…
Found it hard to believe they remade that movie.
@Pygar immediately had the exact same idea, tought naaah nobody would catch the reference. Then again, this is Skin Horse, I should have known better…
Great minds warp alike…
This doesn’t seem that much less rational than some of Virginia Lee’s work.
Hmm. I wonder who Number One is. Oh wait…
Oh no! She’s trapped in Animal Crossing!
OK, i’m back to being uncertain as to whether this is VR Hell or The Village. VR Hell doesn’t need a Mayor imposing rules: the beach is inescapable because that is its nature. Of course, there always might be bugs in the program…
The mayor wouldn’t be there to impose the rules, just to sow FUD and keep them distracted from focusing on the VR.
It’s possible. So far, though, we’ve seen nothing of the mayor. I’m not sure we need to, though, as Virginia seems pretty distracted at it is.
You’re a good helper Beatrix.
I bet she added the cans.
Sounds like Unity after she got her notary license.
Anyone else concerned we haven’t seen anyone’s eyes yet? What if they have button eyes?
and in the last panel we cannot see Dr Lee’s eyes, either. is she getting askilmilgrated?
Removing spectacles was part of the Oz link…
I half expected the “boat” to be a sandcastle, like the concrete “boat” in The Prisoner.