And for the record? I’d rather trust a Madboy for expedition leader then anyone else Ira was likely to come up with. Don’t get me wrong. I *like* Ira in the same way I like Penguin, Kingpin, Professor Moriarty and Fu Manchu. But liking a villain and trusting him are two very different things. >_>
Before anyone replies to Mr Ask’s question (I’m not sure, but I think it was directed to Ira), I think he should say which of those pieces of paper is which.
Good point. Although frankly, I’m kinda surprised he bothered to actually draw either one. I mean, actually writing stuff down sort of pushes the bounds of being a Mad genius.
“What drives a sane man mad would drive a mad man sane.”. I believe that was a line from the remake of House on Haunted Hill. Didn’t work in the movie, liable to be disastrous here.
If I were an evil mastermind that had a cure for evil genius I would only use that if I could no longer find a use for those who had it. Their usefulness would be directly tired to their willingness to work for me, as well as how much I desired their style of project. Should one or the other be removed, with our without outside interference, I would then leave them reality blind.
Bodies are much harder to hide after all, and this way I have a decent supply of assembly line drones to work on the very technology they (now unknowingly) designed.
I love my job
*Or,* and just hear me out on this one, maybe Ira’s an oldschool spy whose out-of-date techniques are horribly obsolete in a world ruled by mad science. That’s why he tried to reassert normality by making everybody reality-blind, and it’s why he has a mad psychologist on the team.
Ira basically has no idea what he’s doing. He’s just hella entrenched.
Well… true. But maybe he’s found a way to make only certain parts of the boat exist at any given point in time. So you never can actually see the whole thing. You’d go crazy just looking at it, as various bits just randomly keep appearing and disappearing.
“Something in the jungle keeps driving sane men mad.”
Sane men who understand that the jungle should be killed become maddened into believing that she should have been left alone because she’s a decent person who was dangerous but not a danger until AnaSigma interfered. Those poor, poor agents.
Come on, Tip.Remember how rank you are.
“Why not both? ^_^”
And for the record? I’d rather trust a Madboy for expedition leader then anyone else Ira was likely to come up with. Don’t get me wrong. I *like* Ira in the same way I like Penguin, Kingpin, Professor Moriarty and Fu Manchu. But liking a villain and trusting him are two very different things. >_>
Yeah, I’m betting on “both”.
Maybe the hamsters will lend theirs?
All right, I’ve conducted a feasibility study for the 4-dimmensional boat, and recorded the voices in my head alphabetizing these pizza rolls.
The results /may/ surprise you!
Boat! Boat! Boat!! Wheee! Name it Boaty McBoatface!
Before anyone replies to Mr Ask’s question (I’m not sure, but I think it was directed to Ira), I think he should say which of those pieces of paper is which.
Good point. Although frankly, I’m kinda surprised he bothered to actually draw either one. I mean, actually writing stuff down sort of pushes the bounds of being a Mad genius.
Nonsense. How else are you supposed to carry out the “explain your plan in great detail to your helpless captive” stage if you don’t write it down?
Yeah I don’t see that being a problem. Helen had a Manifesto (with a lot of grammar mistakes but still)
Well, okay… fine. But I still think writing stuff down is cheating.
And the grammar mistakes were bait for Antonio Smith, Forensic Linguist!
Neither drawing is the actual plan – they’re just the “three bullet point” summary for Ira.
With a mad genius involved, smart money’s on the the complex 4D boat.
The one that goes “Wheee”, of course. What kind of question is that?
I have to wonder if when Ira says “it drives men mad”, does he mean just “crazy” mad, or “sparky” mad?
“What drives a sane man mad would drive a mad man sane.”. I believe that was a line from the remake of House on Haunted Hill. Didn’t work in the movie, liable to be disastrous here.
Both, both is good.
So if it drives people insane, are they hoping to drive Tip insane and then use the “Mad genius cure” on him so he’s no longer a use to skin horse?
Though I dunno if Tip would be considered insane already.
I thought they were using The Cure on the Institute patients. Or is he too recent a capture for that?
You’re assuming his current condition isn’t a result of having The Cure applied.
The Cure makes people sane, so no, his current condition is pretty unlikely to be a result of the cure.
If I were an evil mastermind that had a cure for evil genius I would only use that if I could no longer find a use for those who had it. Their usefulness would be directly tired to their willingness to work for me, as well as how much I desired their style of project. Should one or the other be removed, with our without outside interference, I would then leave them reality blind.
Bodies are much harder to hide after all, and this way I have a decent supply of assembly line drones to work on the very technology they (now unknowingly) designed.
I love my job
I got the impression that they only used the Cure on patients who were not producing any inventions that were useful to the Institute.
And at the moment at least, Mr. Ask doesn’t seem Mad enough to be more than simply annoying. So they may have just left him that way for comic relief.
*Or,* and just hear me out on this one, maybe Ira’s an oldschool spy whose out-of-date techniques are horribly obsolete in a world ruled by mad science. That’s why he tried to reassert normality by making everybody reality-blind, and it’s why he has a mad psychologist on the team.
Ira basically has no idea what he’s doing. He’s just hella entrenched.
Just take the boat, Tip, and you”ll be out of there before you even know it.
Yes, but he might find himself back in the middle of it before he even starts.
Ever seen Tip on a date? Dude IS a 4th-dimmensional boat.
Warpzone: Tip ships himself with almost everyone.
Isn’t everything in space-time four dimensional?
Well… true. But maybe he’s found a way to make only certain parts of the boat exist at any given point in time. So you never can actually see the whole thing. You’d go crazy just looking at it, as various bits just randomly keep appearing and disappearing.
Just gotta say I love that first panel. Very satisfying wordplay.
“Something in the jungle keeps driving sane men mad.”
Sane men who understand that the jungle should be killed become maddened into believing that she should have been left alone because she’s a decent person who was dangerous but not a danger until AnaSigma interfered. Those poor, poor agents.
That’s… an interpretation I guess.