Yup, there’s hardly a more surefire way to drive a pro frustrated by failure to perform a job crazy than showing them that even an idiot can do it right after they declared it cannot be done.
Well, my mind won’t stop revolving!
This problem I’m not solving!
I’d say the odds are slim …
Are you smelling the stink of
Dismal failure? I can’t think of
A successful acronym!
I am moping, I am pining,
I’m U-N-I-T-whining,
I’m grouchy and I’m grim!
Now you’d best get the hell out,
‘Cause I’m angry I can’t spell out
A successful acronym!
Impossible, you know!
I’d bet you half a million bucks!
You say … eight months ago,
You named yourself?
That really sucks …
This is totally no fun now!
How can I be outdone, now,
By someone who’s so dim?
You are dumb and demented,
And yet somehow you invented
A successful acronym!
I really wonder if UNITY’s solution really included a correct spelling of her own name. That would really drive GODOT crazy, if she created an acronym that was incorrect.
I’m betting Unity can’t remember what the acronym she created was. It was eight months ago after all, assuming that she didn’t just grab that timeframe out of her hat.
Eight months is the length of the current storyline – 236 strips, which I think includes Sundays. The previous two storylines did not feature UNITY at all, so Once and Future may have been concurrent with those parts not involving time travel . . . which was pretty much all of it, so ignore me there.
So far, reading through Once and Future gives me Unfit Notary Idaho Tigerlily . . . the Y as Y is baffling.
Yeoman=yew-man=archer (longbows were made of yew wood. It’s nice and springy). Applied as well to captain’s clerks in Starfleet (Yeoman Janice Rand was also nice and springy).
Yup, there’s hardly a more surefire way to drive a pro frustrated by failure to perform a job crazy than showing them that even an idiot can do it right after they declared it cannot be done.
Undead Nanobot Infusion Terrorizing You!
I like that one, altho she goes for more destruction than terror.
I’m with Robert here. Terrorizing, to me, implies intent. Unity doesn’t give enough thought to the consequences of her actions to intend anything.
Undead Nanobot-Infused Technological Y–
This would have been so much easier if she was Eunice.
Electronic Undead Nanobot-Infused Cybernetic Entity.
Undead Nanobot-Infused Technological Youth?
“Traumatizing”, then.
I wonder if it came from way back when people in the comments were trying to come up with an acronym for her?
If it does not involve Ylem, I will be forced to go on a rampage of U.N.I.T.Y. Proportions!
Or Worse! Sweetheart level rampage!
Unity Now Is The Yams
Bonus points for coming up with a recursive acronym
(TUNE: “If I Only Had A Brain”, Arlen & Harburg)
Well, my mind won’t stop revolving!
This problem I’m not solving!
I’d say the odds are slim …
Are you smelling the stink of
Dismal failure? I can’t think of
A successful acronym!
I am moping, I am pining,
I’m U-N-I-T-whining,
I’m grouchy and I’m grim!
Now you’d best get the hell out,
‘Cause I’m angry I can’t spell out
A successful acronym!
Impossible, you know!
I’d bet you half a million bucks!
You say … eight months ago,
You named yourself?
That really sucks …
This is totally no fun now!
How can I be outdone, now,
By someone who’s so dim?
You are dumb and demented,
And yet somehow you invented
A successful acronym!
Bravo as always!
OK, the fact that failure prevents GODOT from shutting down goes a lot further toward explaining its fury.
GODOT has essentially gone mad from sleep deprivation.
As usual, your scansion is on point, but one thing stands out today:
> U-N-I-T-Whining
Glorious ^_^
I wonder what kind of messed up Unity-style free-association acronym it will be.
After all – Unity constantly surprises us w/ her insight….
Universal. Necrotic. Interface. Technology. Yeoman.
It’s probably recursive, a la GNU’s Not Unix. UNITY’s Now Inconceivably Too YOLO.
I really wonder if UNITY’s solution really included a correct spelling of her own name. That would really drive GODOT crazy, if she created an acronym that was incorrect.
I’m betting Unity can’t remember what the acronym she created was. It was eight months ago after all, assuming that she didn’t just grab that timeframe out of her hat.
Eight months is the length of the current storyline – 236 strips, which I think includes Sundays. The previous two storylines did not feature UNITY at all, so Once and Future may have been concurrent with those parts not involving time travel . . . which was pretty much all of it, so ignore me there.
So far, reading through Once and Future gives me Unfit Notary Idaho Tigerlily . . . the Y as Y is baffling.
GODOT’s problem:
United Nations Intelligence Taskforce… Youthfully!
Undead Nanobot-Infused Thing, Yikes!
If G.O.D.O.T. was human, he’d be thumping his head on a nearby desk.
Actually, we don’t know his configuration, he still might be hitting his head on a nearby desk.
The real question is, have Our Dear Writers known U.N.I.T.Y.’s acronym all along, or have they been scanning the messageboards on this topic?
I just now happened across official clueage.
We only need GODOT because we lost Mike Ford. Sigh. I’m just sayin’ . . .
Depressingly true. Depressingly true.
Too true, Steve, too sadly true.
Yeoman is an old fashioned word for soldier, right?
Yeoman=yew-man=archer (longbows were made of yew wood. It’s nice and springy). Applied as well to captain’s clerks in Starfleet (Yeoman Janice Rand was also nice and springy).
Place your bets now, ladies and gentlemen, betting ends soon!
(I’m going for “Upgradeable Necrotic Intelligence Terrifies Y’all.”)
If only. The gocomics mirror already updated, and we still don’t know Unity’s acronym.
Undead Nanocoordinated Intelligent Terrorizing Yatterer.
Unity never intends to yield.
Universal Nanite Intelligence Training Yoke