October 2011 Wallpaper
Shaenon: As of this month’s wallpaper, I’m diving into a project I’ve wanted to do for ages: a Narbonic/Skin Horse Tarot deck. So here’s the first card, with Tip as the Fool.
As usual, if you make a donation in any amount to the Skin Horse Tip Jar, I will send you a link to the wallpaper. Each wallpaper acomes in two different aspect ratios (regular screen and widescreen) to fit most computer monitors, and in both Mac-friendly and PC-friendly orientations. Here’s the wallpaper page.
Channing: Now I totally want to see “Strength”, with Tip and Leo. Also, the Abbess works really well in the role of the High Priestess. Any other cool ideas?
Tigerlilly Jones as the Papess. Or the insane mutant gerbils.
Sweatheart and the voodoo mortician for the Magician. Alternately, Dr. Lee and Mr. Green.
Nick as the emperor. Or Dr. Madblood.
Helen/Beta as the Empress.
Dr. Madblood for the Magician. Or the male version of Helen/Beta.
There are so many options for the Lovers it would be easiest to list the ones that wouldn’t work. Now there is a thought…what if Futility[d0t)com made a tarot deck?
Gavotte for Pope, or the crystal entities.
Phil the lion for Strength.
Sweatheart and her pack pulling the sled could represent the Chariot, Or Tigerlilly Jones in her flying saucer. Or Mell?
Phil is the mynah. I think the lion is named Leo.