Shaenon: Here’s an illustration I drew for a story Jeff wrote for the Couscous Collective’s upcoming anthology SPACE. If you haven’t read the Collective’s first anthology, FOREST, which includes a Skin Horse story, hie to the Couscous Store and get yourself a copy. SPACE will include a Narbonic story written and drawn by me, another story written by me and drawn by Konstantin Pogorelov, and Jeff’s prose story (illustrated by both myself AND Konstantin), as well as much more.
After SPACE, the next Couscous anthology will be OCEAN, followed by BEARDS.
Channing: Insider tip: Andrew Farago’s contribution to the Space anthology alone is worth the cover price, assuming that the cover price is roughly equivalent to that of the FOREST anthology. If it has gone up to, like, ten million dollars there are probably more cost-effective ways to get your Andrew F. fix, such as his many minicomics!
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