Just realized something – Tip is possibly a potential mad. The machine union was started by Lupin Bots. SO presumably when tip says “#1902” he’s talking about Lupin Bot #1902. And it sounds like he can tell that by voice. Dave was one of the only other people to ever be able to easily distinguish between them and we all remember how that ended…
If only they sent the reformed Killotrons; they’ll just destroy the SH team instead of destroying them.
Just realized something – Tip is possibly a potential mad. The machine union was started by Lupin Bots. SO presumably when tip says “#1902” he’s talking about Lupin Bot #1902. And it sounds like he can tell that by voice. Dave was one of the only other people to ever be able to easily distinguish between them and we all remember how that ended…
Or maybe #1902 simply identified itself. We don’t get to see the other side of the conversation.
Mad Scientist, but the science is *fashion*.