I spent five years trying to grow my hair past my shoulders and it never would. Fast-forward a few decades: I neglected to get my hair cut for a year or so, and it grew almost halfway down my back — and I hated it. Long hair turns out to be hot and sweaty, and requires way too much maintenance. What a disappointment.
Hey now, don’t diss the long hair. Guys can have long hair too. Granted, mine refuses to grow very far past my shoulders, but I SHALL FIND A WAY.
I spent five years trying to grow my hair past my shoulders and it never would. Fast-forward a few decades: I neglected to get my hair cut for a year or so, and it grew almost halfway down my back — and I hated it. Long hair turns out to be hot and sweaty, and requires way too much maintenance. What a disappointment.
Note: this was put up before Friendship is Magic was released.
If I were sent back in time and told that, I wouldn’t be too thrilled either. Unless the person who said it had also been sent back in time, I guess.
I’m glad he’s keeping his hair long! :3
First reference in the strip?
He looked better with the sidies.
I have a ponytail down to the bottom of my butt at its tip. SO many friends ask if they can play with it sometime.
I had a ponytail to halfway down my back. None of my friends wanted to play with it, and it went horribly frizzy after a while, so I cut it off.
It DOES look good on him.