The dubious face on your cat icon is just too perfect for your comment. It’s all, “I mean, talking to your CAT, that’s normal. But a DOG? What would a dog even SAY?! ‘Ok, I’m done licking your toes, now feed me!’ A cat does that SO MUCH better!” HAHAHA!
I couldn’t keep Virginia Lee …
You know that doggone Artie took her right from me!
Using his powerful brain,
Talking quantum calculus in Latin again!
The mission’s jeopardized, going sour,
Now Sweetheart’s saying, “Just use your superpower!”
Who knows what might happen then?
I’m already up to Mojo-Ken times ten!
Dangerous to use my mojo,
And to push it further is a great big no-no!
Dangerous to use my mojo,
Who knows what’ll happen if it gets too high?
Dangerous to use my mojo,
To go and stimulate a girl’s libido!
Dangerous to use my mojo,
Ladies’ underpants go … they’re gonna go bye-bye!
Considering the other stuff that has been quantified in the Narbon-verse that really shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone. The thing I find amusing is that Tip’s mojo apparently depends on his appearance, their guide isn’t interested until the curlers are out of his hair.
In response to Paul’s comment:
Actually I thought the curlers were acting as a mojo damper. Curlers can be a bit of a downer when things get interesting, and downright dangerous if they’re the old electric ones.
This . . . could be interesting, at least from a purely observational standpoint.
What would a black hole of mojo look like? Would he start drawing in women (and others) from neighboring states? Would they be able to escape back home afterwards?
Admittedly, there are . . . . apocalyptic possibilities if Tip goes critical, but it would expand our knowledge of the phenomena greatly.
The mojo is still strong in this one…
It MUST be. She doesn’t even care that that Tip is having a full-on conversation with a dog.
The dubious face on your cat icon is just too perfect for your comment. It’s all, “I mean, talking to your CAT, that’s normal. But a DOG? What would a dog even SAY?! ‘Ok, I’m done licking your toes, now feed me!’ A cat does that SO MUCH better!” HAHAHA!
PS: It’s 4AM. I find many things funny.
A talking dog is the weird thing about all this?
She’s the vassal of a zombie emperor. I’m pretty sure that she’s already lost her reality filter a long time ago.
Me: “Push it, push it, push it, push it, push it, push it, push it, push it, push it, push it, push it, push it, push it, push it, PUSH IT FURTHER!”
So yeah.. I want to see that event horizon reached…. From across the Multiverse of course.
You know, until now, I thought the main threat they were dealing with was an entire city full of zombies.
(TUNE: “Wake Me Up Before You Go-Go”, Wham!)
(Underpants … underpants … underpants … underpants … )
I couldn’t keep Virginia Lee …
You know that doggone Artie took her right from me!
Using his powerful brain,
Talking quantum calculus in Latin again!
The mission’s jeopardized, going sour,
Now Sweetheart’s saying, “Just use your superpower!”
Who knows what might happen then?
I’m already up to Mojo-Ken times ten!
Dangerous to use my mojo,
And to push it further is a great big no-no!
Dangerous to use my mojo,
Who knows what’ll happen if it gets too high?
Dangerous to use my mojo,
To go and stimulate a girl’s libido!
Dangerous to use my mojo,
Ladies’ underpants go … they’re gonna go bye-bye!
Wow, Brilliant!
Sweetheart’s look on the last panel… what did SHE just see?
Possibly just the undies like we did.
Nuke ’em from orbit, Tip.
So mojo is now a quantifiable power?
Considering the other stuff that has been quantified in the Narbon-verse that really shouldn’t be a surprise to anyone. The thing I find amusing is that Tip’s mojo apparently depends on his appearance, their guide isn’t interested until the curlers are out of his hair.
Well, appearance is a quantifiable multiplier to mojo. . . .
Hmm, this story arc has me wondering now… is Nick going to become Dr Lee’s… umm… Osprey in shining black armor? Coming to “save the day” and all that?
In response to Paul’s comment:
Actually I thought the curlers were acting as a mojo damper. Curlers can be a bit of a downer when things get interesting, and downright dangerous if they’re the old electric ones.
I reckon mojo is powered by confidence. Tip feeling sexy -> Tip looking sexy -> spontaneous underwear conflagrations…
Normally, Tip tries to cross that event horizon.
I’d have a hard time not using such mojo for evil 3:)
I’m totally feeling Tip right now; I’m a geek who’s lost his Fixing Mojo. Will my copmuter NEVER live again?!?
Okay. Maybe not the SAME thing… but as close as I’m ever gonna get.
*Wanders off homeward, and doesn’t fix something else tonight.*
This assumes Artie will be a villain soon.
Helen will be so proud.
Artie is already a villain. He thinks he’s a hero, but almost everything he’s ever done caused more pain than leaving things alone would have.
This . . . could be interesting, at least from a purely observational standpoint.
What would a black hole of mojo look like? Would he start drawing in women (and others) from neighboring states? Would they be able to escape back home afterwards?
Admittedly, there are . . . . apocalyptic possibilities if Tip goes critical, but it would expand our knowledge of the phenomena greatly.
“Don’t tell me you fear the experiment?!”
“I fear the result–”
–Dave, speaking of mad geniuses
PS: WHO has deactivated my BEAUTIFUL frogs?
This would explain the allure of Tom Jones. He has teleportation ability over underware.