And actually, to take it a step further, as IPs can change (unless he has a reservation for that IP and always (can only) jacks in to connect), MAC [Address] would be better than IP.
Not really. Unlike IP addresses, MACs are only visible on the local network. If Baron normally goes through an ISP, then the MAC would not have been available to Aimee before now.
@VillageWizard, well, I guess that would depend on if the server is even internet accessible, and we have seen Baron locally jacked in before, but otherwise yes, you are correct on that and I wasn’t thinking of the server as internet accessible at the time I wrote the post.
I’d expect Baron to be his own private ISP. We know he has wireless capability but the Aimee’s World VR server doesn’t so he connects via cable. Doubtless he anonymizes his activities through Whimsy Corp. firewalls and leaves no traces for auditors.
When they realize that that ‘server’ in the VW bus is not plugged into a power source, will that be kinda like when wile e coyote realizes that he’s run off the edge of the cliff and there is nothing underneath him? Never mind – that’s TigerlIly’s bus. No Problem.
That server hasn’t been plugged into an external power source since the beginning. Whimsy had undoubtedly installed some Mad tech to power it before they gave it to the Baron.
Huh, about halfway through I thought something else was wrong with Baron but it was just a Red Herring, well played.
Baron has brought attention to it befor
It seems that the Baron may be either more neglectful or more treacherous than we thought.
Maybe he’s just seeing someone else in VR Whimsey World on the side.
Why does he need an ISP when he’s plugged in directly?
ISP takes up less space than IP addy? (IP address, the identifier on the network card the ISP uses.)
Would be better to just say “IP” in this case, though I’d wager Shannon and Jeff just don’t realize that.
And actually, to take it a step further, as IPs can change (unless he has a reservation for that IP and always (can only) jacks in to connect), MAC [Address] would be better than IP.
Not really. Unlike IP addresses, MACs are only visible on the local network. If Baron normally goes through an ISP, then the MAC would not have been available to Aimee before now.
@VillageWizard, well, I guess that would depend on if the server is even internet accessible, and we have seen Baron locally jacked in before, but otherwise yes, you are correct on that and I wasn’t thinking of the server as internet accessible at the time I wrote the post.
Maybe Aimee isn’t saying that Baron is actually using that ISP right now, just that the account was created from and normally accessed from that ISP?
Exactly what I was wondering. ISPs are for connecting to stuff that ISN’T RIGHT NEXT TO YOU.
I’d expect Baron to be his own private ISP. We know he has wireless capability but the Aimee’s World VR server doesn’t so he connects via cable. Doubtless he anonymizes his activities through Whimsy Corp. firewalls and leaves no traces for auditors.
In parallel with Trivena’s post, is “Blame your ISP” that much of a meme across all the RPGs as a taunt?
Probably was bragging about it.
That’s ridiculously oversized for his meatspace appearance, where it’s more of a nub, and seems a lot smaller than his VR horn was.
Consider who chose the name. He was going more for shock value than accuracy.
Having heard many men exaggerate their size, this does not surprise me at all.
When they realize that that ‘server’ in the VW bus is not plugged into a power source, will that be kinda like when wile e coyote realizes that he’s run off the edge of the cliff and there is nothing underneath him? Never mind – that’s TigerlIly’s bus. No Problem.
That server hasn’t been plugged into an external power source since the beginning. Whimsy had undoubtedly installed some Mad tech to power it before they gave it to the Baron.
Indigo Montoya? Prepare to die? That Indigo?
You keep saying that word. I do not think it means what you think it means. — Inigo Montoya
Conceivably it refers to a color.
Congratulations on missing the joke.
Big Red is already taken? I’m sure “puce” wouldn’t be as catchy.