I guess it’s like recycling. Unused or discarded neural matter in, functioning brain out.
At worst, she’s working with motor controllers instead of cerebral cortices, but she’s an aggressive, invasive nano-swarm. I’m sure she can figure it out, even if she can’t figure how 😉
Yeah, what have those government workers ever done for us besides take our money and give us roads, highways, bridges, flu vaccines, storm warnings, disaster relief, mail delivery, running water, the internet, navigable waterways, food safety, public education, national defense, safe air traffic, firefighting, flood control, local, state and national parks, sesame street, subways, buses, etc., etc. etc.
What useless idiots! Let’s all put our MAGA hats on now!
You will get no argument from me, Barky Monkey.
Not because i agree, but ’cause this is Jeffrey and Shaenon’s nice place.
I generally don’t start doing politics until after i have read the comics.
It’s not so much “what have those government workers done”, but “what have these ones done”. They’ve gained a pile of people who wear sunglasses indoors, but nothing much has changed in terms of what they do since they left Annex 1.
Personally, though, I’m hoping Virginia’s rigged up another brain dispenser.
I have to note that Tip is identifying that half of the problem comes from Sweetheart, not the drone itself. This is something we have all noticed, but no-one’s addressed before now.
Actually, it’s a lot more than half the problem… like pretty much the whole problem is Sweetheart. And Nick pointed it out back when Sweetheart was using the Violet drone. Sweetheart has just conveniently forgotten how much of a disaster it was the last time she drove a robot.
Since my original comment is “awaiting moderation” — apparently because it contains more than one link, I’ll break it up into two…
Actually, it’s a lot more than half the problem… like pretty much the whole problem is Sweetheart. And Nick pointed it out back when Sweetheart was using the Violet drone. Sweetheart has just conveniently forgotten how much of a disaster it was the last time she drove a robot.
To be fair to her, Anasigma was deliberately trying to drive her crazy that time. The fact she couldn’t see it even when Nick pointed it out to her does her no favours, but it wasn’t exactly an example of her using the drone under normal circumstances.
Yep, Drift compatibility time.
….Honestly, I think that’s even worse than my suggestion to just have Tip operate the drone. They might wanna call Nick in to help.
Have they got enough brains lying around for Unity to eat?
It’s a government office building. I’m sure there are a few unused brains.
But how could eating those possibly make Unity smarter?
I guess it’s like recycling. Unused or discarded neural matter in, functioning brain out.
At worst, she’s working with motor controllers instead of cerebral cortices, but she’s an aggressive, invasive nano-swarm. I’m sure she can figure it out, even if she can’t figure how 😉
I think Mr. Nowall’s point is -government- brains.
Hey, government brains are Prime. They are barely used.
Yeah, what have those government workers ever done for us besides take our money and give us roads, highways, bridges, flu vaccines, storm warnings, disaster relief, mail delivery, running water, the internet, navigable waterways, food safety, public education, national defense, safe air traffic, firefighting, flood control, local, state and national parks, sesame street, subways, buses, etc., etc. etc.
What useless idiots! Let’s all put our MAGA hats on now!
Thank you for the Life of Brian reference.
You will get no argument from me, Barky Monkey.
Not because i agree, but ’cause this is Jeffrey and Shaenon’s nice place.
I generally don’t start doing politics until after i have read the comics.
To get the unused brains, she has to go to a seat of power, like a district superintendent, the White House, or Congress.
It’s not so much “what have those government workers done”, but “what have these ones done”. They’ve gained a pile of people who wear sunglasses indoors, but nothing much has changed in terms of what they do since they left Annex 1.
Personally, though, I’m hoping Virginia’s rigged up another brain dispenser.
One word: plip
She can get smart on scrambled eggs, too.
It occurs to me that there is an Anglo-American pun in Unity’s new nickname for Tip: a “garbage tip” is what Brits call the dump.
Well, he _is_ down in the dumps.
Actually no, we’d call it a rubbish tip or (more often) a landfill. “Garbage” is an Americanism.
Two minds controlling one body… what could go wrong?
U.N.I.T.Y. hopped up on brains and a dyed-in-the-genome bureaucrat? It’s more of a matter of how horribly right this could go.
I have to note that Tip is identifying that half of the problem comes from Sweetheart, not the drone itself. This is something we have all noticed, but no-one’s addressed before now.
Actually, it’s a lot more than half the problem… like pretty much the whole problem is Sweetheart. And Nick pointed it out back when Sweetheart was using the Violet drone. Sweetheart has just conveniently forgotten how much of a disaster it was the last time she drove a robot.
Sweetheart can only stay online in the drone for a short time:
and she gets so stressed because of her romantic and social ineptitude that she becomes almost useless:
Since my original comment is “awaiting moderation” — apparently because it contains more than one link, I’ll break it up into two…
Actually, it’s a lot more than half the problem… like pretty much the whole problem is Sweetheart. And Nick pointed it out back when Sweetheart was using the Violet drone. Sweetheart has just conveniently forgotten how much of a disaster it was the last time she drove a robot.
Sweetheart can only stay online in the drone for a short time:
and she gets so stressed because of her romantic and social ineptitude that she becomes almost useless:
To be fair to her, Anasigma was deliberately trying to drive her crazy that time. The fact she couldn’t see it even when Nick pointed it out to her does her no favours, but it wasn’t exactly an example of her using the drone under normal circumstances.