“Say, you have a lot of stains on the carpet here.”
“… those are hints.”
“Oh, so they’re color coded for the trap they’re pointing out?”
“No, the color depends on who last walked into them …”
More like the “mad scientist” school of architecture. Ira has a lot more in common with mad scientists than he will ever allow himself to admit.
Castle Heterodyne only ranks third on my list of mad scientist residences although it may move up if we get another look at it in a later story arc.
Well, if you’ve got multiple kinds of torches, why not? Especially if the different kinds are used in different situations.
You walk down a hallway, you get acetylened. You commando crawl down a hallway, you get propaned. You brachiate down a hallway, you get butaned. And so on.
I will never get tired of all the casual references to how awful it is to work at Anasigma and the employees’ blasé attitude to it. I still wonder about the company picnic and why there were leopards.
Also, especial kudos on the art today! I can’t believe you managed to pack ‘rampaging tiger-striped plant monster advances down hallway only to be killed in elaborate death trap’ into two panels.
I think that is supposed to be “lead the Biomass”, Ms. Shaenon.
Also, walking is soooo passé. Running, I think is better, but I’d trigger some laser…
*led (gosh I need to read better sorry)
I’d magine they have some sort of classification like “oh, this is a 5-2-7 hallway: 5 steps head up high, duck for 2 steps, jump for 7”
“Say, you have a lot of stains on the carpet here.”
“… those are hints.”
“Oh, so they’re color coded for the trap they’re pointing out?”
“No, the color depends on who last walked into them …”
if you walk without rhythm, you won’t receive the burn
The crash, rawr, fwoom, zap-zap-zap, and screeee are right.
“None of you seem to understand. I’m not locked in here with you. You’re locked in here with me.”
More like they’re locked in here – with here.
“Oh, we’re not locked in here with them. They’re locked in here with Jenkins.”
Nobodies locked in anywhere. The exits are open, unlocked death traps
I think that CRASH may have been the biomass opening the door from yesterday’s strip. If so, no-one’s locked in anywhere until someone repairs it.
Humans can come to treat any situation, no matter how horrible, as normal.
Anasigma: You’ll never find a more dangerous work place! (The risk intolerant need not apply.)
I don’t think the Biomass is *walking* down the corridor…
Well, certainly not any more.
Legend has it that OSHA inspectors were the first ones to be extirpated.
They made the mistake of actually using the hand rails.
They made the mistake of showing up in the first place.
The Peter Panda Dance from “The Pacifier” by Van Diesel
Probably less silly, though. Probably.
I think Valiant is doffing his hat to the lady in panel one.
Are they The Three Rat-a-teers?
Ah, the Castle Heterodyne school of architecture:
My thought as well.
More like the “mad scientist” school of architecture. Ira has a lot more in common with mad scientists than he will ever allow himself to admit.
Castle Heterodyne only ranks third on my list of mad scientist residences although it may move up if we get another look at it in a later story arc.
Why say torched when you can say acetylened? Kudos!
Well, if you’ve got multiple kinds of torches, why not? Especially if the different kinds are used in different situations.
You walk down a hallway, you get acetylened. You commando crawl down a hallway, you get propaned. You brachiate down a hallway, you get butaned. And so on.
Float down the hall, and get methaned?
Slosh down the hall, and get alcohol?
shaken not stirred!!
No, you get alcohol, then you slosh down the hall.
No, methaned is walking through the sewer system.
Saunter down the hall, you get sauteed.
There *is* a way to use the corridors without setting them off. The training for this takes place in the Sewers of the Strand…
Anasigma design is a plus. From all of that it protects us. The crash-rawr invasion’s a fwoom-screeee occasion. No mangles, no messes, no muss.
I will never get tired of all the casual references to how awful it is to work at Anasigma and the employees’ blasé attitude to it. I still wonder about the company picnic and why there were leopards.
Also, especial kudos on the art today! I can’t believe you managed to pack ‘rampaging tiger-striped plant monster advances down hallway only to be killed in elaborate death trap’ into two panels.
Because there’s a sign on the door that says “beware of the leopard”. If there’s a sign, there have to be leopards. QED.
Well, we never did see the “Eyeball Razor Chimps,” despite signs.
Doesn’t mean they weren’t there. Ash asked why there were leopards. I was simply offering the most logical answer.
Ever read Heinlein’s “Tunnel in the Sky?” Particularly the “Beware of Stobor” reference?
Can’t say I have.
Hmmm. What if Anasigma is not the means, but the ends? This entire new war nonsense seems like it could be a Mad plot to create the perfect minions.
More of a shamble than a walk really…