They are hers now. The ownership of things can change. Unless you call her an “it” and think that she is not allowed to own half-faces. Which is very much not politically correct.
Political correctness shouldn’t trump law. Well I’m not an expert on laws concerning body parts ownership, I’m pretty sure that anyone that Unity takes a piece from still owns that body part unless they’ve legally relinquished it to her. That being said, presumably most of the people she has parts from are dead (dead dead, rather than undead), so I suppose their bodies are probably up for grabs (not entirely sure on that, but the original owners won’t be complaining).
Late to the party, I know, but she’d need written consent from the cadavers’ next of kin, as well as needing to follow a wide range of health and safety laws and by-laws, all of which are not very likely in U.N.I.T.Y.’s case.
So no, the faces are not hers legally. Not hers ethically either, unless you count “finders keepers” as a legitimate social rule, which is an extremely counterproductive way to run a society.
Bearing in mind that Anasigma (which constructed Unity) is the shadow government, there may be laws that make her ownership of body parts derived from other people entirely legal. Whether these laws are somehow secret is of course another matter.
Found it. Virginia herself said that they are the shadow government. And the fact that they can have detailed reports on Skin Horse’s activities (or even know at all what Skin Horse is doing and where) suggests that they are indeed connected with the government.
It can even get moderately stranger – Correia’s Monster Hunters series has a character known as “Agent Franks”. Truly a Frankenstein’s Monster – and he’s been a US Gov’t Employee since the days of Washington, Jefferson, and Ben Franklin. His head/face hasn’t changed during the series thus far, but quite a few (already former) bystanders have had bits requisitioned on the spot to allow him to continue his duties.
Given Unity is essentially a bunch of nanites circulating around her body, it’s entirely possible they’d metabolise The Cure. Added onto which, on the fictitious case notes she enters The Institute with, you can probably ensure they will ensure there’s no mention of blueberry waffles
Heh. Yep, Unity has it right. It’s going to be a real learning experience for the staff of the Institute. That is, if the mysterious shadowy mastermind has made sure the staff doesn’t know about her already from their case files.
Remember this is all some sort of scheme by Mr. Green of Anasigma to get the Skin Horse people (?) on his side…he’s probably working on more than seven levels here…
So often I want to share this comic with friends to show them how awesome it is, but feel like it just wouldn't work without providing lots of context.
OK, then. As long as it’s educational! ^_^
That awkward moment when you remember that neither side of Unity’s face is actually hers.
Also, yay rending!
They are hers now. The ownership of things can change. Unless you call her an “it” and think that she is not allowed to own half-faces. Which is very much not politically correct.
Political correctness shouldn’t trump law. Well I’m not an expert on laws concerning body parts ownership, I’m pretty sure that anyone that Unity takes a piece from still owns that body part unless they’ve legally relinquished it to her. That being said, presumably most of the people she has parts from are dead (dead dead, rather than undead), so I suppose their bodies are probably up for grabs (not entirely sure on that, but the original owners won’t be complaining).
Late to the party, I know, but she’d need written consent from the cadavers’ next of kin, as well as needing to follow a wide range of health and safety laws and by-laws, all of which are not very likely in U.N.I.T.Y.’s case.
So no, the faces are not hers legally. Not hers ethically either, unless you count “finders keepers” as a legitimate social rule, which is an extremely counterproductive way to run a society.
Bearing in mind that Anasigma (which constructed Unity) is the shadow government, there may be laws that make her ownership of body parts derived from other people entirely legal. Whether these laws are somehow secret is of course another matter.
Anasigma is not the shadow government. Everything we’ve seen suggests they are a private company.
Found it. Virginia herself said that they are the shadow government. And the fact that they can have detailed reports on Skin Horse’s activities (or even know at all what Skin Horse is doing and where) suggests that they are indeed connected with the government.
It can even get moderately stranger – Correia’s Monster Hunters series has a character known as “Agent Franks”. Truly a Frankenstein’s Monster – and he’s been a US Gov’t Employee since the days of Washington, Jefferson, and Ben Franklin. His head/face hasn’t changed during the series thus far, but quite a few (already former) bystanders have had bits requisitioned on the spot to allow him to continue his duties.
Isn’t that exactly what UNITY does? (c.f. firemen and axe-wielding)
So doesn’t that mean she can easily disguise herself by switching out her regular skin for one that’s all from the same person?
And that would require rending, so really its a win-win.
Since when is it uncommon for mad scientists to turn themselves into undead bioweapons?
Given Unity is essentially a bunch of nanites circulating around her body, it’s entirely possible they’d metabolise The Cure. Added onto which, on the fictitious case notes she enters The Institute with, you can probably ensure they will ensure there’s no mention of blueberry waffles
I just thought of this, and I’m kind of sad that someone beat me to it.
The blueberry waffles part or the metabolising the Cure part?
Heh. Yep, Unity has it right. It’s going to be a real learning experience for the staff of the Institute. That is, if the mysterious shadowy mastermind has made sure the staff doesn’t know about her already from their case files.
Remember this is all some sort of scheme by Mr. Green of Anasigma to get the Skin Horse people (?) on his side…he’s probably working on more than seven levels here…
Dammit Jim! I don’t see points on her ears but that almost sound like Vulcan logic!
Rend: to split or tear apart or in pieces by violence
So often I want to share this comic with friends to show them how awesome it is, but feel like it just wouldn't work without providing lots of context.
The plan is simple. They give her a ton of brain food first, let her get inside, ask around, and THEN the rending starts.
I plum forgot about how scary smart she gets after eating brains! Yep, that will get her in.
I’m not sure Shaenon wants to draw the rending scene, but my imagination works well enough for this situation.