What? Did you miss all of yesterday’s comments about Virginia’s madness? The general consensus seems to be that if she’s not already mad, she’s dangerously close to it.
I think I missed a fair chunk of yesterday’s comments, but I will stubbornly insist that Virginia is a sane student of mad science, because she’s more interesting that way. Nothing in today’s strip convinces me otherwise.
(Have you seen some of the thing sane scientists have done?)
Na. Once you have one, you will feel the need to collect them all. This is typical geeky nerd behavior. What she really needs to do is slab and seal them in a protective plastic cover suitable for display purposes and then pose them on a wall shelf by alphanumerical order.
Perfectly normal behavior! Plus, she doesn’t necessarily want to extract the brain for science…I seem to remember that she just really likes the sound. So maybe the question is more along the lines of “is she mad, or just insane”?
Anyone from the DC area will immediately grasp the perfect internal logic (right down to Sweetheart’s reaction) in this – no madness required. Dr Lee didn’t make all the drones (dammit Jim, she’s a neuroscientist – not a mechanical engineer!) she just ‘borrowed’ them from Anasigma to defeat all the HOV lane cameras on our infamously congested local roads (my money’s on I-66 or 95 south). Storing them in the parking garage locker makes sense since it would look fishy leaving them in the car all day, and she may only need them intermittently depending on schedule so that’s why there’re so many stacked up. (She may put in a lot of long days and get out after the HOV lanes are ‘off’ for the day.)
Sweetheart clearly thinks it’s “terrible” due to the transgression against local traffic rules.
You have a dangerous talent for seeing through the obscure, Mister Barking Monkey. **steeples fingers Doctor Evil style** I would cultivate that if I were you.
@Barking Monkey: Your comment also applies quite well for the Everett-Seattle-Tacoma portion of the I-5 corridor. I’ve seen more than a few people IRL who have tried to use the HOV lanes with a RealDoll or the equivalent as a second “person” in their vehicle and get ticketed for it.
Why would it be terrible as long as these drones are just machines? Now if they were flesh and blood bodies that were absent the brains of their previous owners then I could see reason for Sweetheart to become a tad concerned. ^_^
Dr Lee expressly says those are experimental drones.
The bodies of people whose brains she extracted are not experimental drones per se.
The terrible thing is that the storage in the parking garage is used to store undeclared things. There needs to be a collection of forms that properly declare what all is stored there, for insurance purposes if nothing else.
Which reminds me of the papers that the silverfish have eaten. Could that be the reason for the reality blindness epidemic?
Those are in the next storage space down. Dr. Lee keeps the brains in jars in a third space, hooked up to the machinery needed to keep them fresh and functioning. Just for research purposes, of course.
Sweetheart should see if there’s a Mr. T robot, then ask for an Asian woman’s head to be stuck on it. That would tell if she were still dealing with reality blindness.
I’m very glad I didn’t happen to be enjoying a beverage while reading this strip. The results would likely have been unfortunate. Especially when I got to frame 3.
I note the opaque glasses have made an appearance, as they sometimes do when Dr Lee veers sharply towards the Mad Scientist Event Horizon. Mind you, on at least one occasion it just meant “SO unimpressed I’m embarrassed for you.”
Virginia didn’t make the Violet drone. It was an A-Sig creation. They merely used her system in it, so she was able to shut it down using the same override she had installed in Nick.
Oh dear… Dr. Lee, have you been making drones in your spare time in a repressed expectation that Nick might someday want to not be a helicopter? Or have you just plummeted in sanity levels far faster than any of us expected?… O.O
Of course they’re not wearing shoes – remember Anasigma’s rather detailed shoe care requirements? She probably has one properly shined set (male and female) safely stored for whatever drone gets used….
Why would you only keep *one*?
BTW, are we sure Dr. Lee isn’t another late-bloomer mad?
What? Did you miss all of yesterday’s comments about Virginia’s madness? The general consensus seems to be that if she’s not already mad, she’s dangerously close to it.
I haven’t had a chance to go through yesterday’s comments yet, so that’s a ‘yes’.
Though, I will say that I’ve long suspected her to be a mad.
I think I missed a fair chunk of yesterday’s comments, but I will stubbornly insist that Virginia is a sane student of mad science, because she’s more interesting that way. Nothing in today’s strip convinces me otherwise.
(Have you seen some of the thing sane scientists have done?)
I feel I’ve overstated my case here. I think Ginny doesn’t suffer from Walton’s Disorder; any other psychological issues are another matter.
Personally, I’m certain that Anasigma used her to reproduce the Narbon/Davenport research.
So long as she never finds out she’s Mad, she’s fairly controllable.
Y’know. this is the scientist who created Unity. If’n that ain’t mad . . .
Not to mention her favourite pastime is schlorping out brains.
Na. Once you have one, you will feel the need to collect them all. This is typical geeky nerd behavior. What she really needs to do is slab and seal them in a protective plastic cover suitable for display purposes and then pose them on a wall shelf by alphanumerical order.
Extra bonus points if she has one that’s still Mint In The Box and has Never Been Opened.
Don’t you mean NFFP Mint? (Never Removed From Package, Near-Mint Condition)
What? No geekiness here, I assure you! -_^
I’m beginning to wonder if the distinction isn’t mostly academic anyway.
Absolutely. We’re 100% sure that Dr. Lee is not a late-bloomer.
Just too much time spent around mads and their tech, then? She seemed rather excited about the prospect of extracting Sweetheart’s brain.
Perfectly normal behavior! Plus, she doesn’t necessarily want to extract the brain for science…I seem to remember that she just really likes the sound. So maybe the question is more along the lines of “is she mad, or just insane”?
Anyone from the DC area will immediately grasp the perfect internal logic (right down to Sweetheart’s reaction) in this – no madness required. Dr Lee didn’t make all the drones (dammit Jim, she’s a neuroscientist – not a mechanical engineer!) she just ‘borrowed’ them from Anasigma to defeat all the HOV lane cameras on our infamously congested local roads (my money’s on I-66 or 95 south). Storing them in the parking garage locker makes sense since it would look fishy leaving them in the car all day, and she may only need them intermittently depending on schedule so that’s why there’re so many stacked up. (She may put in a lot of long days and get out after the HOV lanes are ‘off’ for the day.)
Sweetheart clearly thinks it’s “terrible” due to the transgression against local traffic rules.
This explanation makes the most logical sense, so it clearly cannot be the right one.
You have a dangerous talent for seeing through the obscure, Mister Barking Monkey. **steeples fingers Doctor Evil style** I would cultivate that if I were you.
@Barking Monkey: Your comment also applies quite well for the Everett-Seattle-Tacoma portion of the I-5 corridor. I’ve seen more than a few people IRL who have tried to use the HOV lanes with a RealDoll or the equivalent as a second “person” in their vehicle and get ticketed for it.
Barking Monkey: That sounds entirely plausible, Virginia is evil, after all.
That would be Northern Virgina, the infamous mixing bowl where 95 meets the beltway… Inspiration for the famous I-95 Asshole Song
We all know Virginia’s mad as a hatter, but her SAN is still high enough to function in the real world (bit like one of my roommates).
Oh, come on, Sweetheart. What’s so terrible about it? You didn’t make some regulation against it, did you?
It might be a little weird… disturbing… outré. But it’s not terrible.
Hey, every girl’s gotta have a hobby!
Could this explain your question about having “fun” with the drones from yesterday?
As Helen once said, “A mad scientist prepares for anything. It’s the ‘weird’, the outré, which must be most eagerly embraced.”
But it’s a mess in there!
And that’s clearly not in the parking area! See? Nothing to complain about!
Fitting for a scientist that’s also a complete dork to feel it necessary to dress her models all different and even give them socks.
That’s not so weird. Dressing them up in different cosplay outfits, now THAT would be weird. -_^
Socks are important! They keep the fluids from leaking out of the shoes.
BTW, have you seen any of the Madblood robots around the PNW
Why would it be terrible as long as these drones are just machines? Now if they were flesh and blood bodies that were absent the brains of their previous owners then I could see reason for Sweetheart to become a tad concerned. ^_^
I mean, that MIGHT have been the collection that came out if Doc Lee had been ALLOWED to extract Sweethearts’ brain.
Dr Lee expressly says those are experimental drones.
The bodies of people whose brains she extracted are not experimental drones per se.
The terrible thing is that the storage in the parking garage is used to store undeclared things. There needs to be a collection of forms that properly declare what all is stored there, for insurance purposes if nothing else.
Which reminds me of the papers that the silverfish have eaten. Could that be the reason for the reality blindness epidemic?
Nick’s body became an MRE, what’s not to say casual canabalism isn’t Anasigma’s go-to method of body disposal?
Those are in the next storage space down. Dr. Lee keeps the brains in jars in a third space, hooked up to the machinery needed to keep them fresh and functioning. Just for research purposes, of course.
Yeah, the socks are hilarious.
Sweetheart should see if there’s a Mr. T robot, then ask for an Asian woman’s head to be stuck on it. That would tell if she were still dealing with reality blindness.
I’m very glad I didn’t happen to be enjoying a beverage while reading this strip. The results would likely have been unfortunate. Especially when I got to frame 3.
I just hope she has shoes for them, I would not want Sweetheart’s new socks to get dirty as she walks her new drone out.
Ginny is starting her own version of a terra-cotta army.
This has got to be the lamest orgy ever organized.
A drone army would be used for what purpose… by whom…?
For world conquest, of course… and by whoever can muster such an army.
Standing in line for Black Friday sales?
How often does Nick get to drive one, and what do the two of them… never mind!
That’s tomorrow’s gag!
I note the opaque glasses have made an appearance, as they sometimes do when Dr Lee veers sharply towards the Mad Scientist Event Horizon. Mind you, on at least one occasion it just meant “SO unimpressed I’m embarrassed for you.”
I just remembered how anatomically inadequate Dr. Lee’s drones are—or else why isn’t Nick walking around in one?
Because Nick is a helicopter, not a human.
Nick is just as human as the other humans in the Skin Horse regular cast.
Nick is a helicopter – he likes having props more than having hands.
Virginia didn’t make the Violet drone. It was an A-Sig creation. They merely used her system in it, so she was able to shut it down using the same override she had installed in Nick.
Oh dear… Dr. Lee, have you been making drones in your spare time in a repressed expectation that Nick might someday want to not be a helicopter? Or have you just plummeted in sanity levels far faster than any of us expected?… O.O
Of course they’re not wearing shoes – remember Anasigma’s rather detailed shoe care requirements? She probably has one properly shined set (male and female) safely stored for whatever drone gets used….
I mean, the whole point behind Dr Lee’s gig is that the stuff she makes is reproducible…
OK, somehow this is even stranger than her brain-schlorping shtick.