Oh and duh! If Sweetheart learns to operate the Violet Bee drone, then she and Unity could maybe . . . bow-chicka-bow-bow (which, in this case, is singularly appropriate onomatopoeia).
I am terrified of the shenanigans that Nick will get up to and with that hot female android body, but at the same time it has to be admitted that his primary reason for acquiring it represents significant ethical and moral progress on his part.
…It took me four tries to say that to my wife without cracking up halfway through.
I actually think that Sweetheart is straight, Artie is just being wrong, as usual. And that doesn’t even get into Unity’s orientation.
However, if Sweetheart and Unity end up dating, why would Sweetheart need a human body? Is the fact that one of the members is shaped like a dog really an obstacle to overcome, given everything else they’re dealing with?
If GODOT wasn’t so deceased and totally non-dangerous, he would be attempting to bang his head against a wall. Ignore that banging sound you hear, which couldn’t possibly be GODOT in a new container, more advanced and mobile, banging his head against a wall. No, really, it couldn’t.
That IS the kind of acronym that UNITY would have remembered, but I’m amazed that she noticed it was an acronym in the first place. Also, by being recursive, it’s zany enough to make sense.
I’m glad to know that I wasn’t the only person who read the sentence that way. Here’s hoping for some Sunday art of a squad of seals barking angrily at Unity.
Awww, this may be tied with “Brain Christmas” for most adorable Unity ever.
Oh and duh! If Sweetheart learns to operate the Violet Bee drone, then she and Unity could maybe . . . bow-chicka-bow-bow (which, in this case, is singularly appropriate onomatopoeia).
Frankly, I think nick’s more likely to end up with it.
We may find out on Monday: http://zerhakker.livejournal.com/26092.html
I am terrified of the shenanigans that Nick will get up to and with that hot female android body, but at the same time it has to be admitted that his primary reason for acquiring it represents significant ethical and moral progress on his part.
…It took me four tries to say that to my wife without cracking up halfway through.
I actually think that Sweetheart is straight, Artie is just being wrong, as usual. And that doesn’t even get into Unity’s orientation.
However, if Sweetheart and Unity end up dating, why would Sweetheart need a human body? Is the fact that one of the members is shaped like a dog really an obstacle to overcome, given everything else they’re dealing with?
I think Unity’s orientation is currenlty prone…
Unity is supine ans Sweetheart is lupine. It’s a case of incompatible orientation.
…yeah, this is one of those sneaky ones. Didn’t fully get it at first glance. Understand now. It’s tricky, yeah.
OMG didn’t catch it until you mentioned there was something to catch!
Color me dumb: what am I missing?
Um, nothing.
(I’m teasing you.)
Unity’s Nice I Tell Yyou.
And I didn’t spot it until Baf pointed it out either.
If GODOT wasn’t so deceased and totally non-dangerous, he would be attempting to bang his head against a wall. Ignore that banging sound you hear, which couldn’t possibly be GODOT in a new container, more advanced and mobile, banging his head against a wall. No, really, it couldn’t.
That IS the kind of acronym that UNITY would have remembered, but I’m amazed that she noticed it was an acronym in the first place. Also, by being recursive, it’s zany enough to make sense.
Ah…. now it makes sense. I was wondering what about that phrase was significant, but I never thought of looking at the initials.
It occurs to me, that if that was GODOT’s Brain that UNITY was eating with catsup, that might be GODOT that is being all adorable in that last panel.
Or what’s left of GODOT, at least.
They have teams of seals now? Were the dolphins not working?
The dolphins escaped to sea to get laid. It was in the papers. They’ll be back, and asking for cigarettes.
I’m glad to know that I wasn’t the only person who read the sentence that way. Here’s hoping for some Sunday art of a squad of seals barking angrily at Unity.
And now this is up: http://www.leasticoulddo.com/comic/20130331/
Too . . . cute . . . cynic powers . . . useless . . .
Dr. Lee’s next upgrade – the ability to produce little hearts above the head of the current host in response to stimulus such as this.
The icing on the cake of adorableness.
Awwwww….. This is the Unity version of “Good dog!”