My guess is nobody get this joke.
This is a weeb joke afterall, coming from a series which happen to have a character with same name.
Ah well. Worth a try.
Eris is not only a goddess in Konosuba but also the name of a recently discovered dwarf planet and the Greek god of Strife and Discord, so take your pick as to where you heard it before.
@Sheik Eris is a Goddess, not a God. Just to clarify for anyone who might jump to the conclusion that you’re misspelling Ares (or, for that matter Eros, the Greek god of love and sex) – the way I almost did.
For some reason seeing a mention of my goddess always makes me cringe and think ‘oh goddess, what have you done now!’ and right after that prayer I remember that it is a really REALLY bad idea to get her attention. *Gulp*, I’m scared now. Terrible/hilarious things are about to happen, I just hope it isn’t Golden Apple bad. What is the name for the emotion that is equal parts glee and terror? I dunno, I will make one up, how about ‘eutromos’? Eu as in euphoria for good and tromos for terror.
The important question here is, was she saying that *she* forgets how to count that high or was she trying to use mind control to order *Tip* to forget how to count that high? o_O
Hmmm. I am definitely getting a strong Wilkin vibe off of Lt. Eris. More than just Shaenon’s art style. I’m calling clone, right now. We know an adult clone is doable in short order from Nick, and growing a girl version isn’t even impossible with mundane scince.
Yep, it’s Tip alright
This Eris didn’t wear pads.
…alright, i taking my leave.
Am I the only one who doesn’t get your joke?
My guess is nobody get this joke.
This is a weeb joke afterall, coming from a series which happen to have a character with same name.
Ah well. Worth a try.
It took me a second, but I think I got it! Wasn’t expecting a Konosuba joke at Skin Horse.
Aw crap, I couldn’t quite understand why I seem to be the only one finding the name “Eris” quite familiar from somewhere…
Eris is not only a goddess in Konosuba but also the name of a recently discovered dwarf planet and the Greek god of Strife and Discord, so take your pick as to where you heard it before.
@Sheik Eris is a Goddess, not a God. Just to clarify for anyone who might jump to the conclusion that you’re misspelling Ares (or, for that matter Eros, the Greek god of love and sex) – the way I almost did.
For some reason seeing a mention of my goddess always makes me cringe and think ‘oh goddess, what have you done now!’ and right after that prayer I remember that it is a really REALLY bad idea to get her attention. *Gulp*, I’m scared now. Terrible/hilarious things are about to happen, I just hope it isn’t Golden Apple bad. What is the name for the emotion that is equal parts glee and terror? I dunno, I will make one up, how about ‘eutromos’? Eu as in euphoria for good and tromos for terror.
“When we see our reflection in the eyes of others, is it attractive?”
Eh, I don’t really see the humor in Tip’s last comment.
There really isn’t much humour to see when someone is as self-absorbed as Tip.
The important question here is, was she saying that *she* forgets how to count that high or was she trying to use mind control to order *Tip* to forget how to count that high? o_O
Either might be a problem. >_>
The idea is that she finds Tip so attractive that it made her forget how to count that high.
Reminds me of the old joke. Linda thought Paul was the most wonderful man who ever walked on the face of the earth. Paul agreed with her completely.
Hmm. Maybe the joke is that Tip actually sort of is a mad scientist, being a madly self-obsessed psychologist?
Tip does have mojo, and being self-aware isn’t a requirement to be mad: Maybe Shaenon and Jeff are hiding the answer right in front of us?
in profile, they appear very similar.
What is this new character’s name?
Wait, nevermind. I’ll just call her Exit Strategy.
Lt. Eris
Mr. Ask introduced her yesterday.
Ah, my bad. I missed an update.
Apparently it’s the digital equivalent of turning over two pages at once while reading a comic book.
I was going to ask if this Lt. Eris is male or female, but then I realized that this doesn’t matter from Tip’s perspective.
Looks like a little boobage in the first panel.
All woman, baby.
Hmmm. I am definitely getting a strong Wilkin vibe off of Lt. Eris. More than just Shaenon’s art style. I’m calling clone, right now. We know an adult clone is doable in short order from Nick, and growing a girl version isn’t even impossible with mundane scince.
A gift, for the prettiest one.