So, only those not making sufficient progress on rehabilitation are put on The Cure. (Aside, one of my students this semester is named Robert Smith, and it’s going to be a challenge avoiding making The Cure jokes.)
“only those not making sufficient progress on rehabilitation are put on The Cure”
Or maybe those who are too dangerous to be successfully contained or not inventing anything useful to A-Sig…there are other motivations at play here than making mad scientists peaceful and productive members of society.
I don’t think the drone has that capacity. Nor does her canine body, except maybe if he gets one too. More importantly, she neither swings toward males nor has expressed a desire for children.
Death ray!
Ray of death that’s powered by the Sun!
Death ray,
Would incinerate ‘most everyone!
Now the Earth I won’t destroy
(All except for Fall Out Boy) …
Ray of death so bright,
You’re all right!
Death ray!
I was bad, but I’m much better now!
Death ray!
I will save the world! Just ask me how!
Trohman, Hurley, Stump, and Wentz,
Extra-crispy, now commence!
Death ray, roast them through!
I love you!
Now if he were to use it on Justin Bieber and The Kardashians we could be talking a full pardon!
And One Direction.
S-club 7 have had it coming for yeeeears.
Take out Justin Bieber, nyao? That deserves a Presidential Medal of Honor!
So, only those not making sufficient progress on rehabilitation are put on The Cure. (Aside, one of my students this semester is named Robert Smith, and it’s going to be a challenge avoiding making The Cure jokes.)
“only those not making sufficient progress on rehabilitation are put on The Cure”
Or maybe those who are too dangerous to be successfully contained or not inventing anything useful to A-Sig…there are other motivations at play here than making mad scientists peaceful and productive members of society.
(And in any event, it’s canon that _good_ mad scientists are even more disturbing than the evil ones. )
And we all know what mad science with “a childlike sense of whimsy” leads to. . . .
Foul mouthed drone Princesses!
Mad genius used to aid society is an abomination! The last thing we need is more of society around! Who do you think MAKES these bands?
Ah, so the enemies of ASig are fair game. Typical hypocrites…
Classic “she’s talking about one thing/he’s talking about another” gag.
It’s too bad there wasn’t enough space in panel 2 for Otori to say that correctly: “…but I’m feeling much better now.”
“…but I’m feeling Much Better NOW MWAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA FOOLS!“
Dr. Otori seems nice. Play it smooth, Sweetheart. Maybe he could be the father of your children.
I don’t think the drone has that capacity. Nor does her canine body, except maybe if he gets one too. More importantly, she neither swings toward males nor has expressed a desire for children.
Considering the vast variety of experiences and characters in and around these people, what’s a little dog-drone-madscientist miscegenation to us?
(TUNE: “Sunny”, Bobby Hebb)
Death ray!
Ray of death that’s powered by the Sun!
Death ray,
Would incinerate ‘most everyone!
Now the Earth I won’t destroy
(All except for Fall Out Boy) …
Ray of death so bright,
You’re all right!
Death ray!
I was bad, but I’m much better now!
Death ray!
I will save the world! Just ask me how!
Trohman, Hurley, Stump, and Wentz,
Extra-crispy, now commence!
Death ray, roast them through!
I love you!
Truly a blast from the past, or is it the future?
Well, to be fair, when was the last time FOB was seen in the daylight?
“My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark” is really amusing in this context…
(Light ’em up, up, up, I’m on FIRE!)
Dang it, you beat me to the punch . . . line.
I made the mistake of listening to “Fall Out Boy – Centuries” and I have to agree – destruction is a valid response.
Depending on what kind of radiation is included in that death rays, he may make them literal Fallout Boys.
This ain’t a scene; it’s a god-damned arms race.