Well, the uniform made me think the “loose end” is Area 51, as seen in the sequence introducing Nick. But there are a lotta loose ends. (Whatever happened to Mr. the Dane?)
I have been re-reading the series, and think you may be right, Urlance…I’ve been waiting for that to happen. I also really want to know Unity’s acronym!
Yes, I think D. Walker has hit it here. The people tasked with defining UNITY’s acronym fought bitterly over it, and if they ever did come up with an “official” definition, we’re never told what it was. But the line quoted by Sweetheart at the end of the “Railway Children” storyline–whether Sweetheart had intended it as an acronym for UNITY when she first uttered it or not–is the one UNITY finds most pleasing or most consonant with her true self or what have you, so it’s the one she’s adopted for herself.
It’s left in the hands of this harridan. It’s plain that this might just miscarry, can. The gist of her message has broad word expressage. So the Kansas troops now are just carrion.
Maybe add some stick figure drawings for extra effect? Anyway, further evidence that this was planned all along.
Okay, now I *really* loathe this guy.
Only just now?
Never underestimate the way Ira always reveals new hidden depths!
He does have a gift for making sure that *everybody* is maxxed out on their negative reaction to him.
This strip from the the “Railway Children” arc might merit revisiting, in light of Mr. Green’s attire…
Well, the uniform made me think the “loose end” is Area 51, as seen in the sequence introducing Nick. But there are a lotta loose ends. (Whatever happened to Mr. the Dane?)
Nice! Thanks, Urlance!
I thought Mr. Green’s “loose end” was something related to his Ira persona until you pointed out the military context.
With Dr. Engelbright in charge at the Maragda building, I wonder if Tip’s chance of success improves or not? Or is Central a distinct location?
I have been re-reading the series, and think you may be right, Urlance…I’ve been waiting for that to happen. I also really want to know Unity’s acronym!
It’s revealed at the end of that storyline.
*Gasp* – I’ve never noticed that, Daibhid!
To quote GODOT, “It’s.. it’s PERFECT!”
So it would appear Goldbug wasn’t as well informed as he thought…
She can have an “official” acronym, and a separate “perfect” one.
Yes, I think D. Walker has hit it here. The people tasked with defining UNITY’s acronym fought bitterly over it, and if they ever did come up with an “official” definition, we’re never told what it was. But the line quoted by Sweetheart at the end of the “Railway Children” storyline–whether Sweetheart had intended it as an acronym for UNITY when she first uttered it or not–is the one UNITY finds most pleasing or most consonant with her true self or what have you, so it’s the one she’s adopted for herself.
I have read that SO MANY TIMES and didn’t figure that out. I am delighted. Thank you, Dalbhid C.
With Ira out of the office, will Tip advance to Dr. Englebright’s executive assistant? Stay tuned…
And given that the two of them know each other, would that a blessing or a curse?
It’s left in the hands of this harridan. It’s plain that this might just miscarry, can. The gist of her message has broad word expressage. So the Kansas troops now are just carrion.
At least she’s enthusiastic in her work!
Is he sure he’s not a mad scientist either? Sure acts insane or maybe he’s too used to it.
I think he’s just a mad politician/bureacrat. So in other words, a normal one.
There’s “Mad” – like Tigerlily Jones or Helen Narbon – and then there’s just plain “mad” – i.e. insane, unhinged, cuckoo, teched. Ira is the latter.
Agreed, awgiedawgie. Mr. Green is not the fun kind of Mad.