I am so glad that LEDs have supplanted compact fluorescent bulbs.
I, too, have had a CFL bulb explode. Whoever invented those things should have to spend eternity barefoot in a room with tiny shards of glass falling all over them.
What with the faceplate (mysteriously missing last time UNITY saw her) and the robot wings, she’s reminding me of that military cyborg lady from H is H. That and the train fulla mad scientists, this story seems to be drawing a lot from Narbonic. (never a bad thing)
A good illustration of the strengths of the various team members: Tip is socially observant and makes usually good inferences about motives from behavior. Sweetheart is decisive and command-oriented. And Unity is muscle and teeth, though crunchy bits sometimes give her trouble.
Cyborgs are to regular* people as chocolate with cinder-toffee chunks is to regular chocolate.
*is it better to say “physiotypical”? i don’t mean to offend
This one might have been done already, but I think it works well here.
To the tune of “Yummy Yummy Yummy” by Ohio Express
Crunchy, Crunchy, Crunchy
Androids are real crunchy,
I don’t feel like a-munchin on you.
Though I love to eat things,
You are not a all-meat thing,
So I’ll settle for detain’n you.
Ooh hate, processors,
Ooh hate, transistors,
Ooh hate, live wires so.
Ooh hate, electronics,
Thermal glue’s bitter,
Ooh, may as well let you go.
Crunchy, Crunchy, Crunchy
Sweetheart has got a hunch, see,
That you know more than you’ve told.
Way that you’re escapin,
Kinda raises suspicion,
So I’ll put you in a choke hold.
Talk about lasers,
Talk about lightbulbs,
Talk about things to do.
Talk about funny,
But, answers Ruby,
Answers, we want from you.
It strikes me that Unity may be a little unclear on the meaning of the word “detain.” (I mean, it probably isn’t a _deliberate_ misunderstanding if she doesn’t want to eat the cyborg).
(She also may be temporarily spoiled by the good grub she had earlier. I mean, if you dined last night on filet mignon, you might not be enthused by ground pork with peanut shells the next morning)
Guess she knows what godot’s up to, or she’s ben highjacked by him
Competent!Tip, good to see you again. It’s been a while–you do seem to like popping up unexpectedly.
Maybe he’s still competent because he has yet to be truly affected by GODOT?
Tip’s always *competent*. The problem is keeping him from being *distracted* by other things. Women. Clothes. Women in clothes.
Women *not* in clothes.
Women in clothes – nicer than his.
Wait! No! I’m stuck using cheap compact fluorescent bulbs. LET HER MAKE A NEW LIGHTBULB PLEASE!
….we had one of those things literally explode last summer. That was fun to explain to the rest of the family.
Wow, I remember fluorescent bulbs.
I am so glad that LEDs have supplanted compact fluorescent bulbs.
I, too, have had a CFL bulb explode. Whoever invented those things should have to spend eternity barefoot in a room with tiny shards of glass falling all over them.
(TUNE: “Michael, Row The Boat Ashore”, Tony Saletan)
Find GODOT, right through that door!
You must get through!
By the day’s end, you’ll be sore,
I will bet you!
So, this powerful A.I.
You’ll disturb now!
I must science, so bye-bye!
(It’s a verb now!)
All these folks who work Black Ops
Social Service
See my perspiration drops …
I’m not nervous!
Skin Horse wants to talk to me …
It’s not fun, gee!
I’m detained by Unity,
Bits are crunchy!
Just tell Unity that she is full of vitamins and minerals….and marrowbone Jelly.
The crunchy bits are just people sprinkles!
What with the faceplate (mysteriously missing last time UNITY saw her) and the robot wings, she’s reminding me of that military cyborg lady from H is H. That and the train fulla mad scientists, this story seems to be drawing a lot from Narbonic. (never a bad thing)
She IS the cyborg lady from H is H. Her husband — the protoplasmic entity — has already been mentioned.
Oh dang, right! That slipped my mind, it did. Man I love it when continuity stuff happens.
Oh, Unity! So do lobsters, and plenty of people find them delicious!
A good illustration of the strengths of the various team members: Tip is socially observant and makes usually good inferences about motives from behavior. Sweetheart is decisive and command-oriented. And Unity is muscle and teeth, though crunchy bits sometimes give her trouble.
There’s a “Brains Beauty Brawn” trope at TV Tropes that pretty much summarizes your point. It also illustrates that it is a classic.
I just love that brawn is the little girl, beauty is the ex-military guy with the degree in psychology, and brains is the team dog.
Well, it might be a classic trope, but they wouldn’t want to be all “normal” about it.
Cyborgs are to regular* people as chocolate with cinder-toffee chunks is to regular chocolate.
*is it better to say “physiotypical”? i don’t mean to offend
This one might have been done already, but I think it works well here.
To the tune of “Yummy Yummy Yummy” by Ohio Express
Crunchy, Crunchy, Crunchy
Androids are real crunchy,
I don’t feel like a-munchin on you.
Though I love to eat things,
You are not a all-meat thing,
So I’ll settle for detain’n you.
Ooh hate, processors,
Ooh hate, transistors,
Ooh hate, live wires so.
Ooh hate, electronics,
Thermal glue’s bitter,
Ooh, may as well let you go.
Crunchy, Crunchy, Crunchy
Sweetheart has got a hunch, see,
That you know more than you’ve told.
Way that you’re escapin,
Kinda raises suspicion,
So I’ll put you in a choke hold.
Talk about lasers,
Talk about lightbulbs,
Talk about things to do.
Talk about funny,
But, answers Ruby,
Answers, we want from you.
Oh, bravo.
Look at her, still talking when there’s Science to do.
It strikes me that Unity may be a little unclear on the meaning of the word “detain.” (I mean, it probably isn’t a _deliberate_ misunderstanding if she doesn’t want to eat the cyborg).
(She also may be temporarily spoiled by the good grub she had earlier. I mean, if you dined last night on filet mignon, you might not be enthused by ground pork with peanut shells the next morning)
It occurs to me that Unity may have misapprehended the word “detain”. It may mean “make a sandwich of” to her.
Beating it out of the presenter is very effeshint
In St. Charlie, GODOT waits for you!