Good heavens. It’s almost as if Mr. Green MEANT for them to escape. Oh well, might as well put our eyes to the future and just enjoy this delicious jettisoned bison meat.
you don’t need to anymore, there’s these things called “Game engines” now where everything is pre-made so long as you don’t need any special functions like what’s the Delta V of a biso-.. oh
See, that’s why the gear-wheels aren’t going to create a bumpy ride. In fact, they’re probably better for gripping the ground when you come in for a landing on dirt.
She’s right, though. That’s a terrible waste of bison meet, and a truly bizarre danger to bystanders on the ground. I can just envision the discussion with the insurance folks now.
“And how was your car damaged, sir?”
“Well, a large package of bison meet fell out of the sky and…hello? Hello?”
Bravo will never forget this night, no matter what his bosses do to him. The prison guards will never forget this night, especially after having to clean up the bison meat. And since this this is not the most stealthy of exits, it’ll be up on YouTube by morning.
I would so love to read the incident report on this breakout!
Harlequin Press is already in talks for the publishing rights.
Something about the middle panel has the “Stinky Wizzleteats” song running through my head… “Inappropriate Flying Objects” I guess…
Oh! He’s not dead after all . . . yet.
I am relieved too, temporarily.
I did think that his look was not so much “dead” as “as happily exhausted as you would expect under the circumstances.”
And surely he’s not going to be extirpated now for doing exactly what Mr. Green wanted of him? That would be just cruel… oh wait. (Still worth it.)
Also, looks like the casualty of more-than-friendly-fire was Imogene.
I’m pretty sure Mr Green is going to keep Echo Bravo on hand for quite some time to come. Bad help is hard to find, after all.
Or what was left of Imogene’s sanity, anyway.
Exterpation depends on the shoes….
“And I alone survived to tell the tale…”
After seeing today’s story snippet was “take him”, I had to check what the saucy comic two pages back had. “Him up”. Acceptable.
Nooo! You’re going to need that Bison meat when the weather turns colder!
Two mad geniuses and that guy lived. He never has to buy his own beer again!
Well one was rather inexperienced in the ways of “The Mojo”.
Good heavens. It’s almost as if Mr. Green MEANT for them to escape. Oh well, might as well put our eyes to the future and just enjoy this delicious jettisoned bison meat.
Happy Trails!
I imagine Prudence will not be pleased… or is she in the back of the Conestoga?
Also, Imogene seems to be coherent again. Good for her.
I’m really hoping *Debbie* is in the back of the Conestoga. She deserves better than to be left like that.
I can’t see those two taking anyone else with them at this time. There has to be somewhat of a limit to mojo.
This be some Oregon Trail schtuff.
I am now seriously wishing for a game inspired by oregon trail, only with mad science. Guess I’d better learn to code.
you don’t need to anymore, there’s these things called “Game engines” now where everything is pre-made so long as you don’t need any special functions like what’s the Delta V of a biso-.. oh
See, that’s why the gear-wheels aren’t going to create a bumpy ride. In fact, they’re probably better for gripping the ground when you come in for a landing on dirt.
She’s right, though. That’s a terrible waste of bison meet, and a truly bizarre danger to bystanders on the ground. I can just envision the discussion with the insurance folks now.
“And how was your car damaged, sir?”
“Well, a large package of bison meet fell out of the sky and…hello? Hello?”
Escaping with style!
Bravo will never forget this night, no matter what his bosses do to him. The prison guards will never forget this night, especially after having to clean up the bison meat. And since this this is not the most stealthy of exits, it’ll be up on YouTube by morning.
I have to salute them. This is solid gold.
zanathos gambit by mister green?
Well, I do hope they’re jettisoning all the parts of the buffalo.