I think Nick has forgotten that the drone ate. Although maybe that didn’t count? And it could still be years since then; it’s hard to keep track of time in this universe.
Which when you think about it is really weird for a drone designed to pass as human. It was never envisioned that it might need to join people for a meal while undercover?
I’m not sure Nick will go renegade, since he can’t fight this feeling anymore. He’ll sing Lady to Ginny, but otherwise he’ll have too much time on his hands.
Are they gonna stop at a drive-thru or stomp a convenience shop to get Nick’s blood chemistry where it usually was? He consumes like Dave did in Narbonic, so does Nick have similar powers?
Kinda hard to say that Nick consumes like Dave did, since the only time we ever saw Nick consume anything was in VR, so technically he wasn’t actually consuming anything. And even there, he wasn’t drinking from 2-litres or 64oz 7/11 cups.
And since he’s been a brain in a jar for several years, the term “blood chemistry” hasn’t really applied to him for quite some time.
I was going to say something about the aftereffects of a burrito seriously damaging Nick’s relationship with Dr. Lee…but I remembered how, as Tip put it, Dr. Lee was “way too okay with smelling like this” after crawling around the Colma sewers.
I’m pretty sure Nick had at least olfactory senses rigged in his Osprey body (probably intended for cargo-sniffing)! After all, there were empty pizza boxes scattered around all the time, and even before Skin Horse, certain anomalies…
I’m going to go out on a limb and say that given that Nick has had the opportunity to make a complaint about the condition of his penis, but has not done so, that Lee & Jones did have the fortunate foresight to 86 the foreskin beforehand, and that Nick is currently well satisfied with the condition of everything between his legs.
Of course, he may well be withholding any complaints until after Dr. Lee reawakens, since I suspect that he doesn’t want anyone else to be laying hands on his member to make modifications.
… How am I relating to Nick’s dilemma in those two panels so much?
What a long, strange trip it’s been….(wait, there’s MORE? hooray, and onward)
He eats that, and there will be more to come.
Could be worse!
The expressions of Sweetheart and Unity in the last panel are priceless!
I love that Unities pigtails drop just like sweethearts ears!
Those are ponytails, not pigtails.
Even Unity’s hair is stuned! HA!
I love Unity’s hair mirroring Sweetheart’s ears.
They say couples do start to look alike . . .
Especially if one of them is Unity… she could start swapping out limbs with dog parts.
Or just transfer all her “classified non-blood substance” into a dog corpse
I love how they could tell it was Nick just by the number of swears in one sentence.
Well, the Mountain Dew was also a bit of a giveaway. . . .
Remember the three possible “factors” for authentication: Something you have, something you know… or, something you are!
An important mantra in a world where body-hopping and similar transformations are an occasional but significant thing.
The irony is, I’m pretty sure Unity’s unique anatomy makes it plausible that’s an actual expression she’s making, not artistic license.
Unity has always had hair that makes animal-ear-like movements.
I think Nick has forgotten that the drone ate. Although maybe that didn’t count? And it could still be years since then; it’s hard to keep track of time in this universe.
I don’t think he counted it, since it wasn’t really him. The drone may not even have sensors for experiencing eating and drinking.
He definitely didn’t get any nutrition from it.
It was possible to put food into the drone. That’s not the same thing as eating.
I don’t think the drone had taste sensors, but I can’t cite any specific strip so I might have confabulated that.
Sweetheart almost broke it by trying to eat too much at an all you can eat buffet and didn’t taste anything so nah, it doesn’t taste or digest.
Which when you think about it is really weird for a drone designed to pass as human. It was never envisioned that it might need to join people for a meal while undercover?
A nutrient drip into the fluids surrounding his brain do not count as “eating”.
Just a Big Gulp? Dude, go big or go home. Double Gulp that Dew down.
I was going to say the same thing about the burrito
ah, GRAsshopper,you have been to the Mountain and now you are returned to Life.
Normalcy provides further adventures.( the MAN needs a plane)
I miss the profanity filter. It was always fun, trying to figure out what he meant to say.
We can filter it for him! How about
“Bright, I want a burnt burrito and a Mountain Dew Big Gulp, funnels!”
Shaenon, the drooping hair matching the drooping ears in the last panel is sheer genius!
Hope you like soul food Nick, because that’s all you’ll find in a building that Tigerlily has been ruling.
Kosher burritos – who knew?
No cheese.
Or no meat!
It depends on how they kill it.
If the put his brain into a car, would he be an Oreo Speedwagon?
Don’t give Tigerlily any ideas.
I’m not sure Nick will go renegade, since he can’t fight this feeling anymore. He’ll sing Lady to Ginny, but otherwise he’ll have too much time on his hands.
Would someone please rework this topic so it makes more sense? My post *could* have been humorous.:(
Anyone who understood Eddurd’s comment should get yours. But if they don’t get his, no amount of rewording is going to make yours make any more sense.
You guys know you weren’t up on GoComics this morning. I guess saying “Holy crud!” was too much for them.
I wonder if there was a server issue. Post-time on this page says 12:01, but it wasn’t actually up until 2:00.
Sorry! We should be showing up on GoComics. I’ll re-upload.
I only noticed ’cause it didn’t show up in my GoComics e-mail.
Are they gonna stop at a drive-thru or stomp a convenience shop to get Nick’s blood chemistry where it usually was? He consumes like Dave did in Narbonic, so does Nick have similar powers?
Powers? No, he’s not a mad scientist.
Kinda hard to say that Nick consumes like Dave did, since the only time we ever saw Nick consume anything was in VR, so technically he wasn’t actually consuming anything. And even there, he wasn’t drinking from 2-litres or 64oz 7/11 cups.
And since he’s been a brain in a jar for several years, the term “blood chemistry” hasn’t really applied to him for quite some time.
Eddurd, “I understand that comment”. Would its radio be playing “Ridin’ the Storm Out”?
I was going to say something about the aftereffects of a burrito seriously damaging Nick’s relationship with Dr. Lee…but I remembered how, as Tip put it, Dr. Lee was “way too okay with smelling like this” after crawling around the Colma sewers.
Let’s see what passes.
Pace yourself, Nick, Remember what happened to Bender.
I’m pretty sure Nick had at least olfactory senses rigged in his Osprey body (probably intended for cargo-sniffing)! After all, there were empty pizza boxes scattered around all the time, and even before Skin Horse, certain anomalies…
I’m going to go out on a limb and say that given that Nick has had the opportunity to make a complaint about the condition of his penis, but has not done so, that Lee & Jones did have the fortunate foresight to 86 the foreskin beforehand, and that Nick is currently well satisfied with the condition of everything between his legs.
Of course, he may well be withholding any complaints until after Dr. Lee reawakens, since I suspect that he doesn’t want anyone else to be laying hands on his member to make modifications.