Despite how fun-loving Unity is, never forget that she’s a mockery of all that makes up standard organic life on earth. And that means her standards are not our standards. She has never hidden the fact that she enjoys the flesh of the living. She’s comfortable being heartbeat-impaired, and she celebrates her rich heritage. Unfortunately, this sometimes mean she’s going to do some truly reprehensible things by our standards.
With all the resurrectees and assorted undead in Colma, it seems to me a far greater transgression to eat someone’s brain than to kill them. I mean, if they’re just /dead/ then they’re almost certain to be back, but if they’re eaten…
I’m waiting to see what Mirror Unity is like when she’s dumb. Smart Regular Unity was nastier than Dumb Regular Unity, after all, and I’m sure in the circumstances, Smart Mirror Unity could break out the same “needs of the many” speech Smart Regular Unity did.
Too much thinking around here. Clearly demonstrating a need for logical decision-making Unity whose necessary actions may be misunderstood as evil. (My therapist was equally impressed with my capacity for denial.)
Mirror!Unity doesn’t mess around. But I’m not sure she’s *evil*. Just … more *amoral*? Maybe in this universe she doesn’t have a Sweetheart around to keep her human-ish?
I just want to remind people that, while “darth” unity is deliberately eating someone’s brain, “normal” unity got her replacement limbs from the firefighters that came to deal with the emergency.
This one seems more calculating than manic, but I don’t think that Manson was better than, say, Hannibal Lector (acknowledging the fact that I’m comparing real and fictional characters)
Nick was missing too earlier. And Tip wasn’t there.
This makes it look as though MIrror!Unity is going to use revenge as motivation, but she is also questioning the role of Skin Horse within this, something she didn’t do the first time we saw this – she questioned herself. Likely the influence of Sweetheart.
Is this the result of Nick *choosing* to be A-Sig’s weapon?
You know, something occurs to me – doesn’t it makes absolutely zero sense that Unity gets smarter when she eats brains?
She isn’t actually undead. She’s a flesh golem animated by a nanite swarm. Her intelligence is retained even when she’s not in her normal body. Moreover, the reason she normally resides in a dead body is that her nanites are lethal to live bodies with prolonged exposure.
So that being the case, why would brains make her smarter, and why would freshness matter at all?
On one hand, Rule of Cool.
On the other hand, it’s easy enoguh to make up some sort of reason why…errr….prions, which start decaying right after death, temporarily boost the speed at which she can process thoughts, or activate more neural pathways which usually get blocked up, or a host of other stuff.
Let’s begin by correcting you: [now with references!]
Her intelligence is not really retained when she’s not in her body. Without a brain, she can barely do anything that could be called “think”. [2011-11-12: “… but without a brain to infiltrate, she’s limited to the most rudimentary thoughts.”]
It’s not that her nanites are lethal, it’s that a normal host body rejects them and she ends up thrown up before very long. [2011-11-23: “Without your host body’s enhancements, we’re going to see rejection.”]
Her original creation involved a very specific brain, cloned from Mell and possibly “enhanced” in the way referenced in the last quote. [WAY too many to list, but this is common knowledge anyway]
Now then: Unity DOES need a brain to think rationally, so it’s not necessarily too out there that additional brains in her system enhance her ability to think. As long as she doesn’t chew too much, maybe.
Well, no idea, I can only work with what I have. Stitching body parts to herself seems to add her “body enhancements” to them; but at least once she ended up throwing up the brains she ate, which makes me think that they’re rejected. Do you remember if, at any point, she stitched on a body part where it didn’t belong (assuming the wolf claw was “correct” because it was stitched to a wrist, and the cat ears to a head)? She strikes me as someone who would have extra arms all the time if she could, but that’s not happening. Maybe that’s it, and for some reason she can’t just add any old body part anywhere and have it work properly.
But then there’s the whole thing with Brian the autonomous hand, which makes me think that Unity isn’t living up to her full potential anyway.
It makes sense to me. Once the brain is inside her, her blood can access it and utilise the extra neural capacity as if it’s an expansion of her usual brain. At least, until it’s been digested too much.
Yep. Evil Unity. This is going to be interesting.
Wonder how Evil Unity handled the Whimsy storyline?
… I don’t think I like this version of Unity.
Despite how fun-loving Unity is, never forget that she’s a mockery of all that makes up standard organic life on earth. And that means her standards are not our standards. She has never hidden the fact that she enjoys the flesh of the living. She’s comfortable being heartbeat-impaired, and she celebrates her rich heritage. Unfortunately, this sometimes mean she’s going to do some truly reprehensible things by our standards.
… Where did she get the utensils?
From the same place Giant Mallets come from – – –
Darth Unity obviously carries them regularly. With the natural implications.
I didn’t think she had any *need* of utensils. Maybe she does care a little about etiquette.
Reminds me of when Stimpy split Ren into his two halves… Evil and Hideously Evil!
Not exactly – first he split into Evil and Indifferent. Then _Evil_ split into Evil and Hideously Evil.
Say what you will about Unity, but I don’t think she has an indifferent bone in her body. (At least not yet!)
IIRC, it was first Evil and Indifferent, then Hideously Evil and Indifferent.
With all the resurrectees and assorted undead in Colma, it seems to me a far greater transgression to eat someone’s brain than to kill them. I mean, if they’re just /dead/ then they’re almost certain to be back, but if they’re eaten…
Not to mention that you’re being stereotypical…
Somehow that was… less gruesesome than I expected
Who eats brains with a knife and fork?
“Use a spoon, to get every drop.”
Well, you can’t use chopsticks, the grey matter slips right between them.
Sorry about that, Director. Needs of the Service.
I’m waiting to see what Mirror Unity is like when she’s dumb. Smart Regular Unity was nastier than Dumb Regular Unity, after all, and I’m sure in the circumstances, Smart Mirror Unity could break out the same “needs of the many” speech Smart Regular Unity did.
How does cilantro end up in the brain? Is she tasting the memory of cilantro?
It’s a spice.
Yeah, but does cilantro pass the blood-brain barrier?
Too much thinking around here. Clearly demonstrating a need for logical decision-making Unity whose necessary actions may be misunderstood as evil. (My therapist was equally impressed with my capacity for denial.)
Mirror!Unity doesn’t mess around. But I’m not sure she’s *evil*. Just … more *amoral*? Maybe in this universe she doesn’t have a Sweetheart around to keep her human-ish?
Ugh; I *HATE* cilantro. It tastes like old grudges.
Cilantro is so evil that anyone who hates it can’t be.
I just want to remind people that, while “darth” unity is deliberately eating someone’s brain, “normal” unity got her replacement limbs from the firefighters that came to deal with the emergency.
This one seems more calculating than manic, but I don’t think that Manson was better than, say, Hannibal Lector (acknowledging the fact that I’m comparing real and fictional characters)
Nick was missing too earlier. And Tip wasn’t there.
This makes it look as though MIrror!Unity is going to use revenge as motivation, but she is also questioning the role of Skin Horse within this, something she didn’t do the first time we saw this – she questioned herself. Likely the influence of Sweetheart.
Is this the result of Nick *choosing* to be A-Sig’s weapon?
There’s an override code against Nick; choice might not have come into it
Is it Goldbug’s intervention (in the main timeline) that gave Nick the choice at all?
So would Evil!Sweetheart be a cat or a squirrel?
You know, something occurs to me – doesn’t it makes absolutely zero sense that Unity gets smarter when she eats brains?
She isn’t actually undead. She’s a flesh golem animated by a nanite swarm. Her intelligence is retained even when she’s not in her normal body. Moreover, the reason she normally resides in a dead body is that her nanites are lethal to live bodies with prolonged exposure.
So that being the case, why would brains make her smarter, and why would freshness matter at all?
On one hand, Rule of Cool.
On the other hand, it’s easy enoguh to make up some sort of reason why…errr….prions, which start decaying right after death, temporarily boost the speed at which she can process thoughts, or activate more neural pathways which usually get blocked up, or a host of other stuff.
Let’s begin by correcting you: [now with references!]
Her intelligence is not really retained when she’s not in her body. Without a brain, she can barely do anything that could be called “think”. [2011-11-12: “… but without a brain to infiltrate, she’s limited to the most rudimentary thoughts.”]
It’s not that her nanites are lethal, it’s that a normal host body rejects them and she ends up thrown up before very long. [2011-11-23: “Without your host body’s enhancements, we’re going to see rejection.”]
Her original creation involved a very specific brain, cloned from Mell and possibly “enhanced” in the way referenced in the last quote. [WAY too many to list, but this is common knowledge anyway]
Now then: Unity DOES need a brain to think rationally, so it’s not necessarily too out there that additional brains in her system enhance her ability to think. As long as she doesn’t chew too much, maybe.
Dang, the second reference should have a link to this comic.
Why does she eat them, instead of just stitching them to herself, then?
Well, no idea, I can only work with what I have. Stitching body parts to herself seems to add her “body enhancements” to them; but at least once she ended up throwing up the brains she ate, which makes me think that they’re rejected. Do you remember if, at any point, she stitched on a body part where it didn’t belong (assuming the wolf claw was “correct” because it was stitched to a wrist, and the cat ears to a head)? She strikes me as someone who would have extra arms all the time if she could, but that’s not happening. Maybe that’s it, and for some reason she can’t just add any old body part anywhere and have it work properly.
But then there’s the whole thing with Brian the autonomous hand, which makes me think that Unity isn’t living up to her full potential anyway.
It makes sense to me. Once the brain is inside her, her blood can access it and utilise the extra neural capacity as if it’s an expansion of her usual brain. At least, until it’s been digested too much.
Well, that was short. And definitely not sweet.