We’ve already assigned a character the nickname “Babe”. I think “Francis (Bacon)” would be a good name because the original served as an advisor to the Queen of England.
Our hero: all pig, all general.
Animal Farm Napoleon: certainly a pig, but more dictator than general?
Real-world Napoleon: not a general or a pig, but a marshal and Boney.
Anybody else concerned that someone competent just shows up out of the blue and gets made Sweetheart’s number 2? Is Waddles a plant or are all the other sentients there so incompetent that the first one that is automatically gets the job?
Already on revision 36T? I’m more concerned that it’s only on revision 36T (unless she’s using a numbering system that employs 0-9 and A-Z for every digit (hexatridecimal), in which case, it’s okay, because 36T would be 4133).
I think it was made very clear that Sweetheart was having a hard time finding anyone who had a clue. The pig was the only recruit she found who had any organizational ability.
I hope his name is Wilbur…
With a fangirl named Charlotte?
Shaenon-drawn pigs are so *cute*!!
Agreed. I’m going to miss her art when Skin Horse ends and she moves on to other projects.
or Arnold Ziffle…
We’ve already assigned a character the nickname “Babe”. I think “Francis (Bacon)” would be a good name because the original served as an advisor to the Queen of England.
Four legs good, two legs better?
Our hero: all pig, all general.
Animal Farm Napoleon: certainly a pig, but more dictator than general?
Real-world Napoleon: not a general or a pig, but a marshal and Boney.
Me, I’d go for Freddy. Especially if he an advisor named Jinx.
And the real-world Napoleon certainly was a general and, in many ways, a pig as well.
He doesn’t even get a name. He’s just Some Pig.
Looks like Sweetheart chose well in this General, definitely a strategic thinker.
Love his retro helmet.
We may find out that the helmet is stylized tin-foil, so we should wait on our opinion of The Pig.
Didn’t realize H. T. had that hygiene issue.
Not HT per se, the Biomass. Swamps aren’t usually very comfortable for human noses.
I for one would hate to see A.A. and E.B. “recruited” by H.T.
The General isn’t considering Pavane, who already has Renard aboard the Mothership.
Actually, adding those two to the collective might lower the combined intelligence of the Biomass, which could only help everyone else.
Do pigs want to smell like a rose? I thought beautiful mud was their whole thing
Well, their sense of smell is comparable to that of a dog, so they might like roses as much as we do. The mud is mostly for cooling down on a hot day.
“Mud, Mud, beautiful Mud, nothing quite like it for cooling the blood!…” is for Hippos.
…and to be fair, GOOD mud doesn’t need to smell bad… I mean, water and clean soil, not a bad mix~
Yes, it’s all the metabolic waste the pigs add to the mud that makes it smell bad.
Given free choice, pigs prefer to live clean. Given the choice of “filthy or sunburnt”, they choose as we would.
Anybody else concerned that someone competent just shows up out of the blue and gets made Sweetheart’s number 2? Is Waddles a plant or are all the other sentients there so incompetent that the first one that is automatically gets the job?
If Unity goes on a rampage, she just might later make Number Two.
Isn’t it a little concerning that the org chart is already on revision 36T?
Already on revision 36T? I’m more concerned that it’s only on revision 36T (unless she’s using a numbering system that employs 0-9 and A-Z for every digit (hexatridecimal), in which case, it’s okay, because 36T would be 4133).
368 is what I read.
I think it was made very clear that Sweetheart was having a hard time finding anyone who had a clue. The pig was the only recruit she found who had any organizational ability.
The Biomass heading their way. A-Sig, off each other, they’ll play. Come up smelling like roses, the general proposes. If not fussy about the bouquet.
…half dozen of the other.
Missed this update yesterday, had to look up six of one.
Given the very (dated) UK style helmet, perhaps Winston?
No crest, so it’s not an Adrian helmet… you’re probably right…