Of course not. One does not typically, or safely, admit to that sort of thing.
The down-side to using them is that one never figures out their half-lives correctly. It’s not like you pull the pin, count to three, and throw them. That lack of precision timing can lead to unfortunate surprises.
So, you have to have multiple atomic frogs on hand, and then just use the one that is beginning to glow.
That is, um, I heard that’s how it works…
Oh, she’s faking.
It’s possible. On the other hand, Panel 3 seems to me to be a clear “ooh, what if I kill him and resurrect him later” face to me.
Or maybe she’s been a charming sociopath all along.
The “Jerk wouldn’t move to Palo Alto, so maybe he deserves it” face looks a lot like that too.
You mean to kill Chris for equivocating, then create a duplicate version of him that is mad, who presumably will want to move to Palo Alto?
Sadly, Marcie is too sane to do that. Probably.
In which the Dane becomes Captain Jack Sparrow.
Insane enough to work, but sane enough to listen to reason.
I don’t think that he’s quite drunk enough to get to that level yet. But he’s on the same path.
Do the atomic frogs explode, mutate, or just expose victims to unhealthy levels of radiation?
I’m guessing the actual answer is “All of the above.”
To that kind of question, one usually answers “yes”.
Not that I’ve ever unleashed atomic frogs on the general populace. You can’t prove it, at least.
Of course not. One does not typically, or safely, admit to that sort of thing.
The down-side to using them is that one never figures out their half-lives correctly. It’s not like you pull the pin, count to three, and throw them. That lack of precision timing can lead to unfortunate surprises.
So, you have to have multiple atomic frogs on hand, and then just use the one that is beginning to glow.
That is, um, I heard that’s how it works…
It’s kind of the Dane to answer Marcie’s question from Monday in such a clear way.
Well, he was kinda clueless…
Even her hair in panel three turned sane….
Atomic frogs? That’s actually a thing, you know. Here’s a Fred Small song about a very real incident: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xlgON_9LP1c
Come on, Marcie, don’t respond to criticism with apologetic revisions. Try, “SiLENCe, fOOL, AnD mY aTomiC FRoGs MAy aLLoW yoU To LiVe tO SeRvE mE!”
Atomic frogs is a good name for a band