Water may work that way if its egress is blocked by impermeable rock. Maybe the pit is underground, or maybe Annex One was built under exceptional hydrological conditions, though I imagine such conditions might be unfavorable to siting mid-rise buildings.
From the suggested curvature, there’s only one wall, since it looks like a round pit. As readers, we have the magical power of looking through that one wall, which is not the same as breaking it. We couldn’t do that, as it is impenetrable.
Sadly, Dr. Walske’s power of denying the impossible doesn’t allow him to hear through impenetrable stone, because that is only improbable.
The pit isn’t at all inpenetrable, as both Phillips and Chris found their way in. Its wall(s) and floor are the issue, and that may just be due to their lack of preparation.
leave it to the madmen to put a gag to good use (though tigerlilly did have the forsight to foresee it).
I see what you did there.
Drill for water, wait for pit to fill, swim out. Easy! 😉
Water doesn’t workt hat way… unless they hit the water main.
Water may work that way if its egress is blocked by impermeable rock. Maybe the pit is underground, or maybe Annex One was built under exceptional hydrological conditions, though I imagine such conditions might be unfavorable to siting mid-rise buildings.
Maybe Chris could stand on his shoulders, then he could stand on Chris’s shoulders. You never know till you try.
If only The Famous Eccles was there… IIRC he once did that for himself…
So has Tigerlily slept with the Dane yet?
Mojoporting to the end of the maze / the post-coital cigarette is just cheating. There are springs in place to prevent that, I’m sure…
Running gag-proof? X-treme!
Oh, THAT’s an old one xD
Now I’m gonna have to reread all of 1/0. I miss that comic.
If anyone else was wondering about the running gag, but not quite enough to search for it, it’s at http://oneoverzero.keenspace.com/d/20001010.html.
Thanks for the link. 🙂
–A Lazy Reader
In addition to 1/0, Tailsteak (the writer/artist) also did a wonderful 1000 episode strip called Leftover Soup ( http://www.leftoversoup.com/first.php ) which concluded a while back and is currently running a new strip called Forward http://forwardcomic.com/firstpage.html
Maybe it’s just soundproof.
I’m not sure which wall was broken there…
Well, clearly it’s not completely impenetrable, they forgot to include a fourth wall! Unless it’s a triangular dungeon. Like Tartarus.
From the suggested curvature, there’s only one wall, since it looks like a round pit. As readers, we have the magical power of looking through that one wall, which is not the same as breaking it. We couldn’t do that, as it is impenetrable.
Sadly, Dr. Walske’s power of denying the impossible doesn’t allow him to hear through impenetrable stone, because that is only improbable.
The pit isn’t at all inpenetrable, as both Phillips and Chris found their way in. Its wall(s) and floor are the issue, and that may just be due to their lack of preparation.
I see you’ve learned the hollywood art of cameos
Kind of Ms. Jones to provide mattresses and pillows for Chris and others to land on. Must also make making out more comfortable…
The problem with genre-savviness is that someone can use it against you.
Wasn’t he supplied with a mad-science bicycle before leaving St Charlie? Just shift into wall-climbing gear.
Bah! It’s probably a recumbent bicycle. Those likely can’t handle more than a 120% grade.
But very efficiently.
Considering that I think the gag was saying something is impossible in St. Charlie, this might just mean that he needs to get out more.
Oubliette, o-blah-dah, life goes on . . .