Don’t assume that those are *flying* drones. The camera angle makes it look like the picture of the hat-bear was taken from the ground. Also, the figure on the surveillance screen in the background looks like it could be a walking drone. Hmm… only 6 limbs. Too bad. With 8 limbs it could have been *Spider Drone* (everyone sing along)
Spider Drone
Spider Drone
Sent to check out a danger zone
Walks around
Without a care
‘Till its eaten
By a bear
Look out!
Too late for the Spider Drone
Nah, I can’t picture Tip voluntarily putting that orange jump suit back on afterwards. So I’m calling “no nooky” on this one.
Though I am a bit curious why Tip hasn’t mojoed Eris to a hot tub in Aruba or something. Maybe he’s too concerned about getting to the bottom of whatever’s happening with the Cypress, and not concerned enough about getting to Eris’ bottom.
Well, this certainly explains the last transmission – the teams were resisting being taken over by the hats. Tip, being a negotiator and psychologist, can more easily bargain and charm the overmind of the swamp so it will be more reluctant to add him to the collective.
Ask and Eris are toast of course, but Tip will be able to continue the talks.
Who’s your new friend, guys?
Drone tech #1? Not Nick?
Sergio, is that you? O_O
That’s not Sergio—Sergio has darker hair, and Anasigma thinks he’s dead.
Sergio’s also a lot less slavering, or at least he was last time we saw him.
Welcome back, Bitey.
Yup. The hat looks familiar. Interesting style statement. Might even be the right size.
Not as green as I remember him, though.
Looks like we’ve lost both Mr Green and Mr Ask. At this rate, Tip could end up confronting the swamp on his own.
So that’s what’s going on, they’re getting mindcontrolled by zombie hats, that’s easily countered by helmets.
Ah, but you’re forgetting the animate vines in the background. They will sneakily remove the helmets before the hats pounce. Ha-ha!
Oh, I see, we’re doing an Annihilation pastiche! I am most definitely here for this.
More “parody” than “pastiche” IMHO.
Creepier than the average…
Took me a moment to notice the top word, but I laughed quite a bit when I realized that was the lettering on the shirt I’d worn. xD
Don’t assume that those are *flying* drones. The camera angle makes it look like the picture of the hat-bear was taken from the ground. Also, the figure on the surveillance screen in the background looks like it could be a walking drone. Hmm… only 6 limbs. Too bad. With 8 limbs it could have been *Spider Drone* (everyone sing along)
Spider Drone
Spider Drone
Sent to check out a danger zone
Walks around
Without a care
‘Till its eaten
By a bear
Look out!
Too late for the Spider Drone
From Eris’ and Tip’s collegial attitude in panel one I guess we can assume that bones have been jumped and sexual tensions released.
Nah, I can’t picture Tip voluntarily putting that orange jump suit back on afterwards. So I’m calling “no nooky” on this one.
Though I am a bit curious why Tip hasn’t mojoed Eris to a hot tub in Aruba or something. Maybe he’s too concerned about getting to the bottom of whatever’s happening with the Cypress, and not concerned enough about getting to Eris’ bottom.
Perhaps Anasigma’s temporary Carbondale quarters are within a giant Faraday cage…
The walls are lined with Nixonium.
But they’re not crooked!
That’s actually a good point.
I don’t think bears can normally open their mouths that wide: it looks a bit bear, a bit deep sea fish.
Well, this certainly explains the last transmission – the teams were resisting being taken over by the hats. Tip, being a negotiator and psychologist, can more easily bargain and charm the overmind of the swamp so it will be more reluctant to add him to the collective.
Ask and Eris are toast of course, but Tip will be able to continue the talks.
Shaenon has now weaponized Jeff’s fetish.