No, they told him. He just doesn’t remember that he doesn’t have to come in every day. And free security is free security, so somebody higher up figured eh, why not?
One of the great things about Ira is that he isn’t reality blind. He can’t remember anything longer than four seconds, but he gets to experience the weirdness fresh every single time.
Mem’ries …
Have been wiped from Ira’s mind!
He’s forgotten who he works for,
Or just what we are!
Guards the building
That’s been burnt and left behind!
Through the empty hallways wandering,
Wond’ring what we are!
If you’ve got a sec, I’d like to talk about
Unity, and where she’s going now …
If she blows her cover, and they find her out,
When’s the rending
Mem’ries …
Are not Ira’s strongest point!
If he doesn’t know the employees,
How can he guard the join?
So every morning,
He needs re-training!
I’m once again explaining
What the heck … we … are!
Heh. It was either going to be that tune or this one (from “Cats”):
Not a sound from the Annex
Have I come to the wrong place?
There is no-one about,
Just a dog that
Appears to know me
And who can talk.
Are they trying to
Freak me out?
Ira! I was wondering what happened to him.
is he still there or is he working somewhere else.
he forgot he dose not work there anymore
I was thinking the same thing
So was he!
Oh I see what you did there.
Even though the Skin Horse HQ has been abandoned, it still has to be guarded. So why should Ira lose his job because they lost theirs?
(Besides, isn’t the Department of Irridation still in the building—they didn’t get laid off—and shouldn’t they be guarded closely?)
Skin Horse was the only department to be stood down, but Annex One was evacuated too. The others were probably relocated.
Must’ve been difficult relocating all those frozen heads and mutant colonies out of the basement…
He’s like the guy on Office Space that no one wants to tell him he was fired three years ago?
No, they told him. He just doesn’t remember that he doesn’t have to come in every day. And free security is free security, so somebody higher up figured eh, why not?
I bet Ira has a cousin the works at the Black Archives in the Tower of London for U.N.I.T.
Now there is some admirable dedication to the job.
Hey, at least he’s honest!
One of the great things about Ira is that he isn’t reality blind. He can’t remember anything longer than four seconds, but he gets to experience the weirdness fresh every single time.
Ah, Ira! Don’t ever change!
Well, first someone has to explain to you what you’re like, so you know what you aren’t changing from.
(TUNE: “The Way We Were”, Barbara Streisand)
Mem’ries …
Have been wiped from Ira’s mind!
He’s forgotten who he works for,
Or just what we are!
Guards the building
That’s been burnt and left behind!
Through the empty hallways wandering,
Wond’ring what we are!
If you’ve got a sec, I’d like to talk about
Unity, and where she’s going now …
If she blows her cover, and they find her out,
When’s the rending
Mem’ries …
Are not Ira’s strongest point!
If he doesn’t know the employees,
How can he guard the join?
So every morning,
He needs re-training!
I’m once again explaining
What the heck … we … are!
Heh. It was either going to be that tune or this one (from “Cats”):
Not a sound from the Annex
Have I come to the wrong place?
There is no-one about,
Just a dog that
Appears to know me
And who can talk.
Are they trying to
Freak me out?