She was monologging to herself about how tempting it was to eat Sweetheart’s brains back in Big Bad Wolves. SWEETHEARTS. And we know she has an extremely unpleasant past. If she’ll consider eating the brain of someone she’s in (some kind of) love with then the universe handing her a straight line like this will at least be something she thinks about.
To be fair… this is unity. Half the stuff she says she doesn’t mean, forgets, or just says it in a random quirk. Monologging tends to be a random quirk.
“Smart” unity has more control. “Smart” unity knows when, how, and when not to act on random emotions more than normal unity…
We have seen normal unity eat a piece of paper because it said “EAT ME! I”M TASTY!”
normal unity has her own set of morals different from our own… because we are not weaponized zombie black goo. Smart Unity has the understanding and capacity of our morals…. which make her actions much harsher in a “Ends justify the means” type of way. End the world to built a more… “Stable and Secure” world from the ashes? If the end results mean it would be “Better” than she would build that bomb and push that button.
Man, and I thought smart Unity wasn’t as heartless as her dumb self, this might be because it’s an alternate version of Unity. Is that really Director England?
And at this point we’re _still_ uncertain as to whether this is “evil” Unity.
Yeah, but I don’t remember seeing her ever being this bad on-screen.
Babies were eaten.
(Sure, they might have been evil mutant babies, but still.)
Not on screen!
…and who said that Unity did it, anyway? You’ll be getting a stiff note from the Zombie rights people.
“Tip Wilkin, secret cannibal?”
BMunro: You have an extra “i” messing up your hypothesis; Tip eats babes, not babies.
Sorry, couldn’t help myself, just had to say it…
She was monologging to herself about how tempting it was to eat Sweetheart’s brains back in Big Bad Wolves. SWEETHEARTS. And we know she has an extremely unpleasant past. If she’ll consider eating the brain of someone she’s in (some kind of) love with then the universe handing her a straight line like this will at least be something she thinks about.
To be fair… this is unity. Half the stuff she says she doesn’t mean, forgets, or just says it in a random quirk. Monologging tends to be a random quirk.
“Smart” unity has more control. “Smart” unity knows when, how, and when not to act on random emotions more than normal unity…
We have seen normal unity eat a piece of paper because it said “EAT ME! I”M TASTY!”
normal unity has her own set of morals different from our own… because we are not weaponized zombie black goo. Smart Unity has the understanding and capacity of our morals…. which make her actions much harsher in a “Ends justify the means” type of way. End the world to built a more… “Stable and Secure” world from the ashes? If the end results mean it would be “Better” than she would build that bomb and push that button.
I don’t think I’m gonna like Mirror-Unity
Do we know that guy?
That’s director england he got eaten by a swamp-zombie crocodile in the other universe
Does that mean, in this universe, KT got eaten?
Well there’s a notable difference, then.
Our UNITY is smarter. (Or, at least, has more faith in herself. Is that Tip’s contribution?)
Might be Nick’s
Actually, I’d bet on a mix of Sweetheart and Tigerlily.
Why not C all of the above
Fresh Brains—We Deliver.
Some of our brains are fresher than others. In my case, there might not be that much for Unity to use.
Welp, those of you who were hoping to see Sewer Santa again, here you go. Enjoy him, he probably won’t be staying for long.
Man, and I thought smart Unity wasn’t as heartless as her dumb self, this might be because it’s an alternate version of Unity. Is that really Director England?
Well, this version of unity goes just as gaga over hats as the dumb version
Smart Unity in our world tends to stick with intellectual abuse…. but of course, this unity is running out of brains.
I suspect events in tomorrow’s strip may have dire consequences for the fate of this timeline…
Definitely going to have dire consequences for the fate of Englund’s personal timeline.
I wonder if this is going to turn out to be a sort of Wonderful Life scenario, where we see a world without one of the characters. But who? And why?
I’m thinking it’ll be “It’s a Catastrophic Life”
Well, Tip wasn’t in the previous comic, when he was when these events happened in the main timeline.