Would a truly mindless rage monster remember the terrible things? I think the problem is that the spores left the women as MINDFUL rage monsters, which really would be worse.
Of course, what really went through my mind first was the world’s worst Pokémon battle cry, which is “Failure, I choose you!”
I envisioned a Failure as a creature with no offensive capabilities and a weakness to every form of attack, so that it always loses. It’s the perfect creature for those times when you just want to throw a match…or has no one else tried to figure out how crooked gamblers work in the Pokémon universe?
I’m hoping to see Rest of Foot, which may be similar to Gavotte’s Giant Robot… Oh, and the silverfish. Possibly rockers over here, but hopefully with the same *zest* as ours… A certain Fifties “Sandra Dee” might look a lot more like the last reel of “Grease”…
They’re the same person all right!
A bit of the old ultra-violence, eh?
“Is it better for a man to have chosen evil than to have good imposed upon him?” I haven’t seen “A Clockwork Orange” in ages.
Didn’t realize he was having that problem…
Alternate MTip dialogue: “are you suuure we can’t bang?”
Say, you guys know you haven’t updated on GoComics since Saturday?
Would a truly mindless rage monster remember the terrible things? I think the problem is that the spores left the women as MINDFUL rage monsters, which really would be worse.
Of course, what really went through my mind first was the world’s worst Pokémon battle cry, which is “Failure, I choose you!”
I envisioned a Failure as a creature with no offensive capabilities and a weakness to every form of attack, so that it always loses. It’s the perfect creature for those times when you just want to throw a match…or has no one else tried to figure out how crooked gamblers work in the Pokémon universe?
We’ve see Tip & Alt-Tip, and Sweetheart & Alt-Sweetheart meetups. I’m just dying for Unity vs Unity.
We all might be dieing when that happens
Don’t forget Sergio and what’s left of Alt-Sergio.
I’m still wondering what Fauxstachio is like.
I’m hoping to see Rest of Foot, which may be similar to Gavotte’s Giant Robot… Oh, and the silverfish. Possibly rockers over here, but hopefully with the same *zest* as ours… A certain Fifties “Sandra Dee” might look a lot more like the last reel of “Grease”…