Someone else is using Ginny’s footwear? Yesterday she was shown kicking a rock near a pigeon in high-heels; so maybe a parallel Dr. Lee has escaped the disaster?
I’m pretty sure that even those on the inside couldn’t tell without very sensitive measuring instruments. Which almost immediately get broken even on an average day.
How long has Ginny known these people, and she thought “I should tell them about the big smoking crater” rather than immediately going to “I bet they’re responsible for the big smoking crater”?
Wait, they bred more hats?
I suspect it’s just the one.
That hat’s been very busy.
Aww, and here I was hoping for a whole litter of zom-fox hats.
Now I’m imagining Tip asking Bitey to imagine what kind of identity it might adopt if not one centered on mastication.
Hey, this universe had two zombie hats for a while. They might have had zombie hat babies.
I don’t even want to think about how that works.
Damn, too late.
That’s how you know they were upper tier agents: they kept going until UNITY bit out big chunks. Lower tier agents would have given up at a gnaw.
Wait. Chunk singular.
Them plural…
Interesting mental picture
I’m just surprised that when Unity says work is bananas, no bananas actually seem to be involved.
After all, when she said she was punching the gator …
Someone else is using Ginny’s footwear? Yesterday she was shown kicking a rock near a pigeon in high-heels; so maybe a parallel Dr. Lee has escaped the disaster?
Unity is talking about her own sneaker prints, not Ginny’s.
Did Unity answer “because my pumps were being cleaned” or “where my tennis shoes go on their own time is their business”?
Otherwise, as Roseanne Roseannadanna would say, “Nevermind”. 🙂
Emily Litella. (It’s not your day today, is it?)
I quit!
How could an outside tell the difference between “bananas right now” and the way things usually are at their office?
I’m pretty sure that even those on the inside couldn’t tell without very sensitive measuring instruments. Which almost immediately get broken even on an average day.
How long has Ginny known these people, and she thought “I should tell them about the big smoking crater” rather than immediately going to “I bet they’re responsible for the big smoking crater”?
Robert Nowall: The strange people who usually wander around their office are nominally under Sweetheart’s leadership. These ones are different.
Yeah, but Unity must bite chunks out of those ones, too. Remember the training video with the long-departed staff members?
Well, Dr. Lee has known Unity all her life—if that’s the proper term—and, if you want to get technical, is kind of her mother.
Given what the lab was like before it was a smoking crater, I can excuse her for not immediately assuming Skin Horse was involved.