Cerebro-spinal funk enhancement system: Nick can both pop and lock with minimal effort.
Hayes-Jones vocal enhancement module: When activated, Nick’s voice becomes SMOOOOOTH.
And here we see one of the problems with full-blown Mads: low empathy for others, especially when caught up in their enthusiasms.
“OK, sure you’re now a radioactive horror covered with metallic thorns. But come on, you can now swim in lava and _eat_ your way through a mountain! How cool is that?”
Imperfectly, and I tried posting the list that I have as URLs and the comment system ate it.
All skin-horse dot com slash …
2008 slash but-it-always – #1
2009 slash with-further-information – #2
2009 slash is-strictly-classified – #3?
2009 slash of-national-security – I listed this as #3 but actually #4?
comic slash todays-comic-353 – #6?
2012 slash things-the – #11?
2012 slash experiments-and
2012 slash behind-his
I dunno, I’m trying to imagine the reverse situation.
If I got hit by a bus, and was basically in a coma, and then I woke up in a robot body, I’d absolutely be disoriented and freaked out, but if the person I cared about most was right there with me telling me it was necessary to keep me alive, and that they were going to put me back in my normal body soon, and I knew they were telling the truth because they were a super genius who I would trust my life with, I’d immediately be okay with the situation and just immediately move right on to adapting to my weird new circumstance vis-a-vis my temporary body.
So unless Nick’s response here is almost entirely to do with embarassment over Virginia seeing him naked (I simply would not have such a reaction in such a circumstance, but I can understand he might), then I simply don’t understand what’s troubling him.
Then you my friend have never experienced dismorphia/disphoria. If I had the chance to leave my original body, and live in a body that really felt like mine for a time. Then got thrown back into my old body. . . Well, it would be better than dying, but not by much.
I guess some people are just more flexible about their sense of their own physicality / have their identity and sense of self less dependent on their body. But at the same time, I thought Nick of all people shared that attribute with me.
I find it very odd that Nick has previously shown basically zero symptoms of, or tendencies toward, dismorphia for the entire strip thus far, but now – if your argument is correct – he suddenly is, entirely out of the blue.
I mean, he started out being someone who lived almost entirely online, and who could fail to realize that weeks or months had passed since someone last knocked on his door, instead thinking they had just been there recently. He didn’t even notice that he had been implanted into a VR simulation of his crummy apartment, because he had already stratified his sense of self into the internet so deeply.
When he found out he was in a helicopter drone body, he didn’t panic or freak out, he just accepted it as fact, and really only worried about the idea that he was going to be treated as property of the military – effectively enslaved. He quickly and easily fell into thinking of himself as a helicopter, without any real mental trauma.
He also switched back to a human body with equal ease. He piloted the Violet Bee drone with no real difficulty, and he also took humanoid form in VR when dealing with the Whimsy mind control systems. At no point did he express more than mild surprise or disorientation at the change – and then, only when it happened unexpectedly, as in the case when Panoptica rendered him in human form in psychic projection without warning him at all.
It really is entirely out of character for Nick to be upset about being in a human form again, given all the body swapping he does without issue.
So I really have to assume it’s actually the fact that he’s embarassed about being seen naked.
Spending your entire life online is a pretty common way of dealing with dysphoria (especially before you realise what it is).
He had a choice to keep the drone (and all the Dr Lee romatic advantages of it). He didn’t.
And he was very, very pissed at Panoptica for mis-rendering him as a human (perhaps because it was an aspect of her human-centric bigotry, but also that it wasn’t his choice.)
That’s the thing, though- when Nick was human, he spent all of that time neglecting and disowning the fact that he *was* human. Being a personality and intellect on the other side of a computer was an escape from his misery and loneliness, but it was also a dream he chased. Virginia and Project Whirligig gave that to him, literally, before he could even articulate it. He was a ghost in a machine, and that machine was more comfortable than his flesh ever was. And the drone was a waldo, a remote controlled toy he could use. But now, from his perspective, he’s been ripped out of his body and trapped in a bag of meat. Of course he’s pissed.
Dr Lee said she didn’t think she could remove the swear filter or overrides without damaging him. Obviously, Dr Jones wasn’t going to put up with either of them.
I would say she did it the easy way, and just installed a swear synthesizer over the top of the censored speech, but he isn’t calling anybody a honkey-ass cracker.
A standalone solution would require coming up with both the structure and the functional system. With cloning, you just need to convince the structure to create itself, and it creates its own functional systems (without incompatibility issues, no less!).
Well, let’s think about it a bit. Nick had a life support system that supplied oxygen and nutrients to his brain, while removing metabolic wastes. It did this apparently without requiring any maintenance whatsoever — no battery recharges or changes, no filter changes; no nutrient packs being replaced (it’s possible that there was a small amount of maintenance done by Dr. Lee, but it’s never mentioned). In addition, this life support system had some sort of high-speed data integration with the VR system & the helicopter sensor and control electronics.
So Nick’s brain would need the life support system, plus senses and some sort of mobility.
The trouble is, Tigerlily is a Mad. If you gave her the above specs in her current state, she might well be able to whip up something reasonable — but it’s also possible that she would whip up something that looked like an ostrich crossed with a centipede on psychedelics.
Going with “human body” is way simpler than keeping a Mad to specs.
Dr. Lee might also have some subtle, unstated, and possibly unconscious motivations, including guilt, and romantic and erotic longings.
From her remarks above, her only feelings of guilt are that she couldn’t get him back in the chopper (and probably that she couldn’t prevent his being removed from it in the first place).
It would appear that Ira was quite unsuccessful in making her feel guilty for taking him out of the meat back in Groom Lake.
I think she could well have residual guilt over the initial actions as well. Just because the victim is happy about the results of the crime does not mean that a crime was not committed.
This could be seen as partly a do-over setup to assuage that guilt — now he would (presumably) consent to brain-schlorping and embedding in the Osprey. Of course, the romantic urges might lead to her suggesting some sort of compromise solution (staying human enough to be with her, but cyborg enough to control the machine).
Tigerlily didn’t create his body. She created a cloning machine, and the cloning machine grew him a replacement body based on the brain’s existing DNA.
What makes this mad science? Simple. I assume it was entirely spring-driven.
What makes it Mad science is that ordinarily it should take as long to grow an adult clone as it does to grow a natural adult body. Only through the impossibility of Mad science can one be whipped up in just a few hours.
Otakubouzu, Golnor, Well, yes. IRL, the problem with any variation of cyborg technology has consistently been the flesh/machine interface. And in particular, any form of “brain-in-a-bottle” meant to be mobile, would need to be big enough not just for the brain, but for the life-support and interfaces.
In this universe, dealing with such picky issues is too boring for Mad Scientists. But one consistent ability that Mads in full flow have shown, is to take something that “ought” to require months or years, and produce it in minutes… say, growing a new body.
He identified as a copter when the alternative was to be a total catsitter of a human. Nick *might* feel differently now. It does seem from the comic that he feels like being a copter has made it impossible for him to feel able to publicly express his feelings for Virginia.
Thinking of it as I washed the breakfast dishes… I’m not an expert on bioethics by any means, but it occurs to me that Nick did not make an informed, free choice to become a helicopter; he instead was kidnapped and forced to become one, and then decided to be at peace with it. To even enjoy it, because it offered advantages — starting with ‘being allowed to live.’ It couldn’t get resolved previously, because the original body was destroyed(?); but since Tigerlily and Virginia apparently COULD produce a functional identical copy to his body, I would argue that they were pretty much ethically obliged to do so.
Mm, this could actually clears up the ethics rather a lot.
If, given the opportunity to have a (presumably functional) organic body, he still would rather have the mechanical one, that carries more weight than when he was comfortable with it but didn’t realistically have any other option.
Moe Lane: This latest episode has probably reminded Nick of a side of Virginia which isn’t all that likeable.
The best thing now, assuming that he’s well enough to walk around without support, would probably be to find him some clothes and give him some space to talk to people who weren’t involved.
@s854: If you’re right about this reminding him of an unlikable aspect of Virginia, I would say that rather than talking to people who weren’t involved, he should really talk one-on-one with Virginia.
You can’t clear up any misunderstandings about a person by talking to someone else, because then your misunderstandings would just be complicated by their misunderstandings. The only way to resolve anything with someone is by talking to them directly.
But given that Shaenon said that Nick’s troubles are just beginning, I’m guessing that that is not what he’s going to do.
“Old Ebenezar, thought he was Julius Caesar, so they put him in a ho-o-ome.” That song was sooo 1950s. These days, anyone who didn’t greet him with an “Ave, Imperator” would be charged with hate speech.
By the way, being dead like a normal bastard hasn’t been too helpful to a lot of people in this strip. Look at Zombie Ben Franklin. So continually harassed he took to calling himself Dan.
Zombie Ben Franklin wasn’t dead like a normal bastard either. Normal bastards (not like we actually meet many of them in this comic), when they die, they’re just dead.
Incidentally, I can fully understand that Nick, being a severe introvert who has just come out of sensory deprivation, feeling that a loud, cheerful extrovert being loud and cheerful about his genitalia in front of someone for whom he has romantic and erotic feelings, is a fate worse than death.
You call yourself a helicopter,
Well, you know,
We all know that you’re a nerd.
You tell us it is right and proper,
Well, you know,
We all know that you’re a nerd.
But when you wish for your destruction,
Don’t you know that we won’t count you out.
Don’t you know you’re gonna be
All right…all right…all right.
You talk of how you were a chopper,
Well, you know,
You should take this like a man.
You’ve lost your skill to turboprop her,
Well, you know,
You’re not looking at the plan.
You think it’s not funny when caught in a twist of fate.
All we can tell you, Zerhakker, now you can date.
Don’t you know you’re gonna be
All right…all right…all right.
You just became a body swapper
Well, you know,
We all want to change your brain.
You’re acting like you’ve come a-cropper,
Well, you know,
We all think that you’re insane.
‘Cause if you don’t think of what’s gotta be
You ain’t gonna make it with Dr. Virginia Lee.
Don’t you know you’re gonna be
All right…all right…all right…
Alright! Alright! Alright!
Alright! Alright! Alright!
Alright! Alright! Alright!
All right…all right!
Maybe somewhere along the line he found out that his parents weren’t married when they had him. And this is the first we’re hearing about it because he literally couldn’t say the word “bastard” while a helicopter.
God, I love Dr Lee and Nick.
Just what kind of ‘improvements’ is she talking about, HMMMM?!?!?!
Deployable shoulder-blade mounted rotors?
How about shoulder-mounted (literally) rocket launchers.
Cerebro-spinal funk enhancement system: Nick can both pop and lock with minimal effort.
Hayes-Jones vocal enhancement module: When activated, Nick’s voice becomes SMOOOOOTH.
Okay, maybe not.
I mean, he’ll probably have to be circumcised again…
Again, that device has already been invented! It’s called a scalpel!
To start with, she got rid of his unibrow.
thejoemoose: I think Ginny’s expression and luminescent blush give a pretty good idea.
Good for Dr. Jones!
One hopes the improvements will help Nick compete with Tip and / or Artie in certain relationships with Dr. Lee.
I think any competition there was rendered irrelevant as soon as Virginia realized and acknowledged how she feels about Nick.
Let’s not get prurient. Tigerlily may just have installed sub-dermal clockwork cybernetic enhancements. Actually, that would help with Dr. Lee.
I love Virginia’s blush in last panel, meaning she has an idea of what kind of improvements TL is talking about.
At the very least, it means she has the wrong idea.
How do we know that?
I mean, ever since Grrrl Power jumped the sex, I now assume nothing in webcomics is innocent, or even a double entendre.
Oh, good, he’s already got speech and fine motor control back.
Motor control? But he doesn’t even have any motors!
When Dr. Lee says “real body” i’m pretty sure she’s talking about the helicopter.
is anyone doubting that?
How *is* it hanging?
Like Tigerlily says, they already know that, because they cloned it.
Yeah, but we don’t. Stand up, Nick. Don’t leave it dangling.
No, that’s what you want to happen
No, standing up would leave it dangling.
In front of all these pretty ladies? Psh.
I meant “dangling” in sense of time. How long is it?
I think you’ve got it backwards. How could it be dangling if it was standing up?
I really appreciate that Dr. Lee knew in advance how Nick was going to take this. Like, her first words are an apology.
Absolutely. Lee knows him and cares about him. Tigerlily is just madgirling, but Lee gets it.
And here we see one of the problems with full-blown Mads: low empathy for others, especially when caught up in their enthusiasms.
“OK, sure you’re now a radioactive horror covered with metallic thorns. But come on, you can now swim in lava and _eat_ your way through a mountain! How cool is that?”
Well-observed. I hope Tigerlily figures out that Nick is not happy with this state of affairs but I’m not holding out a lot of hope for it.
This. All of this. Or to paraphrase…
“You think he would cheat me and screw me over?”
“No, I think he would screw you over in full honesty and sincerity.”
…Can I still metabolize ice cream?
First Dr Lee blush for quite some time. I was keeping track of them for a while, but apparently we don’t do that sort of thing any more.
Got those blushes cataloged?
I’ll see if I can find the file!
http://skin-horse.com/2012/things-the/ (I left a comment on this one giving my count as 11 *sigh*)
Imperfectly, and I tried posting the list that I have as URLs and the comment system ate it.
All skin-horse dot com slash …
2008 slash but-it-always – #1
2009 slash with-further-information – #2
2009 slash is-strictly-classified – #3?
2009 slash of-national-security – I listed this as #3 but actually #4?
comic slash todays-comic-353 – #6?
2012 slash things-the – #11?
2012 slash experiments-and
2012 slash behind-his
Apparently you quit keeping track after 2012, cuz I found a more recent one…
Thanks, yeah I did.
OK, this time for sure. Ginny blushes #30.
See above, and
comic slash todays-comic-71 – #5
comic slash todays-comic-845 – #7
comic slash todays-comic-934 – #8
comic slash to-the-larger – #9
comic slash society-but – #10
2012 slash experiments-and #12
2012 slash behind-his – not counting as it seems to be the same blush as the previous strip
comic slash would-try-to-2 – #13
comic slash 01252013 – #14
comic slash eventualities-came – #15
comic slash have-an-old – #16
comic slash unity-bounced-2 – #17
comic slash out-the – #18
comic slash found-her – #19
comic slash down-and – #20
comic slash 2013-11-05 – #21
comic slash 2013-11-07 – #22
comic slash two-additional-copies – #23
comic slash note-on-each – #24
comic slash a-fancy-drink – #25
comic slash robot-attack – #26
comic slash use-it-to – #27
comic slash besides-what – #28
comic slash 2018-08-31-once-upon – doesn’t count. Angry flush, not a blush.
comic slash wow-said-unity – #29
Poor Nick, this can’t be fun.
I dunno, I’m trying to imagine the reverse situation.
If I got hit by a bus, and was basically in a coma, and then I woke up in a robot body, I’d absolutely be disoriented and freaked out, but if the person I cared about most was right there with me telling me it was necessary to keep me alive, and that they were going to put me back in my normal body soon, and I knew they were telling the truth because they were a super genius who I would trust my life with, I’d immediately be okay with the situation and just immediately move right on to adapting to my weird new circumstance vis-a-vis my temporary body.
So unless Nick’s response here is almost entirely to do with embarassment over Virginia seeing him naked (I simply would not have such a reaction in such a circumstance, but I can understand he might), then I simply don’t understand what’s troubling him.
Then you my friend have never experienced dismorphia/disphoria. If I had the chance to leave my original body, and live in a body that really felt like mine for a time. Then got thrown back into my old body. . . Well, it would be better than dying, but not by much.
I guess some people are just more flexible about their sense of their own physicality / have their identity and sense of self less dependent on their body. But at the same time, I thought Nick of all people shared that attribute with me.
I find it very odd that Nick has previously shown basically zero symptoms of, or tendencies toward, dismorphia for the entire strip thus far, but now – if your argument is correct – he suddenly is, entirely out of the blue.
I mean, he started out being someone who lived almost entirely online, and who could fail to realize that weeks or months had passed since someone last knocked on his door, instead thinking they had just been there recently. He didn’t even notice that he had been implanted into a VR simulation of his crummy apartment, because he had already stratified his sense of self into the internet so deeply.
When he found out he was in a helicopter drone body, he didn’t panic or freak out, he just accepted it as fact, and really only worried about the idea that he was going to be treated as property of the military – effectively enslaved. He quickly and easily fell into thinking of himself as a helicopter, without any real mental trauma.
He also switched back to a human body with equal ease. He piloted the Violet Bee drone with no real difficulty, and he also took humanoid form in VR when dealing with the Whimsy mind control systems. At no point did he express more than mild surprise or disorientation at the change – and then, only when it happened unexpectedly, as in the case when Panoptica rendered him in human form in psychic projection without warning him at all.
It really is entirely out of character for Nick to be upset about being in a human form again, given all the body swapping he does without issue.
So I really have to assume it’s actually the fact that he’s embarassed about being seen naked.
Spending your entire life online is a pretty common way of dealing with dysphoria (especially before you realise what it is).
He had a choice to keep the drone (and all the Dr Lee romatic advantages of it). He didn’t.
And he was very, very pissed at Panoptica for mis-rendering him as a human (perhaps because it was an aspect of her human-centric bigotry, but also that it wasn’t his choice.)
That’s the thing, though- when Nick was human, he spent all of that time neglecting and disowning the fact that he *was* human. Being a personality and intellect on the other side of a computer was an escape from his misery and loneliness, but it was also a dream he chased. Virginia and Project Whirligig gave that to him, literally, before he could even articulate it. He was a ghost in a machine, and that machine was more comfortable than his flesh ever was. And the drone was a waldo, a remote controlled toy he could use. But now, from his perspective, he’s been ripped out of his body and trapped in a bag of meat. Of course he’s pissed.
I was assuming it was a combination of shock and realizing he’s basically naked in front of several ladies.
Dr Lee said she didn’t think she could remove the swear filter or overrides without damaging him. Obviously, Dr Jones wasn’t going to put up with either of them.
I would say she did it the easy way, and just installed a swear synthesizer over the top of the censored speech, but he isn’t calling anybody a honkey-ass cracker.
I loved the fact how everyone here takes ‘cloning is easier and simpler’ statement as something completely normal.
A standalone solution would require coming up with both the structure and the functional system. With cloning, you just need to convince the structure to create itself, and it creates its own functional systems (without incompatibility issues, no less!).
Well, let’s think about it a bit. Nick had a life support system that supplied oxygen and nutrients to his brain, while removing metabolic wastes. It did this apparently without requiring any maintenance whatsoever — no battery recharges or changes, no filter changes; no nutrient packs being replaced (it’s possible that there was a small amount of maintenance done by Dr. Lee, but it’s never mentioned). In addition, this life support system had some sort of high-speed data integration with the VR system & the helicopter sensor and control electronics.
So Nick’s brain would need the life support system, plus senses and some sort of mobility.
The trouble is, Tigerlily is a Mad. If you gave her the above specs in her current state, she might well be able to whip up something reasonable — but it’s also possible that she would whip up something that looked like an ostrich crossed with a centipede on psychedelics.
Going with “human body” is way simpler than keeping a Mad to specs.
Dr. Lee might also have some subtle, unstated, and possibly unconscious motivations, including guilt, and romantic and erotic longings.
From her remarks above, her only feelings of guilt are that she couldn’t get him back in the chopper (and probably that she couldn’t prevent his being removed from it in the first place).
It would appear that Ira was quite unsuccessful in making her feel guilty for taking him out of the meat back in Groom Lake.
I think she could well have residual guilt over the initial actions as well. Just because the victim is happy about the results of the crime does not mean that a crime was not committed.
This could be seen as partly a do-over setup to assuage that guilt — now he would (presumably) consent to brain-schlorping and embedding in the Osprey. Of course, the romantic urges might lead to her suggesting some sort of compromise solution (staying human enough to be with her, but cyborg enough to control the machine).
Tigerlily didn’t create his body. She created a cloning machine, and the cloning machine grew him a replacement body based on the brain’s existing DNA.
What makes this mad science? Simple. I assume it was entirely spring-driven.
What makes it Mad science is that ordinarily it should take as long to grow an adult clone as it does to grow a natural adult body. Only through the impossibility of Mad science can one be whipped up in just a few hours.
… I mean yeah but with springs.
The springs don’t make it Mad… They make it funky!
I love that the simplest method of life support is CLONING AN ENTIRE NEW BODY!
That’s definitely mad science at it’s best.
The body is the simplest method of life support.
The creating of it, on the other hand…
Also the simplest method of immortality, assuming you have someone who’s good at brain extraction oh HI THERE Dr. Lee!
Otakubouzu, Golnor, Well, yes. IRL, the problem with any variation of cyborg technology has consistently been the flesh/machine interface. And in particular, any form of “brain-in-a-bottle” meant to be mobile, would need to be big enough not just for the brain, but for the life-support and interfaces.
In this universe, dealing with such picky issues is too boring for Mad Scientists. But one consistent ability that Mads in full flow have shown, is to take something that “ought” to require months or years, and produce it in minutes… say, growing a new body.
He hated his body? That’s, interesting.
He’s a helicopter now remember?
Nick fully identifies as the helicopter and not as a human.
He identified as a copter when the alternative was to be a total catsitter of a human. Nick *might* feel differently now. It does seem from the comic that he feels like being a copter has made it impossible for him to feel able to publicly express his feelings for Virginia.
Thinking of it as I washed the breakfast dishes… I’m not an expert on bioethics by any means, but it occurs to me that Nick did not make an informed, free choice to become a helicopter; he instead was kidnapped and forced to become one, and then decided to be at peace with it. To even enjoy it, because it offered advantages — starting with ‘being allowed to live.’ It couldn’t get resolved previously, because the original body was destroyed(?); but since Tigerlily and Virginia apparently COULD produce a functional identical copy to his body, I would argue that they were pretty much ethically obliged to do so.
But if Nick wants to be a copter again, cool.
Mm, this could actually clears up the ethics rather a lot.
If, given the opportunity to have a (presumably functional) organic body, he still would rather have the mechanical one, that carries more weight than when he was comfortable with it but didn’t realistically have any other option.
Moe Lane: This latest episode has probably reminded Nick of a side of Virginia which isn’t all that likeable.
The best thing now, assuming that he’s well enough to walk around without support, would probably be to find him some clothes and give him some space to talk to people who weren’t involved.
I agree with both of those.
‘Course, Nick’s going to probably want to talk to a mental health professional that understands all this stuff, and the closest one available is… Tip.
Only problem there is that now Nick is human again, Skin Horse has no jurisdiction! But then, they’ve gone rogue already…
@s854: If you’re right about this reminding him of an unlikable aspect of Virginia, I would say that rather than talking to people who weren’t involved, he should really talk one-on-one with Virginia.
You can’t clear up any misunderstandings about a person by talking to someone else, because then your misunderstandings would just be complicated by their misunderstandings. The only way to resolve anything with someone is by talking to them directly.
But given that Shaenon said that Nick’s troubles are just beginning, I’m guessing that that is not what he’s going to do.
Never been convinced that his saying he was a helicopter made him a helicopter.
“Old Ebenezar, thought he was Julius Caesar, so they put him in a ho-o-ome.” That song was sooo 1950s. These days, anyone who didn’t greet him with an “Ave, Imperator” would be charged with hate speech.
But they gave him Medicinal Compound, and now he’s emperor of Rome. So it all worked out.
By the way, being dead like a normal bastard hasn’t been too helpful to a lot of people in this strip. Look at Zombie Ben Franklin. So continually harassed he took to calling himself Dan.
I am not zombie Ben Franklin, I keep telling you!
Zombie Ben Franklin wasn’t dead like a normal bastard either. Normal bastards (not like we actually meet many of them in this comic), when they die, they’re just dead.
“Not Aunt Lucy. She was a Republican.” —Bob Hope, “The Road to Morocco.”
…That triggered a twenty minute ramble through Wikipedia.
Incidentally, I can fully understand that Nick, being a severe introvert who has just come out of sensory deprivation, feeling that a loud, cheerful extrovert being loud and cheerful about his genitalia in front of someone for whom he has romantic and erotic feelings, is a fate worse than death.
I think that’s the dysphoria, actually.
Not only that, he has a Twitch session due in an hour.
Star crossed lovers; a man fated to live, and a woman fated to remove his brain… twice.
Tragedy, wrapped in love; self-loathing, wrapped in tragedy; and all of it tied up with a pretty green and red ribbon of mad science.
Nick seems to have a significant amount of shoulder muscle. Once he really looks at his new body, he may like it better.
It just looks like he has a lot of muscle because he has his head down and his arms up. That makes the shoulders appear more pronounced.
Is it still a common slang? Like can I use it in casual conversation and expect people to get it?
I think that anyone who works in a restaurant will get it. (I didn’t even notice it, myself; just took it for granted.) Beyond that, I dunno.
I’ve only met one person in all my years who didn’t know what it meant when I’ve used it.
Like Carl said, I didn’t even notice it. I actually had to scroll back up to see where it was used.
You call yourself a helicopter,
Well, you know,
We all know that you’re a nerd.
You tell us it is right and proper,
Well, you know,
We all know that you’re a nerd.
But when you wish for your destruction,
Don’t you know that we won’t count you out.
Don’t you know you’re gonna be
All right…all right…all right.
You talk of how you were a chopper,
Well, you know,
You should take this like a man.
You’ve lost your skill to turboprop her,
Well, you know,
You’re not looking at the plan.
You think it’s not funny when caught in a twist of fate.
All we can tell you, Zerhakker, now you can date.
Don’t you know you’re gonna be
All right…all right…all right.
You just became a body swapper
Well, you know,
We all want to change your brain.
You’re acting like you’ve come a-cropper,
Well, you know,
We all think that you’re insane.
‘Cause if you don’t think of what’s gotta be
You ain’t gonna make it with Dr. Virginia Lee.
Don’t you know you’re gonna be
All right…all right…all right…
Alright! Alright! Alright!
Alright! Alright! Alright!
Alright! Alright! Alright!
All right…all right!
—from “Revolution,” The Beatles.
So it’s finally come to this. Hippie music repurposed to literally diss a fictional internet nerd’s choice to self-identify as an attack helicopter.
One generation’s protest songs are another generation’s sneaker ad. They’re all on their way to being nursery rhymes.
…I just want to hug him.
Well “normal bastard” not “ordinary schmuck”? Does this have significance? (But perhaps this is not the time to speak of schmucks…)
Maybe somewhere along the line he found out that his parents weren’t married when they had him. And this is the first we’re hearing about it because he literally couldn’t say the word “bastard” while a helicopter.
“How’s it hangin’ ?”
“Short, shriveled and always to the left.”
…what? Jim Carrey was good back then