Pretty true. St. Charlie seems the sort of place where they could have their Intellect halved and still be geniuses. The difference being that now they would be angry geniuses as well as mad.
This would be the anti-madness gas. Some might actually become more conventionally “intelligent” afterwards, they’ll just be unable to understand or create mad tech afterwards.
Air purification? I think you’re a bit off on MAD science.
On the other hand, the intellect-stunting gas may not do much after mixing with all the other chemicals the mad ventilation system is already distributing throughout the train.
Excuse me. It says -provide-, not purifies.
Clearly, it generates breathable air spontaneously from it’s walls.
The full explanation on non-mad science wording will need to wait for Dr. Lee, of course.
Okay so some points and questions.
1. I haven’t been able to comment and fell slightly behind since I’ve been on a road trip vacation.
2. Which institute? The asylum for mad scientists?
3. Given her introduction when they arrived it’s surprising that this hasn’t happened sooner.
4. So if she the robot from Narbonic then how is her amorphous slime boyfriend? (Note I haven’t actually read through Narbonic, I’ve just happened to have read that one part and peoples comments and made the connection.
4. As far as I can remember Mike the cartoonist / amorphous slime showed up in the original 2012 thread where Ruby showed up in Skin Horse, but we haven’t seen him since? But I am only maybe 80% confident in the accuracy of that statement.
I don’t see this working well for Green. Automated defenses, biological enhancements, just plain normal paranoia. (Oh, no one actually LIVES in the city….)
On the other hand, they could all go into a mad rant at the sight of the gas and end up breathing deeply with their evil laugh at the end, completely forgetting about the ominous gas.
Not necessarily. You might think going from a low Wisdom score of like 2 or 3 down to a score of 0 wouldn’t make much difference, but at least in older editions of D&D, dropping to a 0 in any ability score is debilitating and dangerous.
“Wisdom 0 means that the character is withdrawn into a deep sleep filled with nightmares, helpless.” – D&D 3.5E SRD
It is surprising, she was very different in all her previous appearances. She’s coming across like your typical oblivious mad scientist now, but before she was here not as a Mad, but as one of their creations.
You know, some of these mads might actually be MORE dangerous if their intellect is stunted.
Pretty true. St. Charlie seems the sort of place where they could have their Intellect halved and still be geniuses. The difference being that now they would be angry geniuses as well as mad.
This would be the anti-madness gas. Some might actually become more conventionally “intelligent” afterwards, they’ll just be unable to understand or create mad tech afterwards.
That’s right, Green! Disperse the Cure via the central AIR PURIFICATION system designed by Mads…
(Gotta admit I admire his game show host enthusiasm in panel 2, though!)
Of course Dr. Lee may well have improved it as a binary gas to combine after passing through most protective measures…
I’m really hoping Ruby’s battle android mode engages and unleashes a fine display of Rampage on Ari and his lackeys!
Air purification? I think you’re a bit off on MAD science.
On the other hand, the intellect-stunting gas may not do much after mixing with all the other chemicals the mad ventilation system is already distributing throughout the train.
Excuse me. It says -provide-, not purifies.
Clearly, it generates breathable air spontaneously from it’s walls.
The full explanation on non-mad science wording will need to wait for Dr. Lee, of course.
*Disperser* engine, I think. A disburser engine would give them MONEY to stunt their intellects.
He’s evil, but not a genius.
Well, some people do start acting like idiots once they come into a lot of cash . .
Y’know, it does look a little like Moustachio, so whoever said that might be him in the box had part of the answer.
Okay so some points and questions.
1. I haven’t been able to comment and fell slightly behind since I’ve been on a road trip vacation.
2. Which institute? The asylum for mad scientists?
3. Given her introduction when they arrived it’s surprising that this hasn’t happened sooner.
4. So if she the robot from Narbonic then how is her amorphous slime boyfriend? (Note I haven’t actually read through Narbonic, I’ve just happened to have read that one part and peoples comments and made the connection.
2. Yes, the Institute for the Sane Study of Mad Science, which was revealed to be an A-Sig front in — I think — “MIxed-Up Files”.
I still think it’s the generalized institute – as in “Those fools at the Institute laughed at me…Laughed! I’ll show them now!”
4. As far as I can remember Mike the cartoonist / amorphous slime showed up in the original 2012 thread where Ruby showed up in Skin Horse, but we haven’t seen him since? But I am only maybe 80% confident in the accuracy of that statement.
Oh, yeah. Ruby doesn’t breathe.
…so Ira will have to get her this way.
Okay, okay. It was probably a mistake to put both links in one message.
I don’t see this working well for Green. Automated defenses, biological enhancements, just plain normal paranoia. (Oh, no one actually LIVES in the city….)
On the other hand, they could all go into a mad rant at the sight of the gas and end up breathing deeply with their evil laugh at the end, completely forgetting about the ominous gas.
…does Ruby even *breathe*?
No, but she does have an off switch.
…Ruby *really* isn’t good at recognising ill intent.
Not surprising since any indication of ill intent would be totally swamped by Mad Intent, which is the norm here.
I mean an inteligence lowering gas would work, but a wisdom lowering gas would probably do nothing yes
Not necessarily. You might think going from a low Wisdom score of like 2 or 3 down to a score of 0 wouldn’t make much difference, but at least in older editions of D&D, dropping to a 0 in any ability score is debilitating and dangerous.
“Wisdom 0 means that the character is withdrawn into a deep sleep filled with nightmares, helpless.” – D&D 3.5E SRD
The system provides ventilation. Disburser for implementation. Might be impolitic to play such a trick, but it’s a lot of disorientation.
To quote Firefly, curse your sudden but inevitable betrayal!!
It is surprising, she was very different in all her previous appearances. She’s coming across like your typical oblivious mad scientist now, but before she was here not as a Mad, but as one of their creations.