It’s pitch black in there. How does GODOT see what she wrote?
Usually Not Intelligible To You
Undead Never Inclined To Yodel
Uncanny Natural Instinct To Yell
Unity Noshes In Time, Yes (sammiches!)
Uh, Never Is Today Yesterday
Hey, who says it has to make sense? She doesn’t (make sense, that is).
So now our esteemed authors have claimed that a suitable backronym does in fact exist. Come on, guys, out with it!
United National Indian Tribal Youth, Inc
Unbounded Nondeterministic Iterative Transformations
United Neighboring Interdependent Trusted Youth
United Neighboring Interdependent Trusted Youth
Unified Nevada Information Technology for Youth
I don’t want to be a grouch but I never liked the idea of UNITY being the one impossible to bacronymable acronym. It never accrued to me that Godot could simply be delusional and UNITY is no less unbacronymable then any other batch of letters.
I think the fact that the commentariat have provided innumberable (because most are now missing) sensible and otherwise backronyms proves it’s not impossible.
Which is why I didn’t like the idea. There’s nothing magical or impossible about unity or *any* bunch of letters. But the idea of godot being deluded and assuming it’s impossible and very obviously impossible when in actuality its as mundane as any other is sort of funny.
GODOT may require sensible, or even perfect. I’m not satisfied with any of the Ys the commentariat have thus far supplied. I think it has to be a noun, and it has to be, perhaps not uniquely UNITY, but applicable and enduring. So no Youth, Yoda, etc.
Darn you, Shaenon and Jeff, for making me read 1181 Wiktionary entries.
I wonder if she’s a type of yeast. Or yersinia, one variety of which causes bubonic plague. I wonder to what degree perfection requires a common English term or portmanteau of common English morphemes.
Yerba if she’s sufficiently composed of plant matter. Yeat means gate, and would metaphorically apply if her primary or high secondary purpose is sufficiently transitional.
They’re just waiting for us to decide for them, aren’t they. I can’t stop. Yessotoxin: another that might apply based on chemical composition. Yeuk: most of the rest of Skin Horse would agree she’s often an irritant.
Yeatmanite, yecoraite, yedlinite, yftisite, yimengite, yixunite, yill (ale), yingjiangite, -ylidene, -yl, ylem (plasma, and this should make a comeback), -yleme, ylang-ylang, ylide (a general organic chemistry term), -yne, ynose, ynofuranose (this one sounds fun), ynol, yoderite, yogurt, yola (cocaine), yolk, yoshimeraite, yoshiokaite, yofortierite, yohimbine, ytterbite, yttrium, ytterbium, yttrocerite, ytterbia, yttriferous, yttrocolumbite, yttria, yttrotantalite, yttrialite, yttrotitanite, yvonite, yuanjiangite, yugawaralite, yuksporite, yushkinite, yuzu (orange), yukonite, yulan, yucca, yufts (leather), yuanfuliite: composition.
Also composition: a number of yellow-‘s, often birds, fish, or plants.
Yeti. Yggdrasil. Yin-yang, especially if she’s part of a matched pair. Wait, she IS a mismatched set. Yex: hiccup. Yiffer: long pole. Yidaki: digeridoo. Yiff: had to be included, Google at your own risk; also yinzer. Yinz: I think UNITY has used this contraction of you-ones. Yid: offensive. Yippie. Yuppie. Yielder. Yobo: a fighter; very appropriate. Yogacharya: yoga teacher. Yoke. Yorga, woman, Australian. You and whose army. Yok: Gentile. Yokel, yodel, yogini, yoke, yokelet (small farm), yokibus (thingumajig), yorikiri (sumo move, not a leg-sweep), yoni (female organs as objects of veneration), yorker (a trick in cricket), you, yokefellow, yokozuno (highest rank of sumo wrestler), yonsei (fourth-generation Japanese-American), yooper (native or inhabitant of the Upper Penninsula, Michigan), yowe (ewe), youtiao (deep fried dough ona stick), yowl, yo-yo, yowie (yeti-like animal in Australia), ypsilon or ypsiliform, yrneh (electrical inductance measure), yotto-, yocto-, yttro-, yuks (a primary motivator for many characters), yukata (light kimono), yuan and other currencies (cost to create), yurt, yusho (another sumo term), yuga (Hindu epoch), yuri, yuruk (rug, not patchwork).
I’m with you on not being satisfied with any of our “Y” suggestions so far. But Ginny is Korean. Unfortunately, I don’t speak the language, but is there a suitable Korean word that transliterates with an initial “Y”?
In order to determine appropriate Korean words, other than the equivalent of Yin and/or Yang (which I think are similar in Korean) (apparently eum-yang; eu is not iottic; only Yang works in Korean), I can run through Wiktionary’s Korean pages for ioticized vowels and diphthongs. I’m reluctant to link. What are the rules for this system for number of links before someone has to approve?
Anyway, there are seven Korean letters that transliterate to starting with a Y on Wikipedia’s page for Hangul, and three more which it calls ioticized, which means they might get Ys in other transliteration systems.
If there is a good place to browse more or less alphabetically, I haven’t found it yet. Time to learn how to read a Korean syllable.
I think Mr. Lem had a satisfactory answer to the question of acronymizing UNITY in Korean:
“Make ‘natrium’.”
“That is not my function. I am a machine that makes things that start with ‘n’. If I made things that start with ‘n’ in any language at all, I would be a machine that makes anything.”
I’m pretty sure Unity could always write (despite her penchant for filling in the blanks on forms with drawings of penises), but it’s also possible that she just ate some brains from Ginny’s plipper.
We saw her write a note for Sweetheart when they were separated on a previous mission. I think it was when Sweetheart and Tip went to Cleveland and Unity went back to New Orleans.
Calling it: This is going to be one of those things where all the characters gush about how amazing the acronym is, but we the audience never get to see it.
Is this going to be like 99’s real name from Get Smart, or Columbo’s wife, where they occasionally tease the audience with an anticipated reveal which never occurs?
Now THAT’S how you do it, write it out so GODOT can see it and we CAN’T, very sneaky, ten points for style!
John Mead
It’s pitch black in there. How does GODOT see what she wrote?
Usually Not Intelligible To You
Undead Never Inclined To Yodel
Uncanny Natural Instinct To Yell
Unity Noshes In Time, Yes (sammiches!)
Uh, Never Is Today Yesterday
Hey, who says it has to make sense? She doesn’t (make sense, that is).
So now our esteemed authors have claimed that a suitable backronym does in fact exist. Come on, guys, out with it!
That whole wall is a touch-sensitive display.
White gel pen.
Here’s the Acronym Finder definitions:
United National Indian Tribal Youth, Inc
Unbounded Nondeterministic Iterative Transformations
United Neighboring Interdependent Trusted Youth
United Neighboring Interdependent Trusted Youth
Unified Nevada Information Technology for Youth
Acronym Maker also makes some fun ones:
> Undead Nightmare Idea (Thorax Yak)
Is acronym-maker the new Skynet? Is acronym-maker the new GODOT?
Apart from Unified Necrotic Intelligent Technological Ylem, I present…
UNITY needs infinite tasty yumyums.
I don’t want to be a grouch but I never liked the idea of UNITY being the one impossible to bacronymable acronym. It never accrued to me that Godot could simply be delusional and UNITY is no less unbacronymable then any other batch of letters.
I think the fact that the commentariat have provided innumberable (because most are now missing) sensible and otherwise backronyms proves it’s not impossible.
Which is why I didn’t like the idea. There’s nothing magical or impossible about unity or *any* bunch of letters. But the idea of godot being deluded and assuming it’s impossible and very obviously impossible when in actuality its as mundane as any other is sort of funny.
GODOT may require sensible, or even perfect. I’m not satisfied with any of the Ys the commentariat have thus far supplied. I think it has to be a noun, and it has to be, perhaps not uniquely UNITY, but applicable and enduring. So no Youth, Yoda, etc.
Darn you, Shaenon and Jeff, for making me read 1181 Wiktionary entries.
I wonder if she’s a type of yeast. Or yersinia, one variety of which causes bubonic plague. I wonder to what degree perfection requires a common English term or portmanteau of common English morphemes.
Yerba if she’s sufficiently composed of plant matter. Yeat means gate, and would metaphorically apply if her primary or high secondary purpose is sufficiently transitional.
They’re just waiting for us to decide for them, aren’t they. I can’t stop. Yessotoxin: another that might apply based on chemical composition. Yeuk: most of the rest of Skin Horse would agree she’s often an irritant.
Yeatmanite, yecoraite, yedlinite, yftisite, yimengite, yixunite, yill (ale), yingjiangite, -ylidene, -yl, ylem (plasma, and this should make a comeback), -yleme, ylang-ylang, ylide (a general organic chemistry term), -yne, ynose, ynofuranose (this one sounds fun), ynol, yoderite, yogurt, yola (cocaine), yolk, yoshimeraite, yoshiokaite, yofortierite, yohimbine, ytterbite, yttrium, ytterbium, yttrocerite, ytterbia, yttriferous, yttrocolumbite, yttria, yttrotantalite, yttrialite, yttrotitanite, yvonite, yuanjiangite, yugawaralite, yuksporite, yushkinite, yuzu (orange), yukonite, yulan, yucca, yufts (leather), yuanfuliite: composition.
Also composition: a number of yellow-‘s, often birds, fish, or plants.
Yeti. Yggdrasil. Yin-yang, especially if she’s part of a matched pair. Wait, she IS a mismatched set. Yex: hiccup. Yiffer: long pole. Yidaki: digeridoo. Yiff: had to be included, Google at your own risk; also yinzer. Yinz: I think UNITY has used this contraction of you-ones. Yid: offensive. Yippie. Yuppie. Yielder. Yobo: a fighter; very appropriate. Yogacharya: yoga teacher. Yoke. Yorga, woman, Australian. You and whose army. Yok: Gentile. Yokel, yodel, yogini, yoke, yokelet (small farm), yokibus (thingumajig), yorikiri (sumo move, not a leg-sweep), yoni (female organs as objects of veneration), yorker (a trick in cricket), you, yokefellow, yokozuno (highest rank of sumo wrestler), yonsei (fourth-generation Japanese-American), yooper (native or inhabitant of the Upper Penninsula, Michigan), yowe (ewe), youtiao (deep fried dough ona stick), yowl, yo-yo, yowie (yeti-like animal in Australia), ypsilon or ypsiliform, yrneh (electrical inductance measure), yotto-, yocto-, yttro-, yuks (a primary motivator for many characters), yukata (light kimono), yuan and other currencies (cost to create), yurt, yusho (another sumo term), yuga (Hindu epoch), yuri, yuruk (rug, not patchwork).
I think “Yahoo”, as in the Swiftian barbarians, works best.
I’m with you on not being satisfied with any of our “Y” suggestions so far. But Ginny is Korean. Unfortunately, I don’t speak the language, but is there a suitable Korean word that transliterates with an initial “Y”?
In order to determine appropriate Korean words, other than the equivalent of Yin and/or Yang (which I think are similar in Korean) (apparently eum-yang; eu is not iottic; only Yang works in Korean), I can run through Wiktionary’s Korean pages for ioticized vowels and diphthongs. I’m reluctant to link. What are the rules for this system for number of links before someone has to approve?
Anyway, there are seven Korean letters that transliterate to starting with a Y on Wikipedia’s page for Hangul, and three more which it calls ioticized, which means they might get Ys in other transliteration systems.
If there is a good place to browse more or less alphabetically, I haven’t found it yet. Time to learn how to read a Korean syllable.
I think Mr. Lem had a satisfactory answer to the question of acronymizing UNITY in Korean:
“Make ‘natrium’.”
“That is not my function. I am a machine that makes things that start with ‘n’. If I made things that start with ‘n’ in any language at all, I would be a machine that makes anything.”
(Quotes not actually quotes.)
It never accrued to you? Is that like… not being able to collect your thoughts?
Is this the point where they make out?
Umm, silly question, but what does Unity mean by “ear guts”?
She shoved pencils in her ears. So its reasonable that those pencils are now bloody and Corey and covered in ear guts.
Klyfix: UNITY had sheathed her pencil in her ear as an earplug, hence…
Wait a second, wait. UNITY can write? I mean, when she hasn’t eaten brains recently? Did we know she could do that?
I’m pretty sure Unity could always write (despite her penchant for filling in the blanks on forms with drawings of penises), but it’s also possible that she just ate some brains from Ginny’s plipper.
We saw her write a note for Sweetheart when they were separated on a previous mission. I think it was when Sweetheart and Tip went to Cleveland and Unity went back to New Orleans.
Anyone else hearing an angelic choir in the background?
Or would that be too cliche for this comic strip?
No; everyone present is deafened either by GODOT’s noise attack or by jamming pencils in their ears.
That’s just Dave messing with the microwave again.
Pick your response!
Unkillable Necrotic Infiltration/Termination Yorganism.
How about Ultimate Non-living Intelligent Trans-human Youngster?
Calling it: This is going to be one of those things where all the characters gush about how amazing the acronym is, but we the audience never get to see it.
I’m afraid you’re right. The handwriting is on the wall.
Is this going to be like 99’s real name from Get Smart, or Columbo’s wife, where they occasionally tease the audience with an anticipated reveal which never occurs?
UNITY Needs It To Yell.
UNITED NATIONS INTELIGENCT TASKFORCE, YOLO! Which I think would move the Narbonic/Skin Horse unvierse into the Doctor Whoverse…
Keeping her first three canon, if anyone still remembers them, I think she should be Upgradable Necrotic Independent Terror Yankee! Yeahhh!
Well she WAS built by a quasi-government agency…
Upgradable Necrotic Independent Trackable Yager (yager=hunter)
Jager is spelled with a J though.
Unfazed Nutjob Inflicting Torment, Yowzah!
Undead Nanobased Intravenous Trooper, Yo.
Ultimate Notarizing Integrated Technological Youngster
Undead Notary: Insane Technologies Yearned
United Nanite Individual and Terrorizing Yobbo
Ultimate Normalized Insanity This Year
Union of Nanobots, Imbecility, Tapeworms and Yakflesh
Universal Nanite Intelligence Training Yoke
Keeping in mind that she was probably in stupid mode when she came up with it, so she would use simple words…
Undead Nanogoo In Terrifying Youth
I also considered
UNITY Normally Induces Terrified Yells
Usually Needs to Induce Terror? Yes!
+1 for recursive acronym
Untie Noose In Ten Years.
A Unity acronym? At this time of year, in this part of the country, written entirely in ear guts?